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(Y/N)'s POV
I smile and look at Arthur. "You look stunning." My cheeks tint pink and I smile. "Thank you." He places his hands on my waist. "I'm gonna steal a kiss now." "Alright." His lips press against mine for a short time and then he pulls away. "Let's go." I nod. We walk side by side to the venue and he takes a seat while I go stand at the front. I smile at my brother as music starts playing. The door opens and Valerie appears. I grin as she walks down the aisle. The wedding proceeds, it was weird because it's a royal wedding and all. They tried involving the church and the elders which kind of sucks because I'm not fond of either. My brother looks down and tries to hide the smile forming on his lips. "Why would you hide a smile?" I whisper. "This is meant to be business." "So? Can't you show you're doing business with someone you actually love? You'd probably be the first." "I probably would." "Then show everyone that this isn't just about expanding territory and power. You know the people would love for you to be happy." He looks up and grins while looking at Valerie.

Valerie is an only child, she was always meant to be queen and all the royal responsibilities were to be beared by her alone until she married. This means she never got to be a kid, she was taught the royal mannerisms since she learned to walk. She has always been taught to not let her emotions get over business, which is pretty shitty. On her wedding day, with someone I know she loves, she hasn't smiled. She holds a serious face, her hands hold the bouquet elegantly and she walks slowly. She's well-kept, her expression doesn't move in the slightest. I listen to some whispers. Most going on about the way she doesn't even look happy. The choir sings as she walks, her steps slow yet confident. I glance at my brother and he smiles at me. I look at the elders who mumble about my brother's expression. Happiness. The wedding proceeded as planned and, after the whole kingdom left, we actually had a more normal celebration.

She dances with my brother, they both smile while dancing and he twirls her around. She jumps and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. He wraps his arms around her waist and lifts her up. I make an ew sound and gag. They both look at me and roll their eyes. I feel a hand on my hip and smile before leaning back. My back makes contact with a chest and I look up to see Arthur. Our noses touch and he pecks my lips. The knights tease with "ooo"s and "ey"s, and I roll my eyes. Regarding me and Arthur being together, I'm not too worried. Right now it's only my brother, Valerie, the knights and their partners. I know my queer knights and their partners wouldn't tell since they know how the elders are, considering it took a while to convince them to let them be together publicly and get married. Regarding my other knights' partners, I'm not worried since most of them watched me grow up and are like family.

The night was enjoyable. We waltzed and also danced just common modern dances, we ate and drank (not alcohol), but the party at some point had to come to an end. So now all the girls are behind Valerie as she throws her bouquet. For the guys, trying to not be as kept as royalty used to be by not having something similar, but also trying to keep their more "formal" aspect, they planned a boutonnière toss. Which is nice because I don't really like the garter tosses. Considering I'm underage, I'm actually not allowed to participate. Not that I'm interested either, I'm still in high school. I watch as Arthur walks towards our table with some desserts while grinning widely. I smile and watch as how the girls were basically playing volleyball with the bouquet. I guess it's not really fair for normal people to fight for a bouquet with literal knights, but I think they lost their sanity now. I watch someone spike the bouquet.

"Arthur!" The bouquet slams harshly on his head, hard enough to make him stumble and fall. He lifts his hands up. "Ladies, please don't murder me, I just wanted some food!" I smile and walk to him. I grab the desserts from his hands and set them on the ground. "Are you alright?" He nods. Someone slaps my back. "Seems you're next to get married, eh?" I look at Rebecca, one of my knights. I give her a confused look then look at the bouquet on Arthur's lap. He looks down to his lap and blushes furiously. A smile forms on my lips and I chuckle. I rub his cheek with my thumb and peck his nose. "Seems like it." I pick up the bouquet and toss it back to the girls.

The knight king and the prince knight. (ArthurxM!reader)Where stories live. Discover now