The Fox

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I woke up suddenly from a weird dream. I looked at my clock and notice it was 6 in the morning. I couldn't go back to sleep after that dream, it was strange, I don't know why I keep having these dreams. I pull the covers off me and sat at the edge of the bed, I put both my hands on my face and rubbed the sleep off and got dressed for the day in just blue jeans and a grey shirt and boots, I brushed my hair and teeth and headed out. I open my door to nothing but silence, I think everybody was still sleeping. I walked quietly to the kitchen to cook something to eat. I walk into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast, while I was cooking I thought about my dream. Why am I having this same dream over and over again, was it telling me something. Then I heard footsteps from the hallway, I turned to see Jayden walking in, he was surprise to see me, " morning! he said " Morning!" I said back, he walks towards the refrigerator to get out some orange juice. " You're up early" he said. I continued to cook, " yes, I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep, so I just got up and started to cook" I said. He leaned on the counter next to me and drank his orange juice. " so do want eggs and toast?" I asked him he smiled at me " sure, that sounds great" he said " can you hand me a plate please?" I asked him. He handed me a plate and put the eggs on it and handed it to him. " hope you like scrambles eggs with cheese" I said handing him the plate. he just smiles and took the plate from me " sure, I hopes it better than Mia's cooking" I gasped and hit him with the towel, he backs up and laughs, " you are so mean" I told him laughing. I went back to cooking mine eggs the same way. " I know, I'm sorry" he said grabbing his toast from the toaster and then walking to the other side of the bar to sit down. I smiled at him and finished cooking my eggs and putting them on a plate and pushed down my toast. " so what are your plans for today?" I asked him. " training mostly, what about you?" He asked. My toast popped up and I grabbed them and put them on my plate and walked to the other side of bar and sat next to him. He poured me some orange juice. " Oh Ji gave me the day off from training today, I might go see Zipper, I haven't been visiting a lot so I better go see how he is doing, How's your egg and toast?" I asked " good really good" he said looking at me with a smile. I take a drink of my orange juice and smile at him " that's good, I'm glad you like them". Then the gap sensor went off, me and Jayden looked at each other, " oh no" I said running out with Jayden into the sitting area to see what was going on. Jayden turned on the map and everybody came running out in their pajamas and bed heads. Mike was the last one out and he slipped on the floor from his socks. " ooch, this early in the morning?" Mike said getting up. Ji was looking at the map, " its not a nighlok" He said which confused the rest of us, " what is it?" Kevin asked, Ji look closer " it's an earthquake small but lucky it's no where near the city" Ji said. " an earthquake?" Emily asked. Then it stopped as fast as it started, that was strange I thought to myself. Mike threw his head back and rolled his eyes, I can tell he was not happy with being woke up for nothing. " well.. were up now might as well get ready for today" Mia said, " maannn" Mike said. Everybody walked back to their rooms and me and Jayden looked at each other smiled and shook our heads. I sat down looking at the map where the earthquake was, " you okay Sara?" Ji asked and Jayden looked at me to see if he can see anything wrong with me, " ya, I'm fine" I said to them.

I was reading a book in the sitting room while everybody was outside training together, I thought about joining them but my body needed to rest. Then all the sudden I had this headache that came on out of nowhere. It hurt so bad I drop the book out of my hands, then I see flashes of the dream. Then it stopped like that, I looked around to see if anybody saw me freaking out but lucky no one was inside. " what in the world was that?" I asked myself, maybe I need some fresh air. I walked outside to see everyone training, Jayden and Ji were watching, they noticed me and smiled, I smiled back and walked towards them and I stood next to Jayden. " hey, what's up?" Jayden asked " no Nothing, I just thought I needed some fresh air, it such a nice day out" I told them trying to act like I didn't just feel like my head was about to explode. The others stop to rest, they came walking towards us grabbing their waters and towels of the bench. " Not training today, Sara?" Mia asked, " Ji gave me the day off, I was just getting ready to go check on Zipper, I haven't visited him in awhile" I told them. I can tell Kevin was not thrilled about me missing training but teachers orders. Kevin and I really don't speak much to each other, when the group talks to him I stay quiet and when the group talks to me he stays quiet. I started to walk out the gates and Jayden stopped me " I walk you out" he said. We walked together to the gate and we stopped when we were on the other side and away from the gang. " Are you Okay, Sara?" Jayden asked, I was cautious to answer I didn't want him to know about this dream and what just happened. " Ya, Jay I'm fine, why do you ask?". He just smiled at me " I was just wondered is all, I mean this is a lot to take in and dangerous, I just don't want you to do something you don't want" he said " Jaayy, I'm fine and yes it is a lot but I want to do it and Ji has been pushing me hard with my training, but I think that's why he's letting me have today off, but sometimes I think I'm not doing what he wants me to do, I just don't want people getting frustrated with me is all" I said to him. " you are doing fine and Ji sometimes can be a tough teacher but he has been training just me and Now with the team, he's seeing that different people learn in different ways, he just needs to find out how to teach you and don't worry, you are doing a great job and pretty soon you will be out there with us" he said walking closer to me and putting his hand on my arm. I had a big smile after he said that " Thanks Jay, okay I'm going to check on Zipper, see you later" I said walking away from him. " bye" he said watching me leave before walking back in.

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