Lightening Then The Thunder

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I was getting ready to leave to go to for a ride with Zipper, it was such a nice day, nothing but blue skies, sun shine. I'm always in a good mood when the weather is beautiful like this, I really can't explain it but I want to do everything outside when the sun shining, just soaking up that vitamin D into your skin and the wind in your hair is just an awesome feeling to me at least. I was walking in to the kitchen to get something to drink to take and Jayden was there getting something out of the refrigerator, I tried to sneak up on him but of course he caught me. " Nice try though" he said laughing, I shook my head and laughed " Okay mr. see all, I will get you at some point" I said grabbing a couple of water bottles and putting them in my bag. "What are you going to do today?" Jayden asked me. " I am going for a ride with Zipper, I thought it was a nice day to just ride and enjoy the day" I answered before walking out but Jayden stopped me but trying to say something, " would you want some company?" he asked and I was happy he did, " sure I would like that" I said to him, " hey how about we have a picnic together?" Jayden asked and I thought that would be wonderful. " Yes, let's do that" I said, we gather food and drinks and we left to go to the stable.

We get to the stables and like always as soon as Zipper hears my voice he gets excited. I get his halter and lead on and walked him to the grooming place and tie him to the hitching post. Zipper would not stop throwing his up and down, he know what was happening. " he really knows what going on" Jayden says grabbing a brush and helping me. " yes, he loves going for rides but he really loves to run and jump" I say. We were done with grooming and I went to grab his saddle and bridle and he got evening more excited neighing like crazy. " Okay, okay Zipper easy boy" I say to try and calm him down. I put on his blanket and saddle on then his bridle and I didn't think what would Jayden ride, " what will you ride?" I asked and he just smiled and started to draw the horse symbol, and appeared out of thin air a horse, a white horse with a red saddle and blanket and a red bridle, I just shook my head and smile " of course you and your symbol power, show off" I said chuckling after and he just smiled and shook his head at me. We packed the horses and we were off down the many trails, I especially loved this one trail it takes pass a waterfall and a look out into the valley, It was a good quiet place and a perfect place for a picnic. We walked the horses for a bit to get them warmed up a bit, Jayden was laughing at me because Zipper started to act up because he wanted to run. " he really wants to go for a run" Jayden says smiling at me, I was really having a hard time controlling Zipper he was throwing his head and trotting but I held him back to not trot too fast and just walk but he was not having it and acting out. " yes, he does, come on boy easy up, settled down" He finally was calmed down little bit but was still pretty hyped up. " Lets run for a bit get his energy down" I asked Jayden to see if he was up for it, " sure let's do it where to?" he asked stopping his horse and I stopped Zipper but he was nit happy to stand in one place so he kept stepping around and pawing at the ground. " there is a Water fall about 2 miles down the trail we stop there and about a mile to the lookout we can just ride at a steady pace after the waterfall, whoever gets to the waterfall first wins" I told him trying to keep Zipper in place, Jayden had a huge smile on his face, " okay what will we get if we win?" He asked I smiled back " I guess whatever the winner wants, but I wouldn't get excited about winning because Zipper is pretty fast" I said patting Zipper's neck. " Oh really we'll see about that" he says " Okay get set go!" I yelled and command for Zipper to gallop. He took off rearing and lunched himself forward to get a good grip on the ground. I past Jayden and was a little bit farther then him but he was right there on our tail. We ran fast through the forest and then it came out to a field on the outer edge of the forest for awhile. I look back and Jayden was right next to me but I haven't really pushed Zipper to go fast because he could go faster than this but I might have too but Zipper would love that evening more. We continued on running through the field until we went back into the forest and there was some flat ground in the woods where there was more room to run evening faster. I was surprised that Jayden kept up, we were jumping over logs and weaving through the trees and bushes but stayed pretty close to the trail. " come on Zipper let's show him how fast we are" I say talking into Zipper and I can feel him run even faster. I looked back and we were leaving Jayden and his horse in the dust. We were almost to the waterfall and I look back to see if Jayden was still right by me but he wasn't there. I was wondering where he was did I leave him really in the dust and he was just back farther enough for me not to see him, then all the sudden Zipper freaks out and Jayden and his horse come out from the forest he must have taken a short cut. Now I was behind and I can feel Zipper was getting tired and he didn't have enough stamina to catch up. We got to the waterfall and Jayden beat me. We stop the horse and let them get their breath back and rest before we continued to the lookout. " well you beat me shocking but you took a short cut nice one" I say smiling and laughing, " hey you didn't say I couldn't take one but I knew his stamina would run out if you kept following the trail, it took my horse less stamina to take the short cut" he says smiling, I just smiled and shook my head, " well Zip is calm down now that he is tired, we are almost there lets go" I say walking the horses the rest of way.

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