The Shiba House

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Jayden's POV

I ran out with the team to go defeat the nighlok. Me and the team morphed on the way there. We get where the gap sensor went off, but there was no nighlok. "Where is the nighlok?" Kevin asked " I don't know but the gap sensor went off right here" Emily said. " Guys be on guard" I told the team. We were looking around in hopes to spot the nighlok. All then the sudden there was an explosion all around us " nice to see you again rangers, how's your friend? she should see her worst fears by now" Feardox said laughing. It made me angry when he brought Sara up. I needed to defeat this nighlok to save her. " You are going to regret harming her!" I yelled at him, Feardox just laughed " Serrator isn't happy with me losing the girl, I told him I would destory you to make it up for it". "Good luck with that" Mike said. The team and I charged at the monster but, every hit we landed had no effect. "Let's attack together guys!" I told them. "Alright!" They said together. We all got out our power disc and put them on our spinsword "QUINTUPLE SLASH!". The attack was strong but not strong enough, the nighlok was knocked of his feet. " That hurt" Feardox said getting up, while he was distracted I pulled out my firesmasher and transformed it into the cannon. The team gave me their power disc, the nighlok got up and noticed it. " hey what are you going to do with that?" Feardox asked, " you are about to find out, this for Sara! 5 disc tiger cannon!" I fired the cannon at the nighlok. The fire cleared and the nighlok was destoryed but it wasn't over. The nighlok grew bigger, me and the team got out our folding zords and morphed into mega mode and formed the megazord. " Your not going to win this time" Feardox said then he charged at us, " Oh I think we will, we have a friend to save and the world, we are the power rangers we never lose!" Mike said " thats right!" I said. The nighlok laughed " I'll destory you, then your friend is next". After he said that I couldn't help but think about her, " Jayden! Hey Jayden" Mai and Kevin said to snap me out of it. " lets do this for Sara!" I called out my tiger zord and formed the tiger drill megazord. "Your are going down nighlok" I said giving the team the siginal to attack together. The nighlok was getting scared " Even if you did destory me and wake up your friend up, Serrator will still be after her no matter where she is, he will find her and make her life miserable. He will never stop until he gets what he wants from her". " We will protect her no matter what" I told him but the nighlok just laughed I got so mad when he laughed " Tiger drill attack!". The nighlok was destoryed, I wanted to rush back to the house to see if Sara was alright but then I noticed Serrator was watching in the distance on a cliff. "Guys it's Serrator" I said to the team. Then I rushed down there to where he was. " Serrator what are you doing here?" I asked him with my sword ready, the team finally joined me, Serrator laughed, " I came to watch the show". " What do you want?" Kevin asked, "I want her, she will lead me to a power that will destory you once and for all" said Serrrator. " That will never happen and I won't let you get anywhere near her do you understand me Serrator" I said to him before attacking but he was too strong, one of his attacks knocked me back. " Jayden are you okay?" Mia asked, her and the team gathered behind me. Serrator walked closer to us " Feardox was right you know I will do whatever it takes to find the power that her and her family have and you can't protect her forever". what Serrator said was true, how can I protect her from him. " We have to defeat him it's the only way" Emily said, Serrator laughed and then he left through the gap to netherworld . I need to get back to Sara and make she's alright.

Sara POV

when everything went black I woke up and then I notice I was still at my old house but it looked differnet, it didn't have the bushes and vines taking it over, the windows weren't broken, there was no sign of a fire, it was just like it was when I was a kid. I walked around the house towards the back everything was the same as it was back then as I walked to the back of the house I saw them. My mom and dad they were smiling along with me as a kid playing in the garden. It was nice to see this memory, I missed my parents so much. Then everything change, there was fire everywhere I can hear a cry for help inside the house I ran inside, the fire felt hot, I then see a nighlok in the house, my mom was standing in front of me I was crying and scared. The nighlok gave me chills his eyes glowed red through the darkness, he had spikes coming off his arms and back, he was just creepy. My mom had a sword and she held it in front of her "get out of my house you monster!". The nighlok just laughed "tell me where he is NOW!" my mom stood strong " I don't know where he is but if I did I would never tell you". The nighlok laughed and attacked her, she was strong but not strong enough. The nighlok knocked the sword out of her hand and hit her. The nighlok threw her against the wall. I couldn't move to help her, it was like I was frozen. I started to cry because I know what happens next, then I realized this was a dream or more a nightmare, my childhood nightmare. The nighlok then picked her up by her neck, " no matter I'll use someone else to help me find him, you how ever will give me your life force". It looked like he was just sucking the life out of her, the nighlok drop her after he was done. She fell to the floor in front of me, I can see me as a kid rushing to her side trying to shake her awake but she didn't wake up. I began to cry seeing myself as a kid going through this. The nighlok came after me next " you will tell me won't you". I remembered I ran outside into the woods to get away the nighlok and I also went looking for my dad, I cryed out for him but I couldn't find him anywhere. I then ran into a clearing where I saw the silver ranger and the red ranger, as a kid I didn't know who or what they were. They were just guys fighting the monster. Then I saw Serrator, he had grab the younger me. I was calling for my dad still and crying I was so scared. The silver ranger turned when he heard me calling out for help. They both stop fighting the moongers and put all their attention on Serrator with me in his arms. " Serrator let her go NOW!" the silver ranger said pointing his sword at Serrator. The red ranger stand ready for anything. Serrator justed laughed at the silver rangers demand, " I don't think I will, I got what I came for". " you're not going anywhere with her" the red ranger told him. I notice that his voice wasn't the same it seem like he was older then the red ranger I know. Serrator began to turn away from them, then he turned back " tell you what silver ranger, if you can defeat the red ranger you can have her back". "What!? Never he's my friend, I will never hurt my friend" the silver ranger said. "Well then I guess you don't want this girl then" Serrator said as he turned around. "Wait stop!" the silver ranger yelled out going after Serrator. The rangers attacked Serrator. Serrator turned and threw me aside and countered the ranger's attacks. I watched as they fought against Serrator. The silver ranger hit Serrator with one of his strongest attacks, Serrator countered it with one of his. Then everything went black again.

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