Avatar Roku (Winter Solstice, Part 2)

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Aang is frustratedly pulling on Appa's reins. Ceres watches unimpressed as Aang struggles to move him. Sokka walks next to her and asks, "Are you going to stop him."

"Nope, he does this every time he has his heart set on something. However, Appa knows things a lot better then Aang does." Ceres explains.

"Let's go Appa! Come on, boy!" Aang groans. Appa roars in rejection, they both face each other.

"Look, I'm sorry, but Ceres, Katara and Sokka aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us. If they got hurt, I'd never forgive myself." Aang calmly says at first, then angrily says, "So get your big butt off the ground and let's go!"

Aang continues to pull on Appa's reins. Appa continues to remain immovable. Aang pulls so hard on the reins that he falls to the ground.

"Aang, I think you need to stop before you hurt yourself." Ceres says.

"Ya, I think Appa's big butt is trying to tell you something." Sokka jokes.

"Please don't go, Aang. The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation. Neither can I." Katara says sadly.

Aang gets up from the ground and walks towards Ceres, Sokka and Katara. " But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means. I need to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the Solstice. That's today."

Aang jumps up onto Appa's back and looks back hesitatingly at Sokka and Katara. They all jump in front of Appa.

"We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation, Aang." Katara says.

"At least not without your friends. We got your back." says Sokka.

"Besides what kind of sister would I be if I didn't back you up now." Ceres says.

Aang looks at them and smiles at their confidence and determination. He hops down Appa and gives Ceres a big hug. Momo jumps up onto Aang's arm. Momo chitters happily. Appa licks Sokka from to head.

"EWWWWW!!" Sokka yells all grossed out. Ceres laughs at him.

The village chief walks towards the group, "It's a long journey to the Crescent Island." He hands Aang a parcel. "You'll have to fly fast to have any chance of making it before sundown. Good luck."

Aang smile, "Thank you, for your..."

"GO!" The chief yells urgently pointing away.



The Chief coming out of a door. He is sighing and rubbing his forehead. He walks directly into Prince Zuko. Zuko is accompanied by General Iroh and Ren on the back of a war rhinoceros.

"Having trouble sleeping?" Zuko pushes the Chief back into the doorway. "Seen the Avatar and Protector lately?"

The Chief terrified of what's going on says, "I....I don't know what your talking about."

Ren aims her sias directly at his neck, "I wouldn't lie about it, our Prince saw the flying bison yesterday. So you should talk right now before something happens to your village."

Terrified, the Chief had no choice but to confess, "All I know is that their going to Cresent Island."

Zuko eyes widened as did Ren's. Zuko and Ren turned to each other. "Cresent Island that's in the borders of the Fire Nation. Why would the Avatar and Protector go there?" Ren says

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