A Year

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I lay on top of Arthur and groan. "What is it, prince?" "I'm bored." "Is my presence boring?" He gasps jokingly. "No, I just want to do something." "Wanna make out?" I laugh. "Sure." I kiss him. I immediately notice the fact that he's hard, which is sort of cute, but decide to not bring it up. I slide my hands up and down his waist. "Arthur." He hums. "Do you feel uncomfortable with... sex related stuff?" "No, why are you asking?" "Then... am I bad at it? I mean I feel good whenever we do something of the sorts, but you can tell me if it doesn't feel good for you. I don't want to do something wrong." "No... it does feel good. You do good... well I mean I wouldn't know if you're doing anything wrong, but it feels good." "Then... can I touch you?" "Not right now, maybe some other time." "Alright." I nuzzle on his neck and leave some pecks. "Hey, (Y/N)." "Hm?" "It's almost our one year anniversary." "I know." I say cheerfully. "What do you want to do that day?" "I don't know, actually." "How about we go to the movies?" "Sure." "Alright."

He holds my hand and then moves it slowly until I touch something hard. "Arthur?" "(Y/N)... I always say no, don't I?" "I respect your no's." "It's fine for you to touch me if that's what you want." "But is it what you want?" "Sort of." "What do you mean?" "I... when we met. You didn't know anything about this, and I feel like I corrupted you and made you learn it." I look at him in silence and then laugh a bit. "So that's why." "I don't want you to do anything with me that you might not want to do. I don't want you to regret it later on, I'd feel guilty." I nod and, as he speaks, I take off his underpants while maintaining eye contact. "The thing is... Arthur." I wrap my hand around his erection. "I really want to do this with you." His eyes widen and a blush spreads across his face. "But... I can wait, if you're not ready." "Please don't wait... I really need you."


I wake up the next day and yawn. "Are you awake, Arthur?" He kisses the back of my neck. "I'll take that as a yes." His hands move to my hips and he starts grinding against my bottom. "Arthur, you do realize we're naked, right?" He doesn't stop and continues kissing the back of my neck, I'm quite sure he's purposely trying to leave a visible mark. "Arthur." I warn. "What is it, sweetheart?" I blush and my brain stops working. "Nothing, then?" I pout and then feel his hand touch my front region. "Arthur, we have classes today." "Yesterday felt really nice, prince." "That's good. Then again, why am I naked?" "Cause you look pretty." I hum. "Alright then." I groan as his hand starts moving up and down my length. "Arthur." I feel him press against me. "You're really hard." I whisper and press against him even more. "Can I go inside?" I moan. "Maybe some other time dear, remember tradition and a-all." "Okay, sweetheart." I smile and turn to him. Our erections touch and I gently hold his and begin moving my hand up and down and rubbing the tip with my thumb.

He hides his face on my shoulder and moans. "You sound so cute." He kicks me lightly and bites my shoulder. "Do you like it that much, my precious knight?" He nods and a light whimper leaves his lips. "I want to marry you, Arthur." He stops and looks at me wide eyed. "I thought we'd already talked about this." "Yeah but... now it feels like it might actually happen." "It will. I'll make sure of it." "I love you." "I love you, too. So... let me know when I can propose." "You could literally pull out a ring right now and I'd say yes." I blush. "Alright, then... maybe some other time we're not naked and hard, though."


I feel a tap on my shoulder and slowly open my eyes. "Morning, sleeping beauty." "Morning, cutie." "Was the movie that boring?" "No, no. I just... fell asleep, sorry, love. I know it's our anniversary, I have no clue why I was so sleepy." He chuckles and leans down to kiss me. He pecks my lips and boops my nose with his own. "Cutie, are you tired? We can go back to our room." I shake my head. "I'm alright." "Okay then. Wanna go for a walk?" I nod and sit up from his lap. He stands up then helps me up. We walk together hand in hand. Once we leave the movies I take off running. "Wait!" "Nope!" I look back as I run and smile at him. After some running I stop and look up at the sky. We're currently at a park. A pretty park with pretty benches and a fountain.

"Arthur!" "What is it, love!" I go into the fountain. "Come get me!" I smile and splash some water at him. "My shoes will get wet, love!" "I don't care!" I smile and spin in the fountain. "Dance with me, Arthur!" He comes into the fountain and holds my hand. I place a hand on his waist and start moving from side to side. I lift my arm. "Twirl." He twirls and I hug him. "I really love you." "I love you, too." I get on one knee. "I know that we've only dated for a year, but I think we're a forever sort of thing." "(Y/N)." "You said I could... I don't know if it's a joke, but I do want to marry you. I don't want to wait for permission from the elders... or from anyone. I just want your permission." He throws himself at me and kisses me. I fall back and we kiss under the fountain's water. I see a bright light from outside the fountain but ignore it.

We pull away and I move up slightly, leaning on my shoulder as he hold my face between his hands. I move some hair away from his face and kiss him. I open one eye and look to the side and notice someone holding a camera. I roll my eyes in my head and close my open eye. We pull away again and I caress his cheek. "Is that a yes?" He nods and hugs me. "I'm glad." I smile and pull out a small box from my pocket. I open it and pull out a ring from it. "Can I have your hand?" He hands me his left hand and I slide the ring around his finger. "We're gonna get married." He nods. "I'm really happy." "Me too." He says while hugging me tighter. I hear my phone buzz and pull it out of my pocket underwater. I pick up. "Two things, one, congratulations! Two, are you fucking stupid!" "Brother... I... I really love him, and I'd rather loose my place in royalty than have to live without him." He groans and I just know he rolled his eyes. "You're gross, so cheesy. You're not losing your place in royalty, I just need to speak with the elders and if the people show their support they'll probably allow it." "Alright... uhm I get that there's a whole bunch of things to do, but I'd really like to enjoy this moment with Arthur." "Alright alright, talk to you later." He hangs up and Arthur looks at me expectantly. "We might get approval from the elders to marry." He once again tackles me in a hug.

The knight king and the prince knight. (ArthurxM!reader)Where stories live. Discover now