The Begining of an Unexpected Journey

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That was all Ceres could remember. She remembers chasing after Aang and then getting caught in a storm. She remembered getting caught under water and not breathing.

She opened her eyes very slowly, the bright light made her eyes squint. She looks around and sees that she was next to Appa, Aang's Flying Bison, who looked more exhausted then she did.

"Hey Appa, I bet you don't know what's going on do you?" Ceres asks. Appa roars in response.

All of a sudden she sees Aang jumping off from a pile of snow. A pile of snow.

"Appa! Are you all right? Wake up, buddy." He leans down and opens one of Appa's eyes. He closes it again. Aang hops down and tries to lift the animal's huge head, but without effect.

Appa occupies most of the crater left by the explosion. He is a huge flying bison with six legs and horns like a steer. He gets up and shakes himself off a bit.

Aang laughs, "Haha! You're okay!"

Ceres gets up in a sore state, "Sure, worry about the bison and not the older sister who is sore in a lot of places."

Aang looks at Ceres and smiles and airbends  charging towards his sister, knocking her over completely and hugging her tight. "Aang, I'm still hurting." Ceres says strained.

Aang lets go of her, "Sorry."


Zuko POV

A few minutes ago, Zuko was viewing at a bright light from the distance. "Finally."

He then turns to his uncle and cousin. "Uncle, Ren, do you realize what this means?"

Iroh was a middle aged man, who was sitting legs crossed at a low table, drinking tea and playing a game involving domino like objects.

Ren was a fifteen year old girl, wearing a red face mask and had shoulder length hair. She had scars all over her arms and one going across her face. She had two different colored eyes, one being yellow and the other grey. She was leaning from the ship beside from Iroh with her two pair of sais as weapons and she was sharpening them.

"I won't get to finish my game?" Iroh says having no reaction to the light.

"It means my search - it's about to come to an end." Zuko says as he turns back to the light.

Ren sighs, knowing where this was going. Zuko turns to them again, "That light came from an incredibly powerful source. It has to be him!"

"Or it's just the celestial lights. We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko. I don't want you to get too excited over nothing." Iroh places down a domino on top of another one. Then looks back at Zuko, "Please, sit. Why don't you enjoy a cup of calming jasmine tea?"

Zuko turn and yells and explodes in anger, "I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar." He then looks up at the helmsman. "Helmsman, head a course for the light!"

Ren then glares at Zuko and puts her sais on her holster and mutters sarcastically, "Ya, you don't need any calming tea."

Iroh then stands up and places a hand on her shoulder. "Patients Ren, you know how he is once he sees a first sign of hope."

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