My Best Friend Zipper Part One

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Sara POV


"Jayden?" I was yelling out, there was fire all around me. Darkness was surrounding me and I can hear Serrator's evil laugh from all around me. "Jayden?!" I yelled again looking for him. I look around me and I can feel the heat around me getting hotter. Then I saw Jayden through the flames and I can see he was morphed. "Jayden?" I say to him but he said nothing. The I suddenly felt electricity going through my body, I looked down at my arms and I notice there was lightening going down and around my arms, then it was all over my body. "What is happening to me?!" I yelled out. Then I looked up and see Jayden pulling out his sword. "Jayden? what is happening to me?" I asked but yet again he said nothing. He then started to walk forwards and through the flames towards me. The fire wasn't hurting him, "Jayden? what are you doing?" I asked but then the lightening around me grew more intense and stronger. I can feel the power surging through my whole body. I couldn't hold it any longer and my power came bursting out of me. It was so bright, Jayden had stopped walking towards me and I covered his eyes and the force of my power surge sent him flying back then everything went white.

end of nightmare

I woke up in a panic and sat up, "just a dream thank goodness" I said. I put my face in the palm of my hands to rub the sleep away but then I felt all my hair stand up all over my body. I look at my arms and I had goosebumps as well. "weird" I said to myself. I got out of bed to get dress for training. The sensation disappeared as I was getting ready. I couldn't help but think about the dream I had and what it meant. I finished getting ready and walked out to the kitchen to grab me something to eat before training. I didn't see anyone around so they must have been outside already. It was a beautiful day. I walked into the kitchen and didn't see Ji either but I headed over to the refrigerator to get out some orange juice to drink. Nice and cold orange juice sounded good, I grab a glass and pour me some. I then put some toast in the toaster as I was waiting. I went to get a drink and then I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist held me tight against them and I felt a warm breath on my ear saying "good morning beautiful" which sent shivers all over. I nearly spat out my Orange juice. I knew that voice anywhere, " hey good morning to you too" I say turning around and seeing Jayden. I put my drink down and wrapped my arms around his neck and he had his around my waist still. "Did you sleep well?" Jayden asked with his handsome smile. "Yes, I did, did you?" I asked back. " Yes I did, you must have had a good night sleep, you slept in this morning" he says and that dream popped in my head and went away and then I notice he had a worried looked on his face, "are you okay?" he asked. I didn't want to tell him about the dream, "it's nothing just had a really good dream' I said lying which I hated doing. "Hey, how about we do something after training today? It such a nice day out" he asked. "definitely, how about you we go riding and have a picnic together?" I suggested. We were still locked in each other's arms. I loved being in his arms I felt so safe and loved. "Sounds good to me" he says then lowers his head to kiss me passionately, then we hear someone walking in, so we separated before they saw us.

Kevin and Mia walked in, "Morning Sara" Mia says smiling and heading to the refrigerator to grab a botte of water. Jayden smiles at me and leaves with Kevin. Mia stayed with me while I finished my toast I made. "Hey, do want to go shopping with me and Em later?" she asked. "I would but me and Jayden are going for a ride and picnic later, I'm sorry" I said. "Really? Okay hope you guys have fun" Mia said smiling. "I hope that's okay?" I asked worried. "ya, why wouldn't it be?" she asked wondering. "I just worry you guys think I would pick him over you is all" I tell her. "It's okay, we won't think that I promise any how I think it's nice that you guys are so close, he needs someone like you in his life" she says which makes me blush a little bit. I finish eating and we walked outside where the others are training. Emily was sitting at the outside table helping Mike with his symbol power. Kevin and Jayden are training together. Watching them battle was like watching a dance, evening Ji couldn't help but be mesmerized by them. "Hey Sara do you want to train with me" Mia asked, "ya sure, let's do it" I said be excited. I love sword play ever since I was little, evening my foster parents were confused on why I wanted to take sword training and martial arts. My dad taught me when I was very young but now I know why, I was born to fight. Mia grabbed our practice swords and we started training together. Mia was really good, she was matching every move I made. She was hard to beat but I managed to take her down, "well done both of you" Ji says walking up to us. I held out my hand to help her up, "you are really good Sara" Mia says brushing herself off. " You are too, you were really hard to beat" I told her. Then Jayden and Kevin finished with of course Jayden coming out on top. They walked over to us and Mike and Emily joined us too. " You know, you and Mia should go up against Jayden and Kevin" Mike says. "That would be amazing to watch" Emily said excited. " What like a team up? Two on two?" I asked "Ya that would be awesome to see" Mike said. Kevin just shakes his head and smiles like he always does at Mike. "All of you are excellent swordsmen and women" Ji says " Nice save Ji" Mike says putting his hand on his shoulder and Ji looked at him like remove it or loose it and Mike quickly removed his hand from Ji's shoulder. We all laughed, "how about we all do something after training today" Emily suggested. I looked at Jayden to see what he wanted to do. "Sounds great but Me and Sara have made a plan to go riding together" he says. I wanted him to pick on what he wanted to do either way we're together and that's matters. " Oh really" Kevin says folding his arms and had a small smile. "So you two can spend time alone" Mike said then Emily pokes him with her elbow, "Mike stopped" she said to him quietly. " You guys should catch up, we can plan another day" Mia says. "Totally, game night!" I say pointing with excitement at her. We weren't planning on being out all day so we could hang out in the evening. "Yeah! Let's do that! We can order pizza for dinner!" Emily said excited which I was looking for Mike to be all excited since he was the game man. Everyone agreed on game night. I definitely didn't want the others to think that me and Jayden only wanted to spend time with only each other. I hate doing that to friends and I'm pretty sure Jayden would agree with me. I'm not sure if they know or not but I think they have some idea on what's going on between me and Jayden. Ji had an idea about things but we assured him that it would not get in the way of our mission or the others.

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