Research and a dare?

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I've decided to ask my brother on some information. I call him. "Hi! What's up?" "I need some education on a topic." "Which topic?" "Well you see, I never got sex ed. I was told it was ✨sinful✨ by the elders." "Huh? Okayyyyy, uhm just look it up online or something." "I'm allowed to do so?" "I mean yeah, why wouldn't you?" "The elders said that's get rid of my purity and dirty my blood." "The elders are stupid." "Oh okay." "So what do you need that info for?" "The kids at school keep talking about things that I don't get, and I'm also failing biology." "That makes sense, yeah, just don't do anything bad with that information." "Okey."

After some research I found a place with books that could have some examples of the information I learnt, it was called Wattpad. And that kids is how I got traumatized. I read the strange book. What the actual fuck is this? This is so disgusting, why would someone write about something that should be private Do people in the kingdom do this? What the fuck, I'm gonna throw up! Why is this so fucking explicit Arthur enters the room and hugs me from behind. The thought of one of the books I just read comes into mind so I immediately jump and move away. "What are you doing‽" "I'm just hugging you, my prince." I blush. "Oh... right. Sorry I was just a bit paranoiac." "Don't worry." I hug him and pull him with me to his bed. He lays on top of me and another book comes into mind and I turn into a blushing mess. He looks at me and a mischievous grin forms on his face. "You are think of something 'bad'." "I just... this is embarrassing." "Don't worry, I won't judge you." "So, I wasn't allowed to have sex ed back in the kingdom so I was practically failing biology, and then the guys at class keep making these jokes I don't get. I asked my brother if I could get education on that and he said to just look it up online. So I did and then I wanted to understand the guys' jokes and well I read some books and I am traumatized now because they literally made every single wholesome thing I've ever known in my life into some weird shit. Like, what the fuck, the really had to ruin whipped cream for me‽" He starts laughing. "Why are you laughing at me‽" "You're just... so cute~!" I blush and pout. He pecks my cheek. "Don't worry, my prince. I have no such intent whenever I hug you." "Wait." "What is it?" "I learnt something, very very bad. Well I mean I guess now I get why you laugh when I say something's bad and it's something wholesome. But I want to try that very very bad something." "What is it?" "It's... embarrassing to say..." I blush and look away. "Alright, don't worry. Anything you want to try, I'm willing to help." He pecks my cheek. I blush and nod. "I want it to be a surprise for you when I do it, so wait a while." "Okey." We just stay in a comfortable silence for a while.

"Hey, prince." "Hm?" "Who was your first kiss?" "Hmmm guess." "What? But I don't know people you know." "But you do know this one, very well, one might even say you are one person." "Hmmmm, I don't know." I giggle. "Try to guess." "Excalibur." "What? No!" "But I don't get that along with anyone else." I chuckle. "You're a dumbass." I kiss him. "I've only kissed one person in my life. Is that big enough a clue for you?" "Who could it be? Do I have competition‽ You've kissed someone besides me‽" "No!" "Then who‽" "You are literally an idiot!" "But who was it‽" "It was you, dumbass!" "Oh." I shake my head and giggle. "You're stupid." I cup his face and kiss him. I mumble into his lips. "You're a fucking idiot." I kiss him again. We pull away and I hug him tightly. "You're so precious to me." He smiles and pecks my forehead.


I hear the bell ring signaling it was break time. I leave the classroom and I see Maki and Lily. "Hi." "Hi!" "Is everything okay?" "Yeah, we were gonna invite you to a sleepover." Sometimes I feel like they know I'm gay. "Ohhh, uhm sure, tonight?" "Yup." "Okey, where?" "Tamaki's room." "Alright." I notice them staring at each other and then at me. "Do you want to ask something?" "Hehe, yeah... is it okay?" "Sure." I shrug. "Sorry if we misunderstood, but is there something going on between you and Arthur? You seem pretty close lately." "Well he's my roommate, of course we'd seem close." I hear Maki whisper. "And they were roommates." I flush red and look at her. "Huh‽" "Oh, you heard that... sorry." "He's red." I cover my face. "Am not!" "He totally likes him." "Yeah..." "I do no-" I cut myself off when I feel a hand ruffle my hair. I look behind me and see Arthur smiling at me. "Wanna go eat?" I smile and nod. He squeezes my cheek. "You're so cute." I blush a bit and we start walking away from Maki and Lily. "What we're you talking about?" "They were... asking me about you ig." "And you were so red." "Don't tease me, kin- oop-" He pulls me by the hand all the way to the bathroom. We enter a stall and he immediately hugs me. "You're so cute." He giggles and pecks my cheek. "Shut up." I peck his lips. We go out and at the same time someone entered. The person just stared at us. "..." "..." "He was-" "I don't wanna know." "Throwing up!" "Ohhhh." "Yeah." We leave the restroom and he starts laughing. "

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