Mt. Moon

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Ash and Pikachu walked through the forest trying to find their way back to Vermillion.

Melanie had given them directions but Ash and Pikachu were too inept to follow them. They were now lost once more with no idea of where they were.

'Send out Pidgeotto and see if she can tell us where the city is. I don't wanna be stuck in here whrn it gets dark' Pikachu suggested.

Ash agreed and send out his flying type Pokemon.

Ash told Pidgeotto what to do and she flew off in search of Vermillion. Ash and Pikachu decided that they should look for shelter should Pidgeotto not be back for a while. After about 15 minutes, Ash saw and huge multitude of brown land.

"It's a plateau and mountains" Ash said. "Wait, there aren't many places close to Vermillion that have mountains other than..."

'Pewter City' Pikachu finished 'How the hell did we end up here? Actually the city is another hour away. I don't wanna walk there yet, let's take a break'

Ash and Pikachu walked into one of the largest mountain's cave and decided to explore.

They walked about looking and trying to figure out what was the point of this cave.

After walking for a while, they saw a small pink creature bouncing about.

"Hey, it's a Cleffa" Ash said pointing at the tiny Pokemon.

"Cool. Can we get out of here yet. This place is full of Rock and Ground types, and you know how well I deal with them.'

"Wait, that's a great idea" Ash said.


"I mean, Rock and Ground Types. That's our answer to the Gym Battle. Grass types are only resistant to Electric Types, we something that is super effective to electric types and resistant."

With that Ash followed the Cleffa, hoping that it would lead them to more Pokemon and hopefully something that he could catch.

After a few minutes, they came upon a big gathering of Clefairys and Cleffas. In the middle, a Celable stood there with a Moon Stone in it's hands, next to it a Clefairy was standing proud and tall, ready to accept the stone.

"What is this, some kind of ceremony?' Ash asked Pikachu.

'Guess so, we probably shouldn't interrupt. We don't know what could happen and how they would react' Pikachu responded.

Ash silently agreed with Pikachu the duo decided to hide behind a boulder. They watched as the Clefable gave a speech about the great courage and valor that the aforementioned Clefairy had shown. It then presented the stone to the Clefairy who touched it. Immediately, a huge bright light engulfed the small cave. Once it died down, a Clefable now stood where Clefairy was a moment ago.

'I guess they reward exceptional Clefairys with the chance to evolve. Kinda weird, but whatever' Pikachu said as he and Ash got up and walked out of the cave. Outside, they saw a Clefairy who was being harassed by a man in a white coat.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Ash asked confused.

"I'm trying to get this Clefairy to speak to me. I made a device, but I need to test it. But this Clefiary won't cooperate" the guy said exasperated.

"Then go find another Clefairy or something" Ash said sighing at the stupidity of the so called scientist and walked off.

Once they made it to the plateau right in front of Pewter City, Ash and Pikachu decided to take a break.

As they sat down, a green Pokemon with a horn jumped out and smacked into Pikachu.

'Get out of my home!' the Pokemon yelled as it got into a battle stance.

'Woah!' Pikachu yelled as it flew into a rock.

'Holy shit, that thing is strong!' Ash thought to himself. He decided to try to capture it. It was dark and Ash finally realized that this Pokemon must be Larvitar. He was quickly proven right.

As soon as Pikachu got up and readied himself, a huge sandstorm started damaging the yellow mouse. Ash soon had to close his eyes with all of the sand.

Ash had never seen such a powerful Sandstorm Ablity either for a Larvitar. Only Tyranitars or very powerful Pupitars could make sandstorms this strong. Ash decided that he had to catch this Pokemon.

"Go Poliwag!" Ash said throwing out his Tadpole Pokemon. "Water Gun!"

Poliwag, however, couldn't aim correctly (That's what she said) and missed the atttack.

Ash growled. This was getting stupid, the sandstorm was too over powered, and more importantly he needed this Larvitar on his team.

"Poliwag use Water Gun and spin around quickly to clear the sandstorm."

Poliwag did as told, but the sandstorm did not dissipate. Instead, Poliwag was hit with a Rock Tomb and it flew up into the air.

'That's it!' Ash thought to himself.

"Poliwag, use Water Gun, then land on Larvitar and use Bubblebeam"

Poliwag shot Larvitar with a powerful stream of water, dealing 4x damage. Then, as it fell, Poliwag jumped on top of Larvitar and used Bubblebeam. Larvitar tried to shake off the Water Type, but the 4x damage combined with a powerful move proved too much for it handle. Larvitar fell down and fainted.

"Go Pokeball" Ash threw a Pokeball at the Larvitar, and after a couple of shakes, it 'dinged'.

"Alright, now let's get to the Pokemon Center and try to get back to Vermillion by morning" Ash said to Pikachu and the two of them dashed off towards Pewter City.


A/N: Hope you liked the chapter, I am have now fully planned out this entire book, so the updates will be coming out a lot faster. 950 words cyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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