The Rescue

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Sara pov

      It was a beautiful day out, blue skies, sun shining, the temperature was not too hot and not too cold, it just made me feel so happy. It just lifted my spirits, I was so happy, I didn't have to work today and I decided to go for a walk around town and go shopping. I didn't have very many friends here, the one friend I had was so busy, we haven't hang out in along time. I'm not sure why he never gave a real good anwser. I wondered if he was avoiding me, I don't know what I did but it makes me sad but I usually don't mind being alone. I was always alone ever since my mother and father past away. I have foster parents who are alway nagging me to find someone to be with, it gets annoying but I know that they want the best for me and for me to happy and I am. I decided to walk along the harbor. I love the ocean and how beautiful and peaceful it is. There was alot of people fishing on the docks one of them was singing really loud, but he looked happy. I continued to walk along the harbor and I came across a bunch of wharehouses. My music was on my phone just stopped for some reason. I looked down to see what was wrong and then I get hit by something. Two guys came around the corner and ran into me. "I'm so sorry, miss we didn't mean too" the older one said. "It's ok Im not hurt, what were you guys running and screaming for?" I asked. "There are monsters over there and they have the rangers tied up. We would help but we haven't finished our training yet" the smaller and younger one said. " Really the rangers are in danger, you guys run, I'll go and help, I'm pretty well trained myself" I said. I started to run towards where the guys told me where the rangers were, I got close to the wharehouse they were in. I started to hear talking so I started to sneak carefully to make sure they didn't hear me. I peaked around the corner to see the monsters, there was alot of them and then I see the rangers hanging up by chains, they were trying so hard to get free but the chains were to tight. Then I see the ranger swords on a wood crate where the monsters had gather them up. I see one that has fallen on the ground, it had a red disc on it and it was the easiest one I could grab. I was sneaking very carefully so they wouldn't hear me grab it. I quickly and carefully grab the sword. Then there was a big and badder monster that appear. "Well well rangers it looks like this is the end for you and there's is no one to help you" the monster said. "Oh yes there is" I said in my head. The monster turns to look at the swords on the crate. "Without your swords you are nothing wait one, two, three, four, but there's five of you, where is the red rangers sword" he asked one of the smaller ones. I was getting ready to confront them when all of the sudden someone pulls me aside. It was Ji, "Ji, what are you doing here" I asked, "saving the rangers" he said. "You shouldn't be here Sara, you could get hurt" he said. "Ji I'll be fine but they won't be if I dont help them. You know I can take care of myself" I said. He looked worried but he knows I'm right. "We need a plan" Ji said. "I agree I can take care of the smaller ones but the bigger one the rangers need to defeat him" I said. "I'll grab the rest of the swords when you distract them and I'll find a way to free the rangers, I called for reinforcements, the gold ranger is on his way" Ji said, "ok I'll try to hold out until aid arrives, Lets do this" I said. I ran out to meet the monster head on "HEY!!! Are you looking for something" I said as I raised the sword up to show them. "What! Give that back, you thief" the monster demanded. "Thief? You stole it first! I'm just stealing it back for a good reason" I said.  "Why you little! Get her and the sword!" The monster ordered. The smaller ones start running to me. I standing ready to fight them. I swung and hit them and dodging them but there were too many of them, so I remembered what my dad said to me "always use your surroundings as well as your tricks". I see the crates that are stacked high, I begin to climb high and they followed me which slowed them down and only a few were coming at me. I pushed some off and I swung and hit some of them. I saw some chains hanging and they were attached to some crates that were hanging and some of the monsters were undrneath them waiting for me. "I don't think so" I said as I swung and cut  the chains and my weight released the crate. The crates fell on the rest of the smaller ones. "Well that's that" I said. Then the big one came out of nowhere, "you really think you can defeat me, you're not a power ranger, you can't possibly defeat me". He said. "I don't have to defeat you I just have to stall you" I said. I was getting a little bit worried. "Where is this gold ranger?" I asked myself in my head. "You can't even use that sword" the monster said. He laughed.  "You can't use that disc, you're not a power ranger and you're not even a samurai" the monster said to me. I looked at the red disc that had what looks like a lion on it, as I was staring at it and I started to feel something like the disc was trying to tell me to use it. Then I felt a fire inside like nothing I ever felt before. "HEY! I may not be a power ranger but I don't have to be a power ranger to want to save the world" I said. Then I raised the sword straight up and I put my hand on the disc and spun it as hard as I could and then the fire started to curl around the sword. I couldn't believe my eyes that it worked. "WHAT!!! BUT HOW!!!?? YOU CAN'T!!!!" the monster said freaking out. "SARA!!! THE CHAINS BEHIND YOU!" Ji yelled. I looked to see a set of chains that were connected to the rangers, I looked at the monster with a smile, "I just have to save the ranger to save the world". "WAIT NO!! YOU CANT!!" The monster yelled. I swung behind me at the chains breaking them and the rangers fell to the ground. "OUCH!!!!" I heard the rangers say. "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean for that to happen" I said. "It's cool" the green ranger said. Ji ran up to us here's your spin swords back".  Thank you mentor" the blue ranger said. "Thank you for helping us" the red ranger said to me, "you are quite welcome, anytime" I told him. "It doesn't matter if you got the rangers free I'll defeat them with or without their swords" the monster said. "I think this one is yours" I said handing the sword back to the red ranger. "Thanks we'll take it from here" he said. "Kick his butt for me will yea" I said. "Oh we will don't you worry about that" the green ranger said readying him self to fight. I ran to join Ji and watch at a safe distance.

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