A/N - Announcement

451 12 15

Oh wow, do people still read this?

First of all, if you're here, Hello! I hope you guys are having a wonderful day :) 

I'm Elle! Although that would be evident from the notes I leave at the end of my chapters, and I'm back!

Honestly, I've been thinking about this for a while and I truly do miss writing on here 😭 I've taken a long enough break, don't you think?

So if you guys would like, I'll make another book!! A chatfic, like this one except different :) 

This book has gone farther than I thought it would when I first started writing it, and although I love this book and the memories that I had with it I think it's better for me to start this whole thing again. (Also because I have absolutely no idea how to continue this book💀)

It'll be different, in terms of story and maybe format but characters will be the same!!

That's up to you guys though 😭 It's important to have my reader's opinions!! So, New book?

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