Coffee date

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Forgot to say, the chapters have some time in between, don't think it all happens in like one week. (This one is related to last tho)

(Y/N)'s POV
I give Arthur one more kiss before we head out. I smile and skip my way to the exit. (My teeth hurtttttt I got my braces thingies changedddd). I walk by his side and we get on a bus. We sit besides each other and I sneakily take hold of his hand and pull it into the pockets of my sweatshirt. I smile and notice a little grin on his face, too. We just talk about random things. This is so precious to me. The bus reaches our stop and we get off. We go to a mall in which there was a really cute coffee shop. We head in and I greet the waiter. "Hey! How's it going, (Y/N)?" "Great, brought a friend!" "Usual spot?" "Yes, please!"

This is my favorite place, it's pretty private, no one taking pictures of me, no one staring through the window. Here each table was inside this little room, meaning each table was separated by a wall on each side and a curtain. My usual table was even more hidden and private than the others, it was on the second floor, on the corner, with many plants that covered it. We reach the table and go in. We sit down and look at the menus. We call the waiter with the little waiter button and once they arrive we order. He orders a cold chai and a carrot cake, while I order (drink) and (dessert). The waiter leaves. We continue with our idle talk. He suddenly moves towards where my sit is and pecks my cheek. I smile and giggle. He goes back to his sit and we just talk. I look under the table, locate his hand and reach for it. We hold hands under the table, which was slightly uncomfortable so we ended up holding hands over the table.

"When are vacations coming?" "Two months." "Dang it, I really miss my knights." "You really get along with them, huh?" "They're like family. They've always supported me, specially when I was climbing my way to be head, well they were the ones who made me head really. They took care of me for four years, they made me who I am now, I really care about them so much." "Then I want to meet them." He smiles. I feel my heart beat fast. "Sure." I smile, too. Our food arrives and we eat. He looks away for a second and I steal a piece of carrot cake. He looks back and notices a missing piece. "Did you take a bite from my cake?" "No." "Then why is there a piece missing?" "I don't know." "Really?" "Yeah." "Hmm I must've ate it without realizing." "Likely." He looks away again and this time I take a sip of his drink.

Arthur's POV
I look at him take a sip of my chai. Cute. I was recording him taking. Is he biting my straw? I look at him and by now he had placed the glass back where it was, like exactly where it was. I look at my glass and lick the straw. There's no way he'll drink that now. I look down and start scrolling on my phone. I stare at him and see him making eye contact with me, almost as if he was sure I'd look. Without breaking eye contact he reaches for my glass and slides it closer to himself. I blush and he opens his mouth to take the straw. He drinks from the straw, and he did it slowly, almost teasingly. I blush and he slides the glass back to me, still maintaining eye contact. I decide to do the same as him and open my mouth to take a sip while still maintaining eye contact. I then fail miserably and end up poking my cheek with the straw. He stifles a laughs and covers his mouths. That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I grin. "You're so pretty." His cheeks tint pink and he mumbles a 'thanks'. "So... let me call my brother to allow you access to the kingdom." "Sure."

He calls who I'd suppose is his brother. "Hi." "(Y/N)?" "Yep!" "Oh my god, did you get kidnapped? Why are you calling‽" "Well ouch." "Sorry, it's just you never call." "I've just been busy." "Soooo, how's it going?" "Great, great, I've been wondering if I could bring a friend over on vacations." "(Y/N)..." "I know, I know, we don't allow outsiders." He laughs. "No! That's not it! I changed that law, remember? They just need to pass some safety protocols. But you don't need to ask (Y/N)! You're the prince!" He laughs. "Oh, great, then I'll be over in two months." "Alright." A muffled voice is suddenly heard through the phone. "The doctor's here." (Y/N)'s eyes widen. "Oh, gotta go, (Y/N). I'll be expecting you." "Yeah." "Oh and (Y/N)." "What is it?" "Be ready to wear the royal clothes, you'll be my groomsman." "You're getting married‽" "Yup!" "How‽ When‽ Who?!" "Remember Valerie?" "Valerie as in the Valerie that we played with in the garden?" "Yup, that Valerie!" "What‽ That's great! I love Valerie!" "I know, she's really excited to see you again. You haven't seen her since before I was king." "Yeah, me too! Say hi for me!" "Alright, goodbye, (Y/N)." "Bye bye!" He hangs up and stares at me.

