The Unknown Riddle

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I awoke feeling pretty refreshed, I slept like a baby. I get up and get ready for the day, I was excited because me and Jayden are going to have time to ourselves. I know I had to go and check on Zipper the stable owner called and said he was acting up. I haven't see him in awhile, he's probably getting all hyped up and wanting to go for a ride. I finish getting dress for a ride and walk out to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast and I see Ji in the kitchen washing some dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.

" Morning Sara" Ji says. I smile back at him " morning Ji" I said grabbing some bread and putting it in the toaster.

" How are you doing this morning, you slept in" he asked.

" Yes, I slept like a baby last night, I see you guys got the power back on" I said.

I forgot about what happened last night with the lights and what happened to me,

" yes, it was on when I got up this morning must have been a short or something" he says.

" That's weird" I said.

I grabbed my toast out of the toaster and spread some butter and jelly. I then hear someone walk in and I turn to see Jayden.

" Hey, good morning sleeping beauty" he says with his beautiful smile.

" Morning" I say with a big smile. " You must have slept well" Jayden says sitting at the counter. I grab my toast and walk over to the counter and lean on it in front of him. " Yes, I did how about you?" I asked him with a smile while eating. He just smiles and chuckles a little. " so when did you want to go out?" he asked. Ji sense he needed to leave the room, " maybe later in the day, I need to go to the stables and check on Zipper, the stable owner called and said Zipper is acting out, I think he's bored, I haven't seen him in awhile, so I'm going take him for a short ride" I said. " Well then I guess I better get to planning then" he says with smile. " It better be good" I say finishing up my breakfast. He starts laughing, " oh it will" he says getting out of his chair. I chuckle and started walking out and he walked beside me as we walked outside together. The others were out there training together. " Hey she awake finally!" Mike yells and grabs everyone's attention. "Hey, did you notice the power came back on this morning?" Emily asked. " Yes, Ji said it was a short or something" I said, " ya a short my butt that had to be something else" Mike says. Kevin shakes his head, "like what? there's nothing else it could've been".

" I don't know but that was no short" Mike says back to Kevin. Jayden and I looked at each other and chuckled at Mike and Kevin. " Well whatever it was it's fine now" Mia says before Mike and Kevin get serious. " Well I'm off, I will see you ya'll later" I said leaving. " what? where are you going?" Mia asked. " Oh I gotta to go see Zipper he's acting out, see you later" I say waving bye to them.

I reach the stables and the stable's owners wife was sitting in her rocking chair drinking her lemonade on the porch. She noticed me walking up, " Hello Sara, he's in the barn, that horse of yours is causing quite the trouble". I smile " I know he told me, I'm sorry, I have been really busy lately" I say walking on to the porch. " it's okay my dear, that horse loves you, he just misses you that's all" she says. I smile at her comment. " Well I'm going to take him for a ride hopefully that will solve the problem" I say before leaving. I wave bye to her and walk to the barn as she waves back with a smile. As I get closer to the barn I can hear Zipper neighing and snorting like crazy and kicking the stall door. I then see the owner walking another horse out of the barn. " There you are finally, he's been acting out, this is what he does all night and day" he says but he didn't seem mad about it. "I'm sorry, I have been really busy lately and hadn't have time, I will fix what he broke and hopefully settle him down" I say. The owner just chuckles, " that horse sure does love you, he's always looking for you" he says and walks off with the other horse. I hear Zipper neighing and kicking the walls of the stall. I shook my head and walk into the barn to Zipper's stall. "Zipper! I'm here boy!" I said. He starts walking in circles and comes up to the window of his stall. He was all fired up but when he saw me he settled down, " it's okay boy, sorry I haven't been here but you know why, don't you" I say petting his head and patting his neck. " how about we go for ride together?" I asked grabbing his halter and lead. he starts throwing his around, that always made me laugh. I open the stall door and see the mess he had made, the walls were all scratch up and dented, the hey was thrown all over, his bedding was all dug up. "wow you have been busy, now I'm regretting telling him I would fix what you broke" I say shocked. Zipper kept throwing his head around waiting for me to put the halter on him. I put it on and walked him to the grooming area. I started brushing him and cleaning out his hooves, he instantly calmed down. I put on his saddle and bridle, he started pawing at the ground as to say "hurry up, I want to go". I smile and chuckle at him. I lead him out of the barn, evening though he is excited to go for rides he doesn't act up when I'm leading him, he such a gentle giant. I was walking him and the stable's owner wife walks up to us, " finally he has calmed down" she says walking up and putting her hand on his head. " he's such a beautiful horse, I wish had one just like him and he so sweet, you did a good job with him. " He was always like that evening as foal" I said smiling and patting Zipper's neck. " well I will let you both go and be careful out there I here the monster attacks are getting frequent now" she says before walking away. " ya don't I know it" I said quietly to Zipper and he nudged me with his head. " okay let's go" I said.

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