Blue and Silver

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I was up early before anybody else was up and I started to train, I have been training pretty hard ever since Possession was released. I must make him pay for what he did to my family, him and Serrator both. I must be ready for them when ever they come for me, I must be strong and watch my emotions so they will not get to me but it's hard when you have vengeances running through your head and heart. I was in deep thought thinking about Possession and what he did, It was blocking everything out but I had a feeling someone was watching me. I was wondering who it was, it was still very dark out and I know that no one would be up this early. I felt someone near by and turned and swung at them and they caught my fist, I saw it was Jayden. " Jay?" I asked surprised he just smiled at me " your swing is pretty strong, I didn't know anybody else was awake" He said letting go of my hand. " so did I", I figured I would get a head start on training, what are you doing up?" I said kind of out of breath from training hard. " Same, how about we train together?" he asked taking a stance, I shook my head and stand in my stance. " Are sure you want too?" I said attacking first before he could answer. He blocked everyone of my punch's and kicks, then he caught my arm and we close to each other, to tell you the truth my stomach had butterflies when we touched. " you bet I do" he said then I smiled and pushed out of grip, now we were right back facing each other. " you asked for it" I said attacking again. He blocked my attacks again and then he went on the offensive, I block his attacks and dodge them but I was having trouble he got a real good move on me and I fell to the ground, I laid there for a minute and he was standing over me " you okay?" He asked smiling but he was chuckling under his smile. " you know that was a lucky shot" I said to him still laying here, " Oh really" he says laughing " ya it was" I said then I took out his legs from underneath him and he fell backwards. He was on his back and I can hear him groan a little and I started to laugh and then I can hear him laughing. He sat up and stared at me laying there " hey Sara, I notice you have been training your self very hard lately it's almost like nothing else matters when you train" I sat up in response to him but I didn't get up all the way I leaned on my elbows and I didn't look at him I look down at the floor" I feel like the need to be ready for Possession, he will be after me and he needs to pay for what he did to my family him and Serrator both". He was silent for little bit " Sara you have us..mainly me to protect you and help you through this and we will beat them all together as a team, I promise" he said. I didn't want them to get involved and get hurt, I would feel awful especially Jayden he has a more important roll in this war. " Jay...I don't want you to get hurt helping me, I feel awful if you guys did because of me" I said but he shuck his head at me to say no, " no Sara we are all in this together besides I have already try to stop the team from protecting me because of the sealing power, it didn't work and I have notice that a team helps each other no matter what and we will always be there for each other, we will help you, I especially" he says looking at me with those sweet eyes and smiling and I couldn't help but be locked in his beautiful eyes and smile. Then we hear someone clear their throat and we both turned to see Kevin there with his hands on his hips. He must have came back from his run, Jayden gets up and helps me up, " we were training together and decided to take a break" I told him he just gave me a look that's says ya right. " hey breakfast is ready you three" Ji came out to tell us he stay there and watched us. I walk in between Jay and Kevin and walked inside past Ji and he stayed out there watching the guys. " everything okay Kevin?" Jay asked before I walked away and I didn't hear the answer but I know Kevin doesn't want me here and I don't why but I feel we are about to come to ahead because its bothering me and the rest of the team. I can hang out with Kevin but we don't talk to each other. It's starting to get weird for me and I bet for the rest of the team. I sat down in the sitting room with Mia and Emily and Mike, they was happy I was joining them. " well look who came to join us for breakfast" Mike said " Mike!" Emily said " its Okay, I'm sorry if you guys felt like I was ignoring you, my head has been somewhere else lately" I said apologizing " it's okay we understand what your going through after everything but know that we will help you, we are a team" Mia said basically repeating what Jayden said to me. " Jayden thought he didn't want us to protecting him because he didn't want us to get hurt" Mike says while Jayden and Kevin came in and grabbed their breakfast, " I still don't, but you guys still do" Jayden says sitting down Kevin just stand with his not looking happy. " How about a day off looks like some of you could use it" Ji said everybody was happy especially Mike, " lets go to the theme park!" Mike suggested everyone agreed and ran to get ready for the day. Jayden and me were the last to go to our rooms, " you need it" he says putting his hand on my back, which sent chills up my spine. He walked past me and I could agree I could use some fun and some tlc to forget everything for awhile.

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