My Best Friend Zipper Part 2

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We had gotten the stable owner to settle down and resting on his couch. I sat next to him making sure he was going to be okay. The team stayed with me and Jayden stuck by my side the whole time. I was in shocked after what happened. My mind was going a mile a minute, "what was going to happened to Zipper? Can he be saved? What are we going to do?" Then all of the sudden another earthquake happened. "Another one?" Mike said trying to stay on his feet. Stuff was falling off the wall and glass breaking. I hugged Jayden and the team braced themselves too. Then as quickly as it started, it stopped. "Is everyone okay?" Jayden asked. Everyone was okay and shocked. "This is getting worse, we need to find the source before something really bad happens" Kevin said, Jayden agreed. "I will call Ji to see if he has found the upper center" Jayden says pulling out his samuraizer to call Ji. " I'm going to check on his wife to make sure she is okay" I told them. "I'll go with you" Mia said. We headed down the hallway to her room. We knocked first but didn't hear anything so I slowly went in and saw her sleeping still. "Can't believe she is still asleep after that" Mia said. She looked awful, pale as a ghost, sweating badly and shivering, she had to have a bad fever. I felt her forehead and it was hot. " She has a bad fever" I told Mia. "We need a wash cloth and some cold water, so we can put it on her forehead, it will help cool her down some" Mia said. "Okay, I will go get a bowl of cold water and a washcloth" I said before leaving the room. I walk to the kitchen and started to look for the bowls in the cabinets. I hear someone walking in the kitchen, I turn around and seen Jayden. "Hey, how are you doing?" He asked. He walks closer to me and grabs my hands and holds them in his. " I'm okay but worried" I told him holding his hands tight. "We will try to save him but I'm not sure if it's possible" he says. I let go of his hands and walk away from him to continue looking for the bowls. "I'm sorry, Sara" he says walking to me. I had upset him and I didn't mean too. "No I'm sorry, I just want to help Zipper and make him better and I don't want to face that there maybe nothing we can do for him but I don't want to give up" I tell him. He comes over to me and gives me strong hug. "I will do whatever I can to help you, no matter what" he says. "Thank you Jayden" I said looking up at him, we stayed in each other's arms. He leaned down and kisses me. It made me forget about everything that had happen and just thinking about us. "Sara?! Did you get that water!?" Mia yelled and we sperated when we heard her, " yes, trying to find the bowls!" I yell back at her. Jayden and I chuckled together, " can you help me find the bowls please?" I asked him. "Sure" he says smiling. We search each cabinet for the bowls and Jayden finally found them. He hands me the bowl, " can you find a washcloth while I get the cold water please?" I asked. " Sure, how is she doing?" He asked. "She has a bad fever, I don't know what this illness is" I told him filling the bowl with water but then I noticed something odd about the water. It wasn't clear, it had a light pink color to it. I grabbed a clear glass and filled it up and it was pink in color. I know that color, "Jayden! Come here looks at this" I yell for him. He walks over and looks at the glass. He had a concern look on his face. " It's in the water!" I said to him. " That's not good, hey guys come here!" he yells for the team and everyone came in the kitchen. Jayden showed them the water, "woah, that doesn't look good" Mike said. Kevin walked over and grabbed the glass from Jayden. "It's sanzu water, this not good" Kevin said. "If it's in the water, alot of people are in danger of drinking it" Mia said. "I think someone already did, the farmer's wife, that's why she so sick" I said. Jayden called Ji, " Ji the sanzu is in the water" he says. We all wait for Jayden to tell us what Ji told him. Jayden hangs the phone up, " what did he say?" Mike asked. " We need to get back to the house" Jayden said, " wait will they be alright if we leave!" I asked. " They will be fine, he just needs to rest" Mia said. " Okay" I said and we head back to the house to meet up with Ji.

We arrive at the house and Ji had the table map up and was looking over it. "Mentor did you find anything?" Kevin asked. "Yes, I have pointed out we're all the earthquakes have started and put the city's water lines over top" he says opening the map with the water lines. " They match up" Kevin says. "They get this stuff in the water, the entire city is in trouble" Mike said. " I think we need to head to the water plant and see what we can do to stop this, let's go" Jayden ordered. "I will have Antonio join you" Ji said before we head out. We morphed on the way to the water plant. We get there and there is no one around not evening workers. "It's in the middle of the day, we should see people working, right?" Mike asked. It was weird, it was like a ghost town. "Sara, do you see anything out of place?" Jayden asked me. I looked around but all I saw out of place was Antonio running to us. " The only thing I see out of place is Antonio" I said chuckling. The team noticed him running at us. "Hey guys! I'm here, Ji filled me in" he said out of breath. "Glad you can make it, Antonio" Mia said. "Let's split up and see what we can find, Mike, Kevin search the outer parts of the plant, Me, Sara and Antonio we will search the middle outside, Mia and Emily search the inside of the plant, everyone be carful" Jayden ordered. We all split up and we head to the middle outside of the plant. "This is creepy, you can hear no machines running, nothing" Antonio said. "Stay focused, they could be here" Jayden says walking cautiously around. We get to where to a big tank and I see something on the ground. I walk over to it to see what it was. I looked down at it and it was sanzu water that was dripping from this tank. "Jayden over here!" I yelled for him. Jayden and Antonio joined me, "good find Sara" Antonio said. "This must be where they put it in the system" Jayden said. "I'll call the others" Antonio said pulling out his phone he made into a samuraizer and calls the others to meet up with us. Then I see a flash of light, "LOOK OUT!!" I yelled seeing a bolt going for Antonio. I blocked it with my sword to protect Antonio. Jayden ran by my side. "You guys alright?!" He asked. "Yes we're fine" I said then I heard all to flimair laugh, "Serrator". " Well it's about time you caught on to our little plan" Serrator says coming into view. "We will stop what your doing" Antonio said. Serrator just laughs, "I'm not here for you" Serrator says. "I knew that was coming, guys let me take care him, there has to be more to this plan of theirs" I told them. The others showed up finally, " no Sara, you can't take him alone" Jayden said. " Listen to me, I'm only going to distract him while you guys find the other nighloks, they have to be around here, we also need to find all the tankers and destroy them too, go guys, I will be fine just come back for me when your done" I tell them. I can Jayden was reluctant to leave me but he knew I had a point. " Okay, guys split up and Sara be carful" he says. "I will" I told him. They went off on their own separate ways. " Alright Serrator, you wanted me now here I am" I said standing reading for battle. Serrator laughed, " have figured out about your family's past yet?" He asked. "Yes, my dad was a samurai ranger, secret figured out" I told him. He laughs again at my answer, "that's not all of it, have you wonder why your power is different from the others?" He asked. "Whatever I'm the same as them and I do the same thing as them as well" I told him. "And what's that?" He asked. "Destroying nighlok and saving the world, now take this" I said charging at him. Our swords began clashing together and I was getting bored of this, " time to bring out the lightning" I said pulling out my disc and putting it on my spin sword . I spun the disc and electricity cover my sword. "Lightning strike!" I yelled and evening though Serrator was blocking he still was hit. He was thrown back. Then I see another tanker, I had a clear shot of the tank, " okay time to take out the tank" I said. I raised my sword to the sky and lightning came down on it. I could feel the power surging through me and it felt amazing, "lightning strike!" I yelled and swung my sword and a huge lightning bolt hit the tank. The tank exploded and sanzu water sprayed everywhere. I had no shelter from it, "that's not good" I said looking up at the sanzu coming down at me. Then Jayden came out and use his fire smasher to block us from the sanzu. " Thanks for save, guess that wasn't such a good idea after all" I said to him. "No, we figured that out too" he says. " But at least the tanks are destroyed" I said. Then Serrator gathered himself, "so your power is getting stronger, how long before you can't hold it in" he says. " What is he talking about?" Jayden asked. " I have no idea and no idea why he is telling me this" I said. Serrator laughs, "I know your family, and I won't stop until I have your power or until your family's line is destroyed, but I know someone that can defeat you" he says. "Who's that?" I asked. Then my heart skips a beat when I hear a horse's neigh. "No, Zipper" I said to myself and I see Zipper and one of the nighloks riding him. This made me so angry. My grip on my sword tightened, Jayden grabbed my arm, he knew I was getting mad. "I got to say this horse is quite the animal, very powerful too, mind if I use him?" He said which made me evening more mad. I look at Zipper and he has changed, his beautiful friendly eyes have changed to red mincing eyes, his hooves would melt to the ground and smoke was coming off them. Smoke was coming out of his nostrils and his neighing sounded more like screaming. I was horrified at this site, "this is all my fault" I said. The team joined us, " aw man, is that your horse? He doesn't look good" Mike said. "Mike!" Emily yelled. "Do you dare to challenge me?" The nighlok asked. I ready myself, Jayden still had a hold of my arm, "Sara I know you want to save him but you need to think about this, don't let your emotions judge your senses" he was saying but sadly I heard none of it. All I want is to save Zip and that was it. I got loose from Jayden and ran towards the nighlok, " oh look she trying to save you let's show her how much nighlok you are" the nighlok command Zipper to charge at me. I spun my sword and the lightning covered my sword. I ran up to them and I dodge Zipper and hit the nighlok off of him. I stopped and faced the nighlok that was on the ground, pissed because I knocked him off. The team came running to my side, Sara, we need to do this as a team" Kevin said. I really didn't care, I was so mad. I can feel a surge of power going through my body and without spinning my disc the lightning went from arm to my sword. The team saw this, "how did you do that?" Emily asked. Jayden didn't say anything, " Sara? You evening there? Hello?" Mike asked. "Yes, Im here" I answered. The nighlok return to his feet, "you brat, I will teach you a lesson" he said. "It's you that is getting a lesson" I said standing ready. "Moogers!! Get them!!" He says. The moogers charged us and I raised my sword to air again and a lightning bolt came down and hit my sword, " guys stay near me!" I yelled to them. The team stayed closed to me. Then several lightning bolts went out and shocked all the moogers and destroyed them all. The lightning subsided and I felt all the energy had left my body, I grew weak in my legs and I started to fall to the ground but Jayden caught. "Sara, are you okay?" He asked. "Yes, just really tired all of the sudden" I told him. " What? How did you? Never mind, I will destroy you!" the nighlok threatened. " Not a chance nighlok, we won't let that happen" Mike yelled and the team surrounded us. The attacked together, "dragon splash! Forest vortex! Air way! Seismic swing!" They shouted out and struck the nighlok down. " Nice job guys" Jayden tells them. "Thanks man" Mike says. "It's not done yet" I said. Then the nighlok grew bigger. Jayden looked at me to see if I was up to enter mega mode but I was not, "go ahead, I don't think I can" I told him. "Jayden I'll look after her, go" Antonio said. " Okay, I will be back as soon I can" Jayden said leaving to go battle in the megazord. "Antonio you should help them, I will be okay" I told him. "Someone has to watch you" he says. Antonio brings my arm around the back of his neck and helped me up. " Come we need to get somewhere safe" he tells me. We started to head towards the safe zone but then I hear a screaming sound that was so strong and ear precising that it put both of us on the ground. Antonio dropped me before he went down. " What is that!? It's so loud!" he says. That scream it sounds filmilar, then I hear hooves charging at us, "Antonio look out!" I said pushing him out of the way. Zipper charged at us and hit me, my body felt like it was on fire. I screamed because it hurt so bad that screaming seemed to make it better. "Sara!!" I hear Antonio yelled. He came running to my side but then Zipper came charging back at us. I tried to stand up but my body was in so much pain, I couldn't hardly move. I push Antonio out of the way again and I rolled away from Zipper's hooves. Antonio tried to get up to come to me, "Antonio no! Stay there!" I ordered him. I finally got to my feet, Zipper was snorting and rearing at me. "Zipper! Easy boy, easy! It's me Sara! Remember please!" I yelled out hold my hand up to him hoping I would get him turned back. Zipper reared up on top of me but then Jayden came and grabbed me out of the way before Zipper could hit me with his hooves. Jayden stepped in front of me to protect me, I fell to the ground, I was still in pain and weak. The team joined beside him, Mia and Emily came to comfort me. Zipper was very aggressive towards the team, he was snorting and pawing the ground at the team. He would challenge Jayden and lunge at him. "What do we do? How do we get him to change back?" Mike asked. Zipper lunges at them again and they had to step back. " I don't know I'm afraid but we will have to leave and find out if we can" Jayden said. I get up and walk next to him, " Jayden! No I won't leave him" I said to him. "Sara, I know but there is nothing you can do right now, we must go" he says to me. I started to cry underneath my helmet and I fall to my knees. Zipper was still being aggressive and continues to charge at us. Jayden kneels down next to me, "Sara, I promise, we will save him one or another" Jayden said standing up and putting his disc on his sword. I continued to cry, Mia and Emily comfort me. Jayden held up his sword to Zipper and spun his disc and fire covered he quickly swung it around and Jayden teleports us away from Zipper.

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