Shiba House part 2

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Sara pov

I woke up early then normal but I think that maybe because that I was sleeping in a stranger bed. I got up and got ready for the day and I walked out into the sitting room where everyone was already up and eating breakfast. I was watching them having a good time, Mike was making fun of Kevin about how he was eating his breakfast. Mai and Jayden were laughing at them both. It was nice to see Jay smile. I was a little too shy to just go in and join them, I was the stranger to them except for Jay. I started to turn back to head to my room hoping they didn't see me when I saw Emily standing behind me.

" oh scared me" I said putting my hand on my chest making sure that my heart was still beating.

She smiled and put her hand on my arm " oh i'm so sorry I didn't mean scare you, come join us for breakfast?"

I turned and notice that everyone had noticed me I said okay with a smile and walked out with Emily, we shared a seat together.

" Did you sleep well Sara?" Mia asked with a smile while holding her cereal in front of her.

" Yes I did, I got up earlier then normal but I think that's because I wasn't sleeping in my own bed" I said

They smiled at my answer, " I know that feeling but you will get use to it" Mike said.

" Thank you for letting me stay here but I hope not for long, I would like to get back to normal, so what do you guys have all planed for today? I asked "

" We are going to train today?" Kevin said before getting up and walking out. The way he said it and then left made me feel like he doesn't want me here. I don't blame him I'm not suppose to be here. Everyone can tell I was upset with the way Kevin acted.

"Don't worry about him, he's just serious about his training, so what are you going to do today Sara? Mike asked me.

" I think I'm just going to try to work on solving my dad's map" I told them before taking a drink of my orange juice.

" You should come and train with us, you're a pretty good fighter yourself" Jayden said smiling at me I smiled back " thanks for the invite but I think I really need to work on the map maybe some other time". I told them.

After everyone was done with their breakfast they went outside to train. I went to my room where I was staying in to get the map and the book to start working when my phone went off, it was a text from my step mom wondering how I was doing. I haven't spoken to them in long time, they didn't like that I wanted to move back to my home town. Me and my step parents didn't leave on a good note, they think I should do what they think is best for me and I know that they are just looking out for me but what's best for me is what I think is best for me. I ignore the texts for now and grab my stuff and head out to the sitting room. Everyone was outside training, so it left me to decode the map in peace. I unrolled the map and admire the drawings on it. The map looked so old and cool. I love things that are old and historical. Then I heard someone behind me I turned to see Ji, " can I help you with that?" he asked. "Oh hi Ji, sure why not" I said and smiled, he came and sat next to me. He looked at the map " this map looks amazing, I can't help admire the drawings and the symbols that are drawn on it, there's something about this fox that I can't put my finger on it" he said looking over the map. He had a puzzled look on his face and then he turned his attention to me " Sara do you remember your father?" Ji asked, I looked at Ji and wondered about his question, " not very much but I remember him teaching a lot of stuff to me and when I was sad he would always try to find a way to make me happy again, he taught me these symbols but he never told me about this, I guess he wouldn't if Serrator wants it, that's probably why they were looking for him that night the nighlok attacked us" I told him but he gave me a worried face. " Sara do you remember that night the nighlok attack?" when he asked me that everything that I saw in my dream when I was poisoned. I know I need to found out the truth about what happened before I tell anybody so I lied to him " I don't remember much of that night just my mom dying in front of me by a nighlok and I ran out to try and find my dad and Serrator grabbed me and that's it" I told him feeling sad about everything I just told him and he can tell. He put his hand on my shoulder " I know this is hard for you but we need to find what this is so Serrator or any other nighlok can't get their hands on it, your father would be very proud of the women you have become and how brave you are" he said to me it made me smile thinking of my dad.

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