35 - Denial (irl)

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Shirabu was half asleep. He stayed up last night watching some shows that he rarely got the chance to catch up on, and studied since he got a few mistakes on some tests. Which, to him, was unacceptable.

Then he heard rustling, the sound of something opening, and...


Shirabu mentally sighed as he sat up and immediately knew what was happening.

"Semi-san please tell me why the fuck I wake up to you sneaking in through my window at 7am in the morning.."

His words were slurred due to his extreme amount of sleep deprivation. He yawned slightly after sitting up, then fully opened his eyes to see his one and only lov-

One and Only Senpai*

Semi had a slight smirk on his face as Shirabu's eyes wandered over to the plastic bag Semi was holding.

"Good morning to you too, Princess"

Shirabu merely groaned at the nickname.

He slowly got out of bed and walked over to Semi. He grabbed the bag Semi was holding, rummaging through the contents.

Semi didn't seem to mind this, actually, it seemed like he intended for Shirabu to rummage through said bag.

Shirabu's eye got caught on his favourite candy, which, surprised him a bit since..

When has he ever told Semi about his favourite candy?

He shuddered a bit then glared at the taller setter in front of him. The latter tilting his head in confusion.

Semi pouted. "What? Not a thank you? Don't like what I bought for you?"

"Well...I appreciate it but,"

Shirabu sighed.

"How did you know about my favourite candy?"

Semi laughed slightly.

"I'm not a Stalker, Chill. Taichi told me about your favourite candy, Just take it. I know you stayed up until quite some time last night so I got some candy to boost up your energy."

Shirabu simply rolled his eyes as he got a piece of candy, threw it in his mouth and dropped the bag onto his table.

He started chewing it as he grabbed Semi's wrist and dragged him all the way to the kitchen.

Shirabu lived alone, his mother and father weren't the worst parents. He just felt suffocated living with them so he decided to get himself an apartment, not too far from school, but not too far from his parents either.

"cook me food"

"What? I already brought you candy"

"but you woke me up so cook me food"


"I'll make the coffee you make the food"

Semi huffed, silently giving up since he knew he couldn't get himself out of this now.

Not like he hasn't done this before.

It's becoming quite the routine for them, One of them breaks in their house, either waking the other up or disturbing his peace, getting to the kitchen, and ending up in either ordering food or Semi cooking while Shirabu handles their drinks.

Some might even question why they won't just live together. What's the point of having separate homes if you're gonna go to each other's houses every day?

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