He moves to sit besides me, he leans closer to me, supporting himself with his hands. He whispers. "Are you excited?" "Yeah." I mumble. "Can I do something bad?" "What do you mean?" "I want to do something really bad with you." "Like what?" "I don't want to say it." His cheeks tint pink. "Is it that bad?" "It's very very bad." "Hmm, sure." I mean, if he's blushing then it's not something bad. He looks away and mumbles something. "What?" He cups my cheek. "I like you." "I'd assume." He flushes red and looks away. I move his head to look at me. Our noses are touching. His breathing gets heavy and he looks very nervous. "Is it bad for you to tell me that?" "I'm not a pale girl with brown hair and a peach pink dress." I peck his forehead. "You're better than that, my prince." "Still..." "Why is it bad?" "I'm not supposed to like you." I kiss his cheek. "Is it really that bad?" "Yes." "Then guess what." "What?" "We're doing bad things together." He blushes and a slight smile forms on his lips. I want to kiss him again. Is that bad? I mean, it shouldn't, but from his perspective, is it bad? "Can I do something even worse?" "Sure." I cup his cheek and kiss him. I pull away after a bit and to say he was blushing mess would be an understatement. He was frozen, he was practically a tomato, there was basically smoke coming out of his head. I smile like hugely, like my cheeks were on the verge of falling off from how wide my smile was. A grin creeps its way into his mouth.

"You're so cute." I pull him into a hug. He nuzzles into my neck. "I..." "What is it?" "No, nothing." "You sure?" "Y-yeah." He pecks my cheek. "I really like you." "I know." He smiles cheekily. Oh do I love him. I blush at my thought. He pecks my cheek over and over. "What is it?" "Nothing~." He grins playfully and continues pecking my cheek. I chuckle and turn to face him, this leading to him pecking my lips. I grin and cup his cheeks and kiss him. I peck his lips over and over and then kiss him. It was a normal kiss, just a romantic little kiss, but for some reason even the slightest graze against his lips felt like heaven. We pull away and I peck his forehead and hug him tightly. I decide to tell him. "Your lips feel amazing. You feel amazing- no, you are amazing." He blushes and looks away. "Shut up, foolish king." "I'm only a fool for you." He immediately stops and looks at me. "That was the cringiest, cheesiest thing I've ever heard." I chuckle. "Yeah, I realized, but it was too late. You loved it, though." He hums. "Yeah, I did."

After our little date we go back to our dorms and get scolded for skipping. We enter our room and start laughing and throw ourselves in bed. His laugh is really the most magnificent thing ever. I stare at him as he laughs and then he looks at me, too. He simply stared with the most loving look I've ever seen. He lays on his side, his head resting on his arm. We have some sort of stare off. We just stare into each other's eyes and nothing more. "You're so pretty it hurts." He smiles and looks away. "Don't say stupid stuff." I chuckle. "You're so cute." "Shut up." He chuckles. "Make me." I smirk and he pins me down and puts his arms over my neck. "Shut up now?" I flip us. "Make me." He grins. "Fine. I don't take responsibility for what happens next." I blush. "I didn't say you would." He kisses me and I kiss back. He suddenly gives my bottom lip a harsh bite. "Ow!" He smirks and pulls away. My lip was bleeding from the bite.

(Y/N)'s POV
Why is this dumbass blushing? I wipe the blood away from his lip with my thumb. He blushes even harder. I bring my thumb to my lips and kiss it, leaving some blood on my lips. I press my thumb against his lower lip, this, for some strange reason, turned him into a blushing mess. I chuckle. "You're really cute." "Well I am very beautiful as kings are." I playfully roll my eyes. "Are you insinuating I'm not cute because I'm not a king?" "No, you're so fucking cute! Besides, you're my king." He grins. "You're adorable." I peck his lips

The knight king and the prince knight. (ArthurxM!reader)Where stories live. Discover now