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I had just arrived thinking he was already back, bu his car wasn't anywhere, which means he hasn't got back home either and it's just 4:15pm. I will freshen up, pray asr and start to make dinner then...

Upon entering, Maimuna hurriedly rushed to the door to welcome me like she has been waiting for my arrival. "Aunty kin dawo!" (Aunt your back?) I sent her a slight nod and taking my steps to my room.

I had asked her to boil me some meet from the refrigerator and blend me the tomatoes and peppers, I know for sure that today's dinner is nothing less than rice and stew. She nodded right away and got to work.

Coming out of shower, I dressed lightly cause this heat is something else, while praying I couldn't wait to take off my hijab even though the Ace was on. I came out to meet her in the kitchen making some salad, she has already per boiled the rice for me and it's left for me to do the rest.

While we were working and having a little conversation, I never asked about herself or her family because it doesn't really bother me, but today I felt the need to ask so as to know the person I am living with. "I lived in Kano!" She answered.

"Oh wow, how do you learn how to speak english?"

"I went to primary school, but I stopped in primary 5" she replied with her Hausa accent which actually fits her, from even the way she speaks shows how smart she could be. "If I get you a school, will you go?" I suggested but she was so excited that I called about school but then she changed moment later.

I wanted to ask her what happened but it looks like she was actually diverting from wanting to talk to me, so instead we cooked till around to 6pm and set the dinning table. I asked her to help me with the magic coal to blow out some incense and she did.

He hasn't arrived and I wanted to call him but I just don't want to sound like I am worried sick about that jerk instead Maimuna rushes to me.

"Aunty, Mai gida ya ce wai ya na hanya! (Your husband says his on his way) she reported.

On his way? Why is she the one delivering the message? Why didn't he call me.

"Where did he call from?"

"Oh from the landline, maybe he didn't know that you are at home!" She stated lowering her heads.

I scoff, he didn't know that I'm at home, he must be kidding me!

Immediately after magrib with few minutes, I heard his Salam and some guys voices echoing within the sitting room, I was done praying so I came out still with my hijab to find them seated on the couch. "Oh sannun ku da zuwa!" (Oh welcome!)

The two guys quickly set their gazes on me, I remember seeing them at the wedding but he never introduced me to his friends which I don't care much about.

"Yauwa Amaryar mu!" (Okay, our bride) all I did was smile while I set the dishes for them, I went on to meet Khalil to take his suit case asking him if he would take a shower before eating but he declined.

"Ku zo mu ci Abinci! (Come let's eat!") He calls his friends, so I turned on my heals to go when one of the guys asked if I would join them, I didn't know why I had to glance at Khalil who was starting to eat showing he doesn't accept and like hell why will I want to eat with his friends. "No, eat enough, I have mine reserved!" And I went out leaving them to eat.

Khalil POV

"Kash, this food is so delicious, no wonder you just dey grow fat and fair!" Faisal teased mouth full of cabbage.

"Must you always show your character?" Arif hissed.

"What, is this a new place?" Faisal wails still digging in, I know she must be mad at me for not calling her and telling her that I would come with my friends yet she acted like it doesn't matter.

"Your wife good!" Faisal sang.

We ate enough and watched some recent match yet she didn't come out to see if we were done, Maimuna was the one to clear the dishes. We spent like an hour before Isha prayer and after the prayer they were to leave. "Amaryar mu, toh za mu wuce!" Faisal yells to her hearing, I thought she won't come out but she did on a black hijab down to her ankle, I felt a sudden chill pass through me seeing her like this but she didn't even glare my side.

"Toh za ku wuce koh, mun gode sosai!" (Ohkay,you will be going right, we appreciate alot) She appreciates walking us out.

"We will come around some other time Amarya!" He says again while Arif tried to pulls him away.

She laughs, "ohkay, I didn't get your names?" She asked, why does she want to know their names. "I'm Faisal!" He quickly blunts.

"It's Arif!" Arif answered and she nodded to his name, "ohhh, He  sometimes use to call your name while making phone call, you guys work hard eh!" She asked facing me like she was expecting an answer but I didn't even say a beep.


"Alright enough, get home, mama will be worried sick about her sons?" I tried to pulls them away from her, they shouldn't get attached, not yet, not yet. They got into the car waving at her before she returns inside.

"She's not bad after all, I don't think she knows her father's motive?" Arif spoke. I sigh at his thoughts yet you won't know. "People are good at pretending though, we will talk tomorrow!" I said closing the passenger seat where Arif seats and Faisal was to drive in Arif's own car.

Ha! They are really crazy. I watch as he reverses and drove away, horning and I waved at them before returning inside. I stopped in track to see her eating on the dinning with just her plates and bottle water.

"Why are you eating now?" I asked.

"You didn't tell me your friends are coming, I gave them my share!" She answered.

Her share!

"Why? You didn't do it enough?"

She chuckles. "I did, but not enough for five people, I can handle myself, I don't eat much when I cook remember!" She mentions reminding me. Well she is right?

I gave her a slight nod and head to take a shower to get a hold of myself.

See ya, next week😁😁

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