The Fall of the Queen pt.1

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I've been taking Valerie to her check-ups. Me and Arthur graduated, meaning I've been spending all of my time here while he's been busy there. We're both eighteen now, and Valerie is two weeks from giving birth. "There is no need for him to go on a honeymoon." Oh, I didn't mention. I'm currently suffering because the elders called a meeting to argue whether I should have a honeymoon or not. "There won't be any fruits to their intimacy, so it's unnecessary." "It's tradition." "Tradition was broken the moment he married a man." The door opens and a stern voice comes. "It was an order, from your queen." "Valerie, there really is no need." I comment. "No, you deserve it. You've been helping in the castle since your brother died, you've been taking care of me, and you'll want to care for the baby once it comes." "I really don't mind." "You have two weeks, in those weeks I can have nurses and maids taking care of everything. You deserve a break and to spend time with your husband." "But I can do that later, I mean, I'm eighteen. There's no rush."

"You need to rest, (Y/N). I don't care what you or the elders say, nor do I care if you have intimacy with Arthur. You deserve the vacations and you'll take them whether it's a honeymoon or just two weeks where I won't allow you in the castle nor will the knights. We've agreed on this already." "I won't leave you, these two weeks are important, the baby could come before expected." "The baby is not your responsibility." "My brother left both of you in my care, so yes, she very much is my responsibility." "No, she is not." "I won't take the vacations." "Two weeks, just two." "No." "Please." "I won't." "One week, just one week." She lifts her finger and pouts. When she pouts she doesn't look half as scary as she actually is. "You're so stubborn." I sigh. "Please." "Fine." "Good, because Arthur is already on his way to the island." She smirks and celebrates her win. "On another note..." She glares at the elders. "You were debating whether to follow my orders." She lifts an eyebrow. "Shhh, no getting mad. Negative emotions are bad for the baby." I guide her out of the room.


"You'll call me if anything happens, right?" Valerie rolls her eyes. "I will." "Take care." "I will." "Don't overwork yourself." "I won't." "Try to relax." "I will." She rolls her eyes at me again. "Go go." I get on a boat and after around one hour reach the island. I get off the boat and look at Arthur. That's my husband... that beautiful man is my husband. He notices me and stands up and runs to me. I open my arms, and he hugs me. "I missed you." "I missed you, too, love." I cup his cheek. I kiss him. His lips feel perfect against mine, I missed it. We hadn't kissed since the wedding. I hold him while laying on the sand. "I love you." He kisses my cheek. "I love you, too." "Let's go." I whisper and drag him into the house.

"What's going on?" "Did Valerie not tell you?" "Tell me what?" "I have one week of vacation, meaning I have a whole week to do everything we didn't do on our wedding night." He blushes and gives me this horrified look. I giggle. "You look scared." "I am, you're really energetic." I smile and hug him. "Don't worry, I mostly want to spend time with you." I rub his back and guide him to my room. "I mean as in a... uh... like I'm here to spend time with you, not for the love making, I'm not sure if I phrased that right." He giggles and nods. "I got what you meant." I smile. He stops walking, and I give him a confused look. "I don't mind the love making, though." He whispers and my eyes widen. "I'll note that." He pulls me to the bed. "I don't think..." He slides his hand up my torso from under my shirt. " need to note anything." I purse my lips. "I see..."

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