33 - Move on (irl)

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<Yaku and Kuroo private dms>

MotherCat: You're coming with me to Kenma's

MotherCat: So we can apologise

Kubro: Okayyy~

Kubro: I'll pick you up?

MotherCat: Yep

Kubro: Okay ;)

MotherCat: I swear don't try anything funny we ended that already

Kubro: Yeah yeah whatever

Kubro: Just nice to look back on memories, you know?

MotherCat: Stop.

MotherCat: Don't tell me you don't like Kenma anymore?

Kubro: Contemplating.

MotherCat: Kuroo I swear to God

MotherCat: Stop already it's bad enough we hurt Kenma

Kubro: Tch

Kubro: Whatever Chibi

MotherCat: Just come pick me up asshole


MotherCat: AYO

ProtectiveMom: Sup

Iwa: Hi

Sugamama: Hellooo

Owlmom: Hey

MotherCat: Kuroo's hitting on me :(

MotherCat: I don't wanna be the reason Kenma gets hurt

ProtectiveMom: Wtf

ProtectiveMom: I thought he liked Kenma now?

MotherCat: I told him that as well

MotherCat: Then he replied 'Contemplating'

Sugamama: Oh God

Sugamama: Does Kenma like him?

MotherCat: D u h

MotherCat: He won't admit it directly to Kuroo but I see the way he looks at him

MotherCat: He looks at him like I used to

MotherCat: And he only talks to me about these things

MotherCat: I just don't wanna be the reason Kenma's heart breaks into pieces

Iwa: Yeesh

Iwa: Such drama

Iwa: Just tell him to back the fuck off and make up his mind on who he likes

Owlmom: Yeah, He can't be a player

ProtectiveMom: Volleyball Player💀

Owlmom: Semi you know what I mean

ProtectiveMom: Just trying to lighten up the mood :(

Sugamama: Thanks for your efforts Semi😔

ProtectiveMom: Thank you Suga 😔😔

Owlmom: If he's just gonna play Kenma and you like that then that's bullshit

Sugamama: Yeah

Sugamama: That's just fucked up

Iwa: Just message us if he tries anything❤️

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