12 years later

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"Aang slow down! Your gonna break something!" Ceres yells at Aang who was jumping through the trees.

"Come on Ceres!" Aangs yells back. "We can't be late!"

Ceres stops for a moment to catch her breath. She then looks to Aang, who was still jumping through the trees. "Funny, last night you were the one who wanted to finish the game of Pai Sho last night." Ceres mutters.

Ceres then runs again, trying to catch up with Aang. She then grabbed her Wagasa from her back and then uses her airbending to make herself move faster then she used her Wagasa to slow herself down.

She was really close to Aang to the point where she could grab him. Aang didn't realize that Ceres was behind him, until she grabbed around the waist.

"Ceres!" Aang yells in disbelief. She then sets Aang down and puts her Wagasa on her back.

Aang was about to run again until Ceres grabs him by the color of his shirt. "Where do you think your going little brother?"

"I have to go to training with Gyatso." Aang said.

Ceres sighs, "Gyatso cancelled training for today."

"WHAT! When was this?" Aang says in surprise.

"Last night, and you would have known this if you weren't so determined to beat me at Pai Sho. That's why I let you stay up." Ceres explains.

Aang scratches his head and smiles awkwardly, "Oh."

Ceres laughs and pats Aang on the head. "Now why don't you spend the day playing with your friends."

Aang smiles in excitement, "Okay!" He then forms an air ball and ride it towards the temple.

Ceres smiles and giggles as Aang rides away. Then one of the female monks come up from behind her. "Master Ceres, the High Priestess wishes to see you at the moment."



Ceres reaches her mother's chambers, and knocks at the door.

"Enter." Says Jaina.

Ceres then enters her mothers chambers and sees her on her desk writing on some scrolls. "Ceres, I'm glad you're here."

"Ya, you asked for me mother?" Ceres asks curiously.

Jaina looks up at Ceres, "Yes."  She then stands up from her desk then faces the window. "Monk Gyatso tells me that the other Monks are planning to tell Aang that he's the Avatar."

Ceres widens her eyes in shock, "What! Why would they do that? Their supposed to do that when he's sixteen."

Jaina then turns to Ceres, "They were, but the High Priest of the Western Air Temple sent me word that there are troubling things going on in the Fire Nation."

Ceres then got even more curious about the whole thing. "What kind of troubling thing?"

"It doesn't matter now, what matters now is Aang." Jaina says.

"Then why did you ask for me." Ceres asks.

"Every Avatar has a Protector, well everyone except ones born in the Air Nomads. Until now." Jaina says with a smile.

Ceres looks at her mother and gives her a determined look.


Jaina and Ceres went over to the Masters Temple right when the masters were done talking to Aang.

"We need you, Aang." says Monk Gyatso.

"That's right Aang. But you won't be doing this alone." Jaina says as she enters with Ceres behind her.

"High Priestess Jaina, we weren't expecting you." Says Monk Abbot.

Jaina lifts her eyebrow, "Clearly."

"What do you mean that the Avatar won't have to do this alone?" asks Monk Tashi.

Jaina sits on her seat behind the other Monks, while Ceres sits next to Aang.

"We all know that Avatars had Protectors, all except those reincarnated in the Air Nation." Jaina begins. "However, due to the troubling news that was we reserved from the Western Air Temple, I've decided that we must apart from our ancient ways and allow Ceres to be Aangs Protector."

All the Monks looked at Jaina as if she was crazy. Aang looks at Ceres with a worried look, but she only kept a straight face.

"This is outrageous, our people made a vow that there would be no Protectors." said Monk Tashi.

"However, the High Priestess may have a point." said Gyatso. All the Monks look towards him in curiosity. "We all don't know what will happen in the time being. So it should be necessary to take absolute caution."

All of the Monks, except Tashi, nodded in agreement. Then they all looked at Ceres and Aang.

"Well Master Ceres, would you be up for the task to protect not only your brother, but the Avatar?" asks Monk Pasang.

Ceres looks to Aang and sees a worried look on his face. She then looks to the Monks and stands up, "I'll do whatever it takes to protect him."

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