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(Y/N)'s POV
I stare at the elders trying not to seem nervous. They also stare at me and then they all sigh. "We were already planning on allowing for the family not directly entitled to the crown to marry someone of their same sex." The youngest of them says. "The plan was to allow it if the people ever turned against the crown so they'd calm down." Another says and I frown. "The people wouldn't turn against the crown for no reason, so we should give them no reason to do so." I state. I look at Arthur. "The other thing, prince, is that your fiancé is not of pure blood." I look at them again. "I'm willing to quit my royal title just to marry him... but then the people would likely turn against the crown. I do not wish to discuss this matter right now, you see, I will be taking my dearest to the fief of Pileus, today, I don't want to kill the mood. Worry not, though, Ms. Delilah will be accompanying us." They give a nod and leave the room, all except the oldest. "We will be discussing this at some point, your highness." I nod and he closes the door after exiting the room.

"I think they may have forgotten about our chaperone." "Yeah..." "Well, let's make the best of the moment." "Yeah." I lock the door and kiss him. He groans and pulls me to our bed. We make out for a short moment before a knock is heard. I pull away and he whimpers lightly as I do. I fix my shirt and hair which had gotten messed up and clean my lips. "Sorry, Arthur." He gives a light nod and I smile. "You're lovely." I peck his lips and go open the door. "I assume you're ready if you have time to lock the door." Ms. Delilah states. "We are ready." I sling our bags on my shoulders and pick up Arthur princess style. "Hey! You'll hurt your back!" I smile a boop his nose with my own. "I'm willing to hurt my back a little." We, meaning Delilah and I, walk outside all the way to a car. I open the trunk and place our bags inside.

Arthur and I sit on the backseats, while Delilah sits in front and a chauffeur drives. As soon as the car started moving, Arthur, somehow, fell asleep. I look at him, some drool on his cheek, his neck hanging. That's so gonna hurt later. I sigh and pull his head to my lap. This is my fiancé. This adorable man will become my husband. I lean down and peck his temple. He lightly whimpers then shifts around. —Shh, rest, love. —I whisper. I close my eyes while playing with his hair. Time somehow flashes by, so when I open my eyes I notice his little half-ponytail swaying and smile. —We should get married. —I joke while he pretends to sleep. Once I say it, the hairs stand up, and I laugh. —You're so not asleep. —He shifts a bit until I feel his face on my thigh. —Okay, I'll shut up, my love. —I giggle and cover him with a blanket. I feel something press against my thigh through my pants and smile. He looks at me for a second and smiles, too before looking back down and planting another kiss on my thigh. I look at him and gently caress his face.

—I love you. —I whisper, and he smiles and plants another kiss. —You should kiss my lips, instead. —I tell him, and he turns and plants a kiss somewhere else. I blush and tap his head. He smiles and kisses it again, except now he didn't have to bring his face much closer. I bite my cheek and turn his face to another place. —You're stupid, I hope you realize that. —I say, and he bites my inner thigh. —Stupidly in love with you. —I roll my eyes at his joke and try to ignore his kisses and bites. At first it was easy, but considering he's now been doing it for an hour, not only am I really uncomfortable inside my pants, but I can also feel small wet spots from his kisses and bites. I gently hit his shoulder to push him away right before Delilah turns to us to tell us we've arrived. Good thing we have, because any more of his teasing and I'd be the only one arriving.

I hold Arthur's hand as we exit the car, but obviously not before tying a sweater around my waist to avoid any... repercussions. The door opens and people greet us. Arthur looks around the feudal castle and then to the outside. There's this big statue, like massive statue, of a boy or man staring directly to where the sun comes out. —That's such a beautiful statue. —I comment and I hear a soft laugh. —It is, isn't it? It's even more beautiful in the morning, when the sun is only rising. —I turn to the voice and see this beautiful girl walking our way. —Good evening, my name is  Nimue. —She bows. —Good evening, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Nimue. —I bow back and pull Arthur to bow with me. —I'm (Y/N), head knight of the Sunflower Kingdom. This is my fiancé, Arthur. —I introduce ourselves by name.

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