Remembering The Past

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Sara pov

     I was walking to work listening to the music on my phone, but I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. I really don't regret saving the rangers, but I know that the nighloks will not forget that I helped the rangers, so I need to be extra careful being by myself and walking alone. I ran into the two guys I saw yesterday that told me about the rangers. "Hi" the older one said "hey there how are you guys?" I asked "we're okay we are warriors" the smaller said rising his fist. I smiled at him. "Warroirs?" I asked "yeah we have been in training to be samurai" the smaller anwsered. "Well I will say you guys you have the heart of a warrior" I told them. "We do?" he asked "Yes you do, what is your names?" I asked "oh Im Spike and this my uncle Bulk" Spike said chewing his gum loudly. "Nice to meet you" Bulk said. "Nice to meet you my name is Sara, listen I love to stay and chat but I need to go to work" I said before walking past. "Ok bye" they said waving. "Bye" I said back. I was running late and then all of the sudden moogers came out of cracks around me. They surrounded me quickly. I had to fight them off, there were people around running for their lives. I fought them off as quick as could, they dissappeared back in the cracks, then I heard a creep vocie calling my name, it gave me goosebumps it didn't sound like Serrator and it sounded more powerful. I ran to  work to try and make it in time for my shift at work.

A few hours have passed and every loud sound I heard made me jump. I can tell I was on edge after the battling with the moogers. Then I heard a familar vocie "hey! Sara!" I jumped and turned around to see that it was Jayden. I took a deep breath "hey strange!" I said as I went up to hug him. I was so happy to see him.  "How are you Jay" I asked "I'm fine" he said with a smile. He always looked so cute smiling. Whenever he was around me I felt normal and happy. "I'm sorry I haven't talked to you in awhile I've been really busy with training" he said " Its ok Jay I know everything, the red ranger told me, its fine" I said smiling. "Oh he did wow I didn't think he would tell you all that, Ji told me what happen yesterday and I wanted to see if you were okay. Are you okay? You seem a little jumping" he asked, "yeah it's just been a weird day is all" I told him. "Weird? Weird how? Did something happen?" he asked. He looked worried "Its nothing I promise" I told him with a smile. If I told him that I was attacked he would freak out and tell the rangers, I didn't want them to worry about me. "Sara!" my manager called out to me "I need to see you." " I gotta go Jay it was really nice to see you again" I said smiling at him. "Yeah I've miss you, we should try to hang out sometime I would really like for you to meet my new friends" he said "that would be nice could use some more friends bye Jay" I said smiling. "Bye" he said smiling. I wish I could tell him what happened but I just couldn't. Few hours later, it was the end of my shift and my manager wasn't happy with me on being late today.  "So ready to go home and so ready for this day to be over" I said to myself.

I was walking home when all the sudden moogers start attacking me again "not again" I started to fight them as best I could, then I see Serrator. "no not him" he attacks me and sends me flying back, I hit the ground hard. "You can't hide from me forever" he said "I can try Serrator" I said trying to get up. Serrator laughed "I want your power and I will never stop until I have it".  I get up finally "I don't have any power, I have no idea what your talking about" I yelled at him. He laughed again "You should really look at your family's history or go revisit your old home where the painful memories are". When he said that I should go back home the flashback started.


the house was on fire, I couldn't breathe because of the smoke. I see my mom laying in front of me. I rush to her side shaking her to wake her up but she didn't. I remember looking up and seeing one my father's chest, it had a whole bunch of symbols on it, then I noticed a shadow figure walking towards me it was a nighlok not Serrator but a different one, I got scared and ran out of the house.

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