To the kingdom

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(Y/N)'s POV
The bell rings, signaling our last day of school was over. Everyone cheers and runs out. I go to Arthur's room. "Arthur?" There was no one in the room. I feel someone move from behind the door and I kick it. "Where's Arthur?" I hear a groan, and close the door. Behind it was Arthur holding his belly. "Oh, sorry, art." "That's okay." I peck his cheek and sit on his bed. "Have you done your bag?" "Yup." He sits besides me. "Then we..." I turn to straddle him. "Can use this time to..." I push his shoulder slightly with my hand so he lays down and im on top of him. "Cuddle!" I grin and shove my head into his neck and nuzzle it. "I had a dream, or was it real?" "What was it?" "We crossed the line and it was on." "Crossed the line?" "I've been denying how I feel." "How do you feel?" "You've been denying what you want." "Want?" "You want from me, talk to me, baby." "Huh?" "I want some satisfaction, take me to the stars, they're just like, ahh. I wanna cut through the clouds, break the ceiling. I wanna dance on the roof you and me alone." "Sure." "I wanna cut to the feeling." "Hm?" "I wanna play where you play with the angels. I wanna wake up with you, all entangled now." "But we already do that." "I wanna cut to the feeling. Cancel your reservations, no more hesitations, this is on." "What reservation?" "Can't make it stop, give me all you got." "The trip?" "I want it all or nothing. No more in between, now give your all. Everything to me, let's get real, baby." "All for you." "A chemical reaction, take me in your arms and make me..." "Make you what?" "Take me to emotion. I wanna go all the way. Show me your devotion, and take me all the way. I wanna go all the way." "My sweet king." "Hm?"

I sit on his stomach and stare at him smiling. "We're getting married, shut the fuck up." "Huh‽ We are‽ when‽ right now‽" "Mmm maybe." I wink at him and he becomes a blushing mess. "We could have a wedding and we could have our wedding night and our honeymoon, we could do the same thing over and over. Yes, then we'd adopt a puppy and take care of it, and we'd repeat what we did." "Wedding night‽" "You don't know what that is?" "Y-" "Basically the wedding night is the night of the wedding, once all the guests leave, we would be having sex. Meaning that either you or I would censored for your own good then the other would censored and in the end we'd both traumatizing information." I look at Arthur's blushing face. "You didn't have to explain all of that." "Oh I missed the part where we would unholy stuff." He looked between shocked and traumatized. "How do you even..." "I know a little bit of everything." "So you are saying we will do that, right?" "Hmmm, maybe." I wink. "Well, don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today." I chuckle. "Not so fast, lover boy. It's until marriage." "Aw." I roll my eyes playfully. "Well... don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today." "Oh, so we're getting married." "Yes." "Okay, then." I smile and kiss him.


We get to the kingdom and I immediately run to the knights guarding the entrance. "Hello!" They give each other a side eye and ignore me. "Aren't you gonna greet me?" 3:54 in the afternoon. I stare at them and suddenly the clock hits 3:55. Some other knights come over and they salute when they see me. I grin and the first knights run to me and pick me up. "You were putting us to the test, weren't you?" "Yup!" They grin and give me a proud look. I pull Arthur from behind me. "This is Arthur." "Nice to meet you, Arthur." "Yeah, is this a friend from school?" I nod. "He's my roommate." "Ohhh, that's nice." "How's training been?" "Good, we've been studying your strategy." "That's great!" One of the guys lifts me up and places me on his shoulders. "Where are you headed?" "My brother's." "Okay." I hold Arthur's hand throughout and we head to the castle. Once we reach it we go through the door. "Hey, Albert." The knight looks up to me. "Actually... Arthur i-" "I know." "Huh?" "I can see it in your eyes. Both of yours." I blush a bit and smile. "Okay, I just wanted to tell you." "I'm glad."

After some time we reach my brother's room. We open the door and Albert says one thing before we enter. "Take care of my boy, Arthur." "Of co-" "Or else I'll crush you." "Albert!" I giggle. "Just a warning, king knight." He ruffles my hair and then bows before leaving. "Is he a knight of yours?" "All knights are knights of mine." "Right." I grin and we go in. "Hello!" "(Y/N)!" My brother comes running to me and hugs me. "It's been so long." "It's only been some months." "Felt like more!" "Where's Valerie?" "She's in my room." "Oh?" "I lift my eyebrow and shoot him a look. "Not like that! Not like that!" He's red as a tomato. "Aw, I wanted a nephew." "(Y/N)!" I laugh and suddenly push Arthur forward. "This is Arthur." "He's the guy from the picture." "Ah yeah, we're sort of... together." "Really? I had no clue." "You totally knew already." "I totally knew already." Valerie suddenly comes skipping. "Oh (Y/N)! Mīn little gay star." "Excuse me?" "One is looking rather joyful today." She looks behind me at Arthur. "Perhaps hē is the one to make my little (Y/N) gay today." I then realize what she means and start giggling. "Oh, Valerie, thou hast aye been quite perceptive." "Oh yeah, (Y/N) is very, very, gay." I glare at my brother. "I am most joyful to hear that." I smile and nod.

The knight king and the prince knight. (ArthurxM!reader)Where stories live. Discover now