The Cave of Two Lovers

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The gang was residing in a small lake among a waterfall. Sokka is relaxing peacefully, floating on a large leaf in the water, while Momo is sleeping on his stomach. Katara and Aang face each other while practicing water bending. Ceres was sunbathing on the land and enjoying the calm breeze beside Apps.

"You guys are going to be done soon, right? We have a lot of ground to cover if we make it to Omashu today." Sokka said.

"Oh, what's wrong, Sokka? Is the calm breeze making you uneasy?" Ceres said sarcastically.

"Stuff it, Ceres," Sokka said.

"What? Like you're ready to go right now, naked guy?" Katara said.

"I could be ready in two minutes. Seriously, whenever." Sokka said.

"Really? What about when we're attacked? Would you be ready then?" Ceres said. Sokka gave Ceres a look and splashed some water her way. She kicked some back his way.

Katara and Aang laughed at their rival playfulness. They soon went back to doing their training. Katara was teaching Aang the octopus form. Aang bends the water, creating a globule that eventually transforms into eight whip-like water tentacles. He carefully maneuvers them, fending off shards of ice that Katara repeatedly sends at him by throwing them away or dodging them. At length, he manipulates one of the tentacles, curling it around her leg, gripping it firmly, and pulling on it.

"You make a fine octopus, Pupil Aang," Katara said proudly. Aang dances playfully, suspended in a globule of water shaped like an octopus.

Suddenly, music can be heard in the distance. The group witnesses a strange group of nomads playing music on instruments and singing approaching them.

"Da, da, da. Don't fall in love with the traveling girl. She'll leave you broke and brokenhearted."

Ceres gets up and looks to see a group of people dancing around and one man playing his guitar and singing. Sokka unexpectedly falls off his leaf into the water.

"Hey, river people!" Said the man.

"We're not river people," Katara said.

"You're not? Well then, what kind of people are you?" The man asked, puzzled.

"Just people," Ceres said.

"Aren't we all, sister?" He spoke.

Ceres looked at everyone with confusion on her face. These guys were different than any of the people they ran into. They weren't dangerous, but they were weird.

"Who are you?" Sokka asked accusingly.

"I'm Chong, and this is my wife, Lily. We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us!" He suddenly wildly strums his lute-like instrument, much like a rock star strums wildly on their guitar.

"You guys are nomads? That's great! My sister and I are nomads!" Aang said.

"Hey, me too!" Chong said excitedly

"Ya, you just said that," Ceres said.

"Oh."Chong then looks at Sokka. "Nice underwear ..."

Sokka, who is only wearing his swimsuit, stands behind Aang, Ceres, and Katara. Sokka's eyes bulge at the realization that he is wearing very little in front of strangers. He grabs Momo, strategically places him over his underwear, and slides rapidly off.

Ceres giggled as he did this.



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