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I run up the stairs of the castle. "Valerie!" I run into my brother's room and kneel on the side of the bed by Valerie. "Ha! Hey, (Y/N)." He says weakly. "Did Valerie snitch?" Valerie looks away. "It's alright, my queen." He holds her hand. "As I promised, you'll be allowed to marry Arthur." "What about the bloodline?" He smiles and looks at Valerie. "That's already been taken care of." My eyes widen. "Am I going to be an uncle?" He nods and places his hand on Valerie's shoulder. "I know she's a strong woman, but I hope you'll still take care of her for me. Make sure she doesn't do any heavy work and help her with the kingdom so she doesn't get too stressed." I nod. "I'll take care of her." "I wish I could be here for your wedding, but I don't think I will." "That's alright, you're the one who made it possible." I bow.

I hug Valerie as she cries once we leave the room. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying." "It's alright." I phone Arthur. "What's up, prince?" "Would you mind it... if we married before planned?" Valerie looks up at me. "Huh?" "I was hoping we could move the wedding closer." "Sure, how close?" "A week." I hear him coughing. "Are you alright?" "I think I may have heard wrong." "A week. Can we move it to a week from now?" "I think we should probably talk about this in person." "Alright."

A few hours later, Arthur arrives to the castle as I lay down on my bed. He enters my room and jumps on top of me. "Hi." I peck his lips. "We're close to graduating, (Y/N), don't you want to wait?" "I do... but I can't." "I can't wait either, but I want to take our time." "No, I literally can't wait. My brother might die soon. I want him to be there." "Then we'll move the wedding." "Alright." I hug him.

Every day since we agreed on moving the wedding was torture. We spent sleepless nights planning the wedding, sending invitations, choosing a place, getting flowers. Then two days before the wedding I got a call.

I run to my brother's room. I hold his hand and kneel. "Brother, please wake up." I squeeze his hand. "Please wake up. I'm begging you." My voice breaks. "Just hold on, just two days more." I look at the monitor. Beep... beep... beep. The day kept going. Quite an awful feeling. Someone nears their death, but the day keeps going. When night comes, my brother wakes up. "Valerie!" I try to run to get her, but my brother holds my arm. "Shh... she'll come in a bit. I know it... (Y/N). I need you to take care of her. Promise you'll take care of her." I nod. "I promise." I purse my lips. "Take care of my child." "I will." My eyes brim with tears. "You want to tell me something." "Please don't die right now." I wipe the tears sliding down my face. "Please wait a bit longer." He gives me a sad look. "Please." I bow. "Please wait, I'm begging you. I'm marrying Arthur in two days. Please wait until then. I need you here." He gives me this pained look. "Please... please..." I choke out. "I hope you and Arthur are happy." "Brothe-" He looks up to the door as it creaks. "You're awake, dear." Valerie smiles at him. He gives me a look. I stand up and leave the room. I stand outside the door.











I unplug the monitor.  I look at Valerie as she cries while holding his body. "I'm sorry." I pat her shoulder before leaving to my room. The world goes on... the world goes on.

The world goes on, but I can't seem to do the same. I cry while laying down... cry until my head hurts. Cry as if I was in pain... I am in pain. My heart physically hurts, it feels as if someone was clutching it. As if someone was digging their nails into my heart and clawing at it, tearing the muscle. I clutch my chest and cry. "I can't! It hurts! It hurts, Arthur, it hurts." He hugs me. "I'm sure it does." I curl up on the bed and wipe my tears. "It burns... it hurts so bad." He rubs my back. I look up at him and kiss him. He kisses me back for a few seconds before pulling away. "Can you kiss me more?" He sighs and rubs my waist. "Don't do anything stupid because you're sad." I nod and kiss him.


I wake up and look at (Y/N)'s puffy eyes. I hug him. "Morning, love." I whisper. "Rest some more today, I'll take over the wedding planning." I kiss his forehead. "Just one day more." He hugs me. "Please don't leave." "You should check up on Valerie." He looks at the ground. "I should..." I kiss him. "I can come with." He nods. I walk with him to his brother's room. "She's not here." A butler enters the room. "Queen Valerie wanted to sleep in another room." (Y/N) nods. "Thank you for informing us."


I look around. A lot of people... talking. Probably about my face. Can't believe this is how I'm getting married... Arthur smiles at me. Everyone seems confused once he smiles. I smile back at him. "I'm sorry your brother couldn't be here." Arthur caresses my cheek. "Me too." I hug him and kiss his cheek. "I think he would've liked for you to be happy this day." "I know, I'm just exhausted." "I know you are.... Let's rest a bit in the next few days." I nod. "We could go on our honeymoon." I whisper while covering my mouth. "W-what?" I giggle. "I'll shut up now."

The rest of the days was nice, even if I was tired throughout it. Our marriage was, obviously, public. The people helped prepare everything, actually. They got the flowers, helped with the venue, got the cake. It was a surprise, planned mostly by Valerie and the knights. Later we had a small party in the castle, same as with my brother, mostly knights and friends of both Arthur and I. It was funny when Shinra found out there was an actual castle. "My prince." Arthur calls, and I turn to him. "Yes, love?" "I wasn't sure when the time would be right, but... while I was in Pileus without y-" "You found out the lord and lady are your parents. They left when the lady got pregnant with Nimue, the mare is yours and the statue is of you. That makes you nobility and is why the elder's gave in and allowed our marriage." "You knew?" "I guessed when we were in Pileus. It was pretty easy to join the dots." 

The knight king and the prince knight. (ArthurxM!reader)Where stories live. Discover now