Prince charming

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I walk around and see many girls following Arthur. I see Shinra standing close by and head his way. "What's going on?" "Girls like him for his prince talk." "Well that's the most stupid thing I've heard. Girls made fun of me cause of my prince talk." "You also have a prince talk?!" "Obviously, it took much training to perfect both the accent and vocabulary I shall use when speaking to the people of my kingdom and others of importance." "Wait you got training?!" "I am a prince after all, I got all needed training to behave as such." "God you and Arthur really need help." "Why me?" "Kingdoms don't exist!" "Thou yeasty motley-minded mumble-news." "What?" "Nothing." I smile and walk to Arthur. "Knight king, come here." He walks towards me. I pull him by his waist so that his body is pressed against mine. I lift his chin so that he's looking at me and move my face closer to his. I see some of the girls walk away disgusted and some others blush. Weirdos. They leave and I look down to see Arthur blushing slightly. He pushes me away. "Kings belong with queens." I wink at him and walk away.

I walk back to Shinra. "What was that about?" "People outside the kingdom find this odd for some reason. So that would make most back off." "So in your kingdom that's normal?" "Hmm not amongst royalty as they should 'keep the bloodline alive'... people like me who have no purpose but to marry a princess from a foreign land, we're not allowed to love, only marry a woman we sometimes haven't even met." "That's awf- wait, no, kingdoms don't exist." "Hmm but they do. My brother is king, meanwhile I'm barely a knight. Well I'm head of the knights, captain or whatever you want to call it. I'm barely the prince knight. Well amongst my knights they know me as the king knight, or the king of knights." "Hm, nah, not falling for it." "Alri-" I hear my phone ring and pick up. "What is wrong with you‽" "Huh?" "You don't have the same rights as the people!" "It was just a joke!" "So you know what I'm talking about!" "How did you find out so fast?" "There are eyes everywhere, (Y/N)! You cannot dishonor our family like that!" "I know, it was just a joke."

"(Y/N)... do you remember when you were a kid? You were around 7 or 8." "No..." "That's good, it's best that way. But let me tell you what happened. Are you alone?" "Let me go to my room." I do that and sit on my bed. "Back when you were really young, before mom and dad... died. You had a friend." "Huh?" "It was the son of a slave. Mom and dad, they weren't too happy with that, but they weren't gonna ruin your friendship. That was until one day you said something... you said you wanted to marry him." "What?!" "You were but a child, yet back then that sort of thing wasn't well seen amongst royalty. Mom was scared of what would people think. She sent both him and the slave to be executed. Meanwhile dad... he started being... really strict, to say the least. Just with you, he'd do... bad things... very bad things. He'd... he'd hurt you." My eyes widen as an image of dad on the door of a dungeon of some kind flashes into my mind. "One day I-" his voice cracks. "I saw you with a swor-d. You were gonna sta- stab yourself. You were but a child. Only ten years old. I didn't know how to help. Then mom and dad died... you blocked the memory of everything that happened. I was sixteen when I became king. I swore to myself that I would make it so that anyone, no matter if they're knights, nobles, royalty, people would be free. But it's not something you achieve in one day. Getting rid of slavery was the first step. Now I'm trying to make it so that you, and anyone else of the royal family can love whoever they want. When you turned twelve you were a prodigy with war techniques, so I made you a knight, and you climbed your way to be head. But until I manage to approve a law to protect you, I need you to not do those 'jokes'."

Memories start flooding my head. A corpse... my friend's corpse. Chains. Blood. "How could I forget that?... how could I forget what he did‽" "Don't think too much ab-" "He's a murderer, they both were!" "They're dead now, don't worry." "Still, the sunflower kingdom should've never had such rulers. They deserved better." "You've always looked for the people's interests. Grandma always said you'd make a great king." "I think I'm best at being a knight." "You ensure our people's safety." "I'll do anything for my people." "I know. You care so much for them." "They're my people." "Yeah.. well... I'll call you tomorrow. Don't mess around until I get this law approved." "Yeah." He hangs up.

The knight king and the prince knight. (ArthurxM!reader)Where stories live. Discover now