The Storm

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Ceres POV

Ceres kept tossing and turning, having the same nightmare the screams of her people and the fate of her parents. However the dreams she is having more intense. Ever since the 'incident' at the colony her nightmares have gotten terribly worse.

Ceres looks around but only sees a hazy mist. She then sees a silhouette of a person in the distance. Ceres begins to walk towards it, "Hello? Is someone out there?"

The figure turned out to be her mother, but there was something different about her. "You broke your promise to me Ceres."

"I know mother, but Aang is safe. He's with people who I trust to protect him." Ceres says.

"Not that! I told you not to let him out, but you just had to loose your guard." Said Jaina

"It wasn't my fault mother." Ceres says.

"That's no excuse!" Jaina yells.

Ceres then began to see her father behind her mother emotionless.

Ceres slowly approaching them and tries to reach out to them, "Father?!"

"Always the sentimental one aren't you Ceres."

Ceres turns to see a large figure she hasn't seen for a long time.

"Why not be a dear and just LET GO."

"N0 no no no......" Ceres screams.

She wakes up in a cold sweat and breaths heavily.

"No no no....." Ceres smacks herself lightly. "I just need to focus and get it together."

She took a couple of deep breaths to try to calm herself down. She then lays back asleep on her bed and hopes that her nightmares don't get any worse.


Gang POV

Aang shaking Appa's reigns, smiling. Ceres is flying next to them with her Wasaga. Sokka flying gracefully on Aang's glider. Sokka, smiling at Aang, whom we see smiling at Sokka in return. Aang looks over to his right to see Katara flying on an enormous version of Momo. She waves at him.

"We need you, Aang." Says Katara.

" I need you too." says Aang.

Aang turns from Katara to look straight ahead in alarm. A huge, black storm cloud has gathered ahead.

"Be careful guys! Guys?" Aang shouts.

He looks from side to side in surprise, to reveal that Ceres, Sokka and Katara have disappeared.

Suddenly, a cross-legged Jaina and Monk Gyatso drops from the top of the frame to rest just above Appa's head.

"Mom? Gyatso?" Aang says.

"Aang. Why?" Jaina says with a sad face.

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