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(Y/N)'s POV

My eyes flutter open as I wake up. I feel gentle arms around me. "Love, are you up?" He nods and I smile. "I love you." I kiss his head. "I love you, too." He mumbles against my chest and places a kiss on it. "I'm not taking any more kisses there from you." I pout. "You're so mean." He mumbles before moving back a bit. He looks me up and down and blushes. "Fine, I can leave it alone for today." "Oh, honey, you're leaving it alone until these marks fade." I glare at him and look at my bruised chest. "But that'll take a long time!" He whines. "Should've thought about that earlier." He pouts, then we hear a knock on the door. My eyes widen and I immediately grab my sleeping robe from the side of the bed.

Once we open the door, we see Delilah. She looks at Arthur up and down. "Cover that." She says before coming in. Arthur's face turns a deep red and he glares at me. I laugh at him loudly. "Don't laugh, your clothes are inside out." I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom to change into new clothes. Once I finish I call Arthur. "Come here, love!" He opens the door and looks at me. I smile and sit him on the vanity table. I look around my bag and find the concealer we got just for these sort of situations. "I'll go check if food is ready!" Delilah yells. "Okay!" I look at Arthur and immediately kiss him. He kisses back immediately and I deepen the kiss. "You have no clue just how much I missed your lips." He grins. "They're always there for you." I smile and peck his lips. "We should be at the entrance in ten minutes!" "Almost done!"

He launches himself to me and I hug him. "My precious boy." He lightly grinds against me while on my lap and I look up at him. "Arthur." I warn. "We've got ten minutes." I shake my head. "To get ready." He pouts and kisses my cheek. "Fine, get me ready." He walks out and lays on his bed.


"I CAN'T GET YOU DRESSED IF YOU DON'T FUCKING CALM DOWN!" He pouts as I try to put on his boxers. "I'm not giving you hand until after we marry if you don't calm down, right now." "That's not how it works!" "Oh, but you will make it work! I'm leaving, get dressed, you have four minutes." I wait outside the door and after a it it opens. "I hate you." He pouts and lightly hits my arm. "You love me." I slap his back and walk away. "You're so unromantic." I smile and place my arms over his shoulders, joining my hands behind his neck. "Am I?" "Y-yeah." I pout. "I'm sorry." I hand him a sunflower which magically spawned on my hand since I'm a magical anime girl. "I want to kiss you so bad." "Then I must be pretty romantic." I wink and he rolls his eyes.

We walk into the kitchen hand in hand. "Good morning." I say as I take a seat. "Good morning!" Nimue greets happily. "Nimue!" Her mom scolds and Nimue's smile lowers. I smile brightly at her. "Good morning, Ms. Nimue!" Her mom looks at me and her expression softens. (I just found out in the manga he reunited with his parents and they were fucking asses, so I'll change the plot a bit.) "So... if I may ask, what are your names? I couldn't find them on any documents." "My name is Igraine, and my husband's is Uther." "So is the feud truly inspired by Le Morte d'Arthur?" She purses her lips. "Yes." "I'm curious, why name your daughter Nimue when both Igraine and Uther had children?" Nimue also looks at them curiously. "You know the story well." Lord Uther murmurs. "I do." "They didn't have any daughters together." "If you'd had a son would you have named him Arthur?" They both tense up and I smile. "That's a hypothetical scenario, of course. Nimue is a pretty name." We finish eating in silence and then go to the stables.

"Had your mom taught you how to ride?" I ask Nimue, and she shakes her head. "Delilah, do you know how to ride?" "More or less." I hum and look at the horses. There's this stunning horse and on the stable sits a plaque with the name "Arthur" engraved. I look at the horse by its side. Igraine... Nimue... Uther... these aren't the names of the horses. Arthur skips to my side and looks at the horses. "Wow, I always wanted to have one of those horses when I was younger. The way their hooves are feathered so elegantly." I smile and caress his cheek. "It's a Clydesdale mare." I say before moving my hand to the horse's muzzle. It neighs and moves its head away. "Careful with that horse, she gets angry when people touch her." Angry? She doesn't seem angry. Arthur puts his hand out and the mare puts her muzzle under Arthur's hand. "She's beautiful." I hold his other hand and rest my head on his shoulder. "You're lovely." I whisper. "She is." "I meant you, dummy."

The mare starts hitting the door of her stable. The door opens and she walks out and nudges Arthur with her muzzle. "Oh, did Llamrei escape?" Nimue asks. The mare nudges Arthur and pushes him out of the stable. I shrug. "Want me to teach you how to ride a horse?" I offer and she nods. I go to the horse in the stable with her name and go inside. I place a pad on the stallion and then the saddle. I put on his muzzle and hold the reins. I pull him out of the stable and Nimue follows behind. "Okay, you see this thing?" I tap the stirrup. "It's called a stirrup, you're gonna place your foot there." She nods and follows my directions. "Now hold onto this." I tap the horn. She grabs it with both hands. "Usually it's best to use saddles without horns in case of accidents, but it'll be easier to use this saddle for now." She nods.

"Okay, so now you're gonna lift yourself, putting your weight on the stirrup and a bit on the horn for extra support, be careful not to swing your body to gain momentum or you could hurt the horse." She nods and tries to get jump. "Okay, remember to get your leg over the horse." She tries again and I prop her up. "There we go. Now hold the reins around here, don't go any further than this or you might not have as good of a control." She holds the reins. "You can place a hand on the horn for a bit of support, but don't get too used to it. It's best to hold to the reins." She nods.

After a bit of riding I get a phone call. "(Y/N), you need to come here... quickly. Your brother didn't want me to tell you. The elder's have accepted your marriage because the kingdom will lose its king." "What?" "He's sick, last year, you said he was still hiding something. He was hiding he's sick, his condition worsened, the doctors have given him two weeks at most." "WHAT! I'll be there!" I hang up and look at Arthur. "I need to leave, my love. You can continue with the tour." I peck his lips before riding back to the castle.

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