Lost Power Part 2

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Kevin Pov

We were still looking for Jayden and Sara but we haven't seen no sign of them anywhere. " Hey guys, over here" Antonio shouted out. Me and Mia ran over to him. There was a old fire pit, " this must be where they camped out for the night" Mia said " this is a good sign that means that made it out of the water" I said but where did they go. " there some horse prints in the dirt over here" Mia yelled out " Sara's horse must have found them, it looks like they go that way" Antonio pointed out. They must have went to find the hidden power" Mia said, " yeah but why wouldn't they have called us?" Antonio asked. I stopped and think about what could have happened " I got to call Mike and Emily and tell them about this and to see if the samuraizer works here" I call Mike and he answered right away, I told them what we found and they were going to meet up with us.

Mike and Emily finally met up with us, " why would they go on without us that's too risky evening Jayden would have known better" Mike said. Mike had a point why would they? " Maybe they didn't have a choice" Mia pointed out. Then my samuraizer began to ring " Ji?...okay we are on our way...no we haven't found them yet..alright I hope" I said then hang up, come on guys Serrator showed up again in the valley" I said to the team and they followed me back to the valley and we morphed on the way there.

We showed up and found Serrator and Octoroo with a bunch of moogers, " Well what do we have here only five rangers" Serrator said in his fancy way. " so it is true the red ranger is gone" Octoroo said but if only they knew they were wrong. " what do you want now Serrator ?" I asked, he just chuckled " I know your friend has found the power so where is she?" He asked we all stayed silent, Serrator just laughed " you don't know do you?". " It doesn't matter, you're getting beat today" Mike threatened him. " we will see about that! moogers get them!" Serrator yelled. We started fighting the moogers which was no problem at all but when we defeated the first wave more started to come, then it became over whelming. " is there no end to these moogers" Emily shouted out " I know they seem to just keep coming" Mia said I can tell the team was getting tired. " guy you must stay strong and beat these guys" I said to keep the team fighting, then we were hit by a strong force and it put all of us on the ground. " aww man that was brutal" Mike struggled to say, then we can hear Serrator laughing and coming closer. " you rangers are no match for me". Then the sky filled with lightning that went across the sky and the rumble of thunder was so loud, we had to cover our ears. The lightning bolts going across the sky was amazing but blinding too. " what is that?" Octoroo asked " no she has the power" Serrator say disappointed. Did this mean Sara and Jayden found it, I hope so " it's over Serrator, we would never let you get your hands on that power" I said standing back up and the others followed. " well I guess I will have to destroy your new friend" Serrator threatened " don't you dare threaten her!" Antonio shouted back. " guys lets go" I said to the team and we each attacked him at once using our power disc. But then it didn't work, Serrator survived and attacked us back. all the sudden " look out!" Mike shouted then another attack hit us, it was Dayu. " can I join in on the fun?" " Dayu" Mia said. We were struggling to get up.

Sara's Pov

Me and Jayden were riding as fast as our horses could go. " I hope we make it in time" I shouted to Jayden " we will the team is strong they will hold on" He said to me. We were jumping over logs and galloping down and up hills. Then we reach on top of a hill and we can see the team struggling against a lot of moogers and Serrator and another nighlok. " who is that?" I asked Jayden " her name is Dayu and that small one is Octoroo, I will fill you in on everything later but we need to get down there" Jayden said I grab my disc and looked at it " Jay, do you think I can do this?" I asked him feeling worried. " Sara you can do this just believe in your self and you will be unstoppable" He said to me to giving me the courage. I then put the disc around my spin sword " lets go" I said then turning Zipper to go down the hill and Jayden was right behind me. I was galloping fast toward the team faster then Jayden's horse and I spinned the disc and lightning covered my sword, I pointed my sword to the sky and lightning came raining down and hit the moogers and they were all destroyed. I pulled Zipper's head up when I was near to the others " you guys alright?" I asked them " Sara?" Emily asked " yep its me" I said then finally Jayden caught up with us " Jayden!" Kevin said happy to see him " everyone okay?" Jayden asked. " all good bro thanks to Sara, which how are you ranger?" Mike asked " you will pay for that!" Serrator yelled " how about the explanation later guys' I said. Me and Jayden get down off our horses and command them to go away. " it's great to have you guys back" Mia said. " wow Sara you look great" Antonio said " thanks Antonio" I said.

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