The Fox Inside Part One

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I'm walking out of my old house that is in the middle of the woods. I grab a basket and walk over to my garden. I can see Zipper grazing on his hay in his small paddock that was close to the garden. He seemed at peace just eating his hay without a care in the world. I walked into my garden and started picking some tomatoes and pulling weeds when I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I looked around but I didn't see anyone. Then I see a white fox sitting at the tree line watching me. Zipper started acting crazy. He started pawing the ground and pacing back and forth, snorting and neighing. I looked back at the fox and it was sitting there still like a statue. Then it barked and barked at me. I walked closer and closer to it but it sat still. I can hear Zipper neighing at me but it was like I was in a trance. I get closer to it but then a lightening bolt came down and throw me back. I felt electricity going through my body and it was
Overwhelming. I can feel the heat and shocks all over my body. I can feel the power growing more and more I gasped for air..

End of dream

I woke suddenly gasping for air and freaking out about what just happened. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. Then the team came busting through my bedroom door. Mike fell to the floor from the others pushing him into my room. " What's wrong guys?" I asked trying to act normal. " There was a huge power surge that went through the house" Emily said. "That's weird" I said. Then Ji came into the room, " you guys need to see this" he says then he walks out to the sitting room. We all followed him. The map was opened on the table with a shockwave going out from one spot. " What is Ji?" Jayden asked. "I'm not sure but it is what's causing the surge, it blacked out half the city" Ji said. "What could cause that much power?" Kevin asked. "A nighlok? Maybe?" Mike said confused. " There is an epicenter" Mia points to where the shockwaves where going out from. " Where is that?" I asked. "That place looks familiar" Kevin said. " What do you mean Kevin?" Jayden asked. "It's because it does, that's where Sara's old house is" Ji said. They all looked at me like I knew something. " I don't know why that would be, there hasn't been any power to that place for years and you guys saw it, it's was destroyed" I said. " We will go check it out" Jayden said. The team agreed to go.

I get dressed for the day and pack my book bag for the ride to my old house. I see out of the corner of my eye, my mom's dagger shining in the morning light. She gave it to me that night she dead. I don't carry it with me like I usually do since I have my power but I decided to take it with me this time. Then I heard a knock at my door, " come in" I yelled and the door opened and I saw Jayden. "hey are you ready? The others are waiting for us outside" he asked. "Yes, I just had to pack a few things to take, just in case" I said. I put my bag on my back and walk in front of Jayden. He held my hands in his, " Are you okay? Doing this?" He asked. I smiled, " ya, remember I went there by myself before" I said. He looked up and then looked back at me, thanks for reminding me that you did that, I don't want you going there alone again" he said then smiled at me. I smiled back and gave him a small kiss on his lips, " I won't anymore I promise" I said. Then we hear someone clear their throat from the doorway and we saw Ji standing there. "The others are waiting" Ji said smiling. We smiled back at him and left my room.

We got outside and the others were on their war horses and Emily had Zipper geared up for me and held his reins for me. " It's about time you two" Mike said. Zipper was pawing at the ground and throwing his head. I went up and scratched his head before mounting. "Let's go" Jayden ordered and we galloped out to the old house. We get to the stairs that lead up and hitched the horses. We gathered in front of the stairs. I saw Mike was walking funny, "are you okay Mike?" I asked. "Man, my butt hurts, I don't know how you do that" he says rubbing his butt. We all giggled at him. We started heading up the stairs, I don't see anything that has power up here and enough to black out a city" Kevin said. "Maybe this is a nighlok?" Emily asked. " The gap sensor would have alerted us if it was, right?" Mike answered. "I don't know the way thing are going right now, nothing seems normal anymore" Mia said. I agree with Mia. Everything that has happened after I