76 - Healing

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Iwaizumi has a lot of regrets.

That isn't new. Typically, an average human being has got to have some regrets, even if it isn't as noticeable.

Iwaizumi can't count how many regrets he has, most likely because some he may have already forgotten about. But there's one reason for most of his regrets. There's one annoying little asshole that just so happens to be the cause of most of poor Iwa's regrets.

Who, you might ask?

Well, that's got to be obvious. It's none other than the overpowering, gorgeous, over-confident, smartass Oikawa, who he's regrettably been calling his best friend for quite some time now.

He was always a stoic and composed kid, contradicting that of his best friend, who was always whiny and dramatic. There were almost nothing alike, so why is it that Iwaizumi finds himself getting more and more attracted to him?

Why is it that every glance, every memory, every sign of that alien-loving brunette gives Iwaizumi butterflies and daggers at the same time? The comforting feeling of being in love is almost overshadowed by the fact that he lost this love.

The butterflies that would always flutter around in his stomach whenever Oikawa would so much as glance at him with that stupidly cute smile of his. Whether the smiles Oikawa would give him were fake or genuine, they still had the same effect on Iwaizumi, sending those butterflies to attack him with obvious signals that he was indeed falling in love with his best friend.

Yet when he finally got him, when he finally snatched the guy he had been chasing for God knows how long, Oikawa started drifting away more than before. It slowly, but surely Iwaizumi could feel Oikawa starting to distance himself from him.

From the times he would use Atsumu's visits as an excuse to be out all day, to the calls that would last at least 10 hours with Tendou. It felt as if Oikawa had been slowly reconsidering Iwaizumi's role in his life - which should be the most important person in his life, at least, that's what Iwaizumi thinks.

These were the times were he started to feel the light stabs of daggers. The painful over thinking began. Which only added more and more pain as more and more daggers came to stab him in every angle they could reach. It was painful. Yet he couldn't pull the daggers out, as much as he wanted to, because at the end of the day those daggers were only an imaginative description to the pain he felt everyday.

These daggers slowly sank deeper into his body, to the point where he couldn't even stop a girl from coming onto him and giving him the hickey that would ruin his life. He swears on his life that he tried, but when did he become so submissive to these attacks? When did he become so desperate for someone that he forgot he had a boyfriend that he loved oh-so dearly? Was it because Oikawa distanced himself? But that's pathetic, Iwaizumi couldn't be that selfish. He couldn't be that needy. So why?

Why didn't he stop her?

This mistake would later become to epitome of his misery and despair today. The fact that he let the girl land a single hickey on his collarbone was enough to let Iwaizumi beat himself up because of it. So much so that Semi had to drag him out of his sulking for a hang-out at his house (which turned into them breaking into Shirabu's place, but we're not gonna get into that).

This was seemingly was Iwaizumi needed. A well deserved rest that would let him calm himself, in order to avoid crossing the line when over thinking. Although it was helpful at first, it appeared to have been one of the worst things he could've done as soon as he step foot into Shirabu's room.

It wasn't entirely the copper haired boy's fault, per say, but he was definitely a part of it. The moment he lifted up that laptop screen, Iwaizumi felt the same feelings of butterflies and daggers, both fluttering and stabbing.

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