The Archer

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(Y/N)'s POV
I walk to my first day at the academy. I see smoke coming from a building close by. I start running to the fire. People screaming. I take out my bow. An infernal. I make an arrow out of plasma.

Plasma arrow!
A move where (Y/N) takes out his bow that's the main weapon of his kingdom leaded by his brother. He then creates an arrow out of plasma and shoots it. Depending on how long he aims the strength and precision of the attack will be higher.

I shoot my arrow at the infernal's chest. I see a blue flash and suddenly the infernal had fallen down. A boy with blonde hair stands with a sword in his hand. I pull him by his shirt and move my bow so the string is close to touching his neck.

"How dare you kill a head knight's opponent?!" "How dare you grab the shirt of the knight king?!" He looks at me smirking smugly. "I do not serve to any king but king (L/N). This is a plasma string. I can kill you in any moment." He moves his sword making it clash against my bow.

"You're gonna damage my bow you idiot!" I kick him in the face. I pin him to the ground. "Arthur, what are you doing?" I turn to look at another guy with brown hair who was smiling.

"Why are you smiling, huh?! Are you mocking me?!" "N-no, I do it when I'm nervous!" "Oh, well then... I apologize. Not quite in the best mood after this dumbass killed my opponent and put his sword on my bow. I'm (Y/N), head knight and prince of the (L/N) kingdom, also known as the sunflower kingdom." "Another one like Arthur, great."

"I sense a hint of sarcasm in your voice, what's wrong with people being part of kingdoms?" "Uhh, monarchy?... democracy is better?" "That definitely is an opinion."

"Oh, I'm gonna be late to class." I look at his uniform. I shoot an arrow and we 'teleport' to school. I catch the arrow about to hit a wall. "You forgot Arthur." "Of course not, I won't bring a stupid king with my plasma arrows." I start walking to my class.

What on earth is he even saying? I watch as the teacher blows his whistle. How the hell do the others understand?! The bell rings and I see everyone say goodbye. This was supposed to be P.E! I walk to the cafeteria to buy some lunch.

I walk towards the garden and sit below a tree. I look at a cloud. I take out my bow and make an arrow. I aim it to the cloud and shoot it. I teleport to where the arrow was at. I start falling with a smile forming on my lips.

I see someone propelling themselves with fire towards me. I plunge down and look up to the figure. "What the hell was that?" "Language." I see Shinra standing on burning grass.

"You're stupid, grass is flammable." He propels himself lightning up the grass in even more fire. King Arthur comes running with his sword and cuts off the lighten grass making it light up more grass. "You two are idiots." I grab my bottle of water and throw water at the burnt grass.

"You don't call a king idiot." "Oh, I apologize King Arthur of the broken table." "You dare insult my table?!" "What are you gonna do go cry to your mommy?" I hear Shinra gasp. "My dear mommy is in an adventure to save the world." I turn to look at Shinra. "This idiot's mom left him, didn't she?" Shinra smiles nervously and nods. "She left to save the world with my dad, devil!"

"Right, anyways you idiots made me throw away my water." "Sorry." "Stupid grass."

The knight king and the prince knight. (ArthurxM!reader)Where stories live. Discover now