The Southern Air Temple

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Iroh POV

It was early in the morning, Iroh had just set up a table set full of tea. He knew everyone on the ship were sleeping and the only ones who were up was he and the person steering the ship.

Iroh sits himself down and pours himself a cup of tea and quietly drinks it. He then hears footsteps quickly coming from behind him. "Right on time, as usual."

Iroh turns to see a woman dressed all in black and her face covered. She then looks to see the damage of the ship. "I see that you had a bit of action lately."

"Yes, we most certainly did." Iroh says as he sipped his tea.

"You must tell me all the thrilling details." As the women picks up a cup of tea.


Ceres POV

Ceres meditates on top on Appa's head, thinking about everything that's happened for the past couple of days. 'What had happened the past hundred of years and what happened to her people?'

Aang on the other hand, was exited about returning home. He was literally jumping for joy about the ideas. "Wait 'til you see it, Katara. The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world."

"Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home." Katara says cautiously.

Ceres opens her eyes to continue to hear more of the conversation.

"That's why I'm so excited!" says Aang.

"It's just that a lot can change in all that time." Katara says almost worryingly.

"I know, but I need to see it for myself." Aang floats down from Appa's back and walks over to Sokka, who is snoring peacefully in his sleeping bag on the ground.

"Wake up, Sokka! Air Temple here we come!" Aang says in joy.

Sokka awakens, making groggy noises. "Sleep now... temple later..."

A mischievous grin spreads over Aang's face as he gets an idea. Aang picks up a stick as Katara and Ceres watches from atop Appa's back. "Sokka! Wake up!" He begins to run the stick up and down Sokka's sleeping bag. "There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!"

Sokka wakes up startled, "Aaahhh! Get it off! Get it off! Aaahhh!"

Sokka hops around in his sleeping bag until he loses his balance and falls flat on his face. Katara and Ceres laugh at him. Sokka looks very irritated.

"Great! You're awake. Let's go" says in as he hops on Appa's back getting ready to leave.

Ceres took the an opportunity to talk to Katara. "Hey Katara, can I have a quick word with you before we go?"

Katara nods as the two of them walk away from Appa. Ceres crosses her arms and looks down almost in sadness. "What do you want to talk about?" asked Katara.

" I wanted to ask what we're walking into? Aang and I haven't been home in 100 years, and yet your GranGran has never seen in Airbender in her life and  Zuko mentioned on his ship that we were 'all alone' in this." Ceres looks back on Aang to make sure he wasn't listening. "I know Aang, and he won't except it even if it's from me, but nod if we might be the last of the Air Nation."

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