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I hold Arthur's hand as we enter the kingdom. I look around and some people bow while others just begin cheering. "King of knights, is that our future prince?" I smile and glance at Arthur. "This is my boyfriend." I nudge him and he walks forward and bows. They all give a full formal bow. He gives me a terrified look and I chuckle. "You're my fiancé, people here easily take in new members of the royal family." He smiles and fully bows back. Like one knee bow. I lean down and smile at him he looks to the side and pouts. I grin and bow fully, too. They stand up and look at me in shock. It's not the first time I've bowed to my people, I don't know why they're acting so surprised. "This is Arthur, he'll be joining the family in the future, but for now he's my fiancé." "Have the elders approved?" I look up and smile. "That's what we came here for." I stand up and put a hand out to help Arthur up. "You should introduce yourself personally." I whisper and give him a light push.

Some minutes go by and he's surrounded by people still. "(Y/N)!" I grin. "Is everything alright?" "Can you come here!" I tap the shoulder of one of the persons. "Excuse me." And everyone immediately makes way. I smile and thank them all before walking to Arthur. "Are you alright?" "No te vayas tan lejos, amor." He whispers and I blush wildly. "¿Y tú a qué horas aprendiste español?" "You know how I love circles and learnt pi?" I nod. "A ti te amo más que a los círculos." A smile forms on my lips, a smile that I just can't control. "Que cursi eres." I scrunch my nose. "Pero aquí me quedo contigo, mi príncipe azul." I hold his hand. "Te amo, lindo." "Yo a ti." Some people ask him questions while I just play with his fingers. "Oye, amor." I whisper and he hums. "¿Sí sabes que muchas personas si entienden español, verdad?" He blinks slowly and then facepalms. I chuckle. "Por lo menos solo fue un te amo." He hums. "Oye, amor." He hums again. "Te amo." He smiles. "Yo a ti." I feel the tip of his fingers move on my palm. E-S-P-E-R-A-A-Q-U-E-L-L-E-G-U-E-M-O-S-A-L-C-A-S-T-I-L-L-O-Y-T-E-D-O-Y-E-L-B-E-S-O-D-E-L-A-V-I-D-A "That's too many letters." "I think you can understand." I smile and nod. "On another note." "Hm?" "Your pronunciation and accent suck." He lightly kicks my leg and rolls his eyes.

After the people leave we go to the castle. We don't even greet my brother before going to my room. I close the door and he pins me against it and kisses me. I lock the door and cup his cheeks. "Kiss me more." He smiles and deepens the kiss. Once we pull away I smile and give him a peck. "Let's go greet my brother." He nods. I turn to open the door and he hugs me from behind. "I really love you." "I love you, too." He pecks my neck and shoulders. "I love you." "I love you." "I really really love you." "I want to marry you already." "Me too." I smile and turn around and kiss him. It was just a short gentle kiss. Which was then ruined by my brother who slammed the door open causing me to push Arthur and fall on top of him.

"Brother!" "Oh my god! Lock the door!" "We weren't doing anything! It's your fault for slamming the door open!" Arthur pouts and I smile. I lean down and kiss him. I pull away some seconds after and smile. "Okay, uhm, anyways, the elders said until this matter is resolved, Arthur and you can't be in the same room alone, so we're getting you a chaperone, and you also can no longer sleep in the same room." I pout. "Luckily for you, they don't know he's your roommate so at least you have that." "Get out before I get a chaperone so at least I can give him more kisses." "Fineee, Valerie is in my room, by the way." "Alright, I'll go greet her in a bit." I close the door with my foot and kiss Arthur again. "Te amo." "Yo te amo a ti." I smile and peck his lips.

"El día que nos casemos no duermes." "I actually didn't understand that." "What's día mean?" "Day." "What's casemos mean?" "Hunt or marry." "What's no mean?" "No." "What's duermes mean?" "Sleep." "Then link them." "Day marry no sleep." He blushes and I giggle. "You're adorable sweetheart." "You're even more adorable." I roll my eyes and kiss him. We have a short make out before someone knocks on the door. I sigh and get up and sit on my bed and grab a book. I pat my lap and he gets on the bed and rests his head on my lap. I start playing with his hair and then another knock comes. "It's open." The door opens slowly and a young girl peeks through the door. "Good afternoon." I greet and she eyes me and bows. "Good afternoon, your royal highness." "There's no need for you to refer to me that way." "It's a formality." "If you want to keep it formal, prince or knight is enough."

She looks down at Arthur and I smile, "This is Arthur, I'm sure you already know that considering you're here though." She nods and bows. "My name is Delilah, your royal highness and... Sir." I tap Arthur's shoulder and he sits up and I give a light bow. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Delilah." Arthur bows too and I smile. "If you don't mind me asking, Ms. Delilah, do you speak Spanish?" She shakes her head. "I apologize, I was raised by English speaking parents." I nod. "That's alright, there's not many young people who speak Spanish nowadays. It was a really sudden change." She nods and looks at Arthur. "Is there something wrong, Ms?" She shakes her head.

"Your fiancé reminds me of someone, your highness." I nod. "Would you like to tell me who?" "I'm not sure if it'd be okay for me to tell, I do not want to get the person in trouble, your highness." "It's alright, I don't think either of us will say anything, but if you think it's best then we can leave the topic." "It's my girlfriend, your highness. She's from one of the old fiefs, your highness. Her parents don't want her to date a commoner." "The old fiefs... from what fief?" "Pileus, I believe." I give a light nod. "Don't worry, Ms. Delilah, you can entrust us with your secret. I'd never harm a citizen." I bow and she smiles. "Since you've been so kind, your highness, I think I might just read a book and stare out the window." I smile and nod. "Thank you, Ms."

She sits on a chair by the window and opens a book. "Pileus..." "Sombrero o libertad." Arthur nods and hums. "My dad used to have this hat. He'd always stare into it, there was a whole world inside. We'd look at the sky and a castle." "That sounds nice." I hum and lay my head on his shoulder. "I've heard Pileus is a beautiful place, they say the streets give the fiefdom a circle shape. They say the whole place was inspired by Le Morte d'Arthur. I think you'd like it there." "Is the place really full of circles?" Arthur's eyes brighten and I hum. "That's what I've heard. We can go if you'd like." He nods excitedly and I chuckle. "You're adorable." I peck his lips.

The knight king and the prince knight. (ArthurxM!reader)Where stories live. Discover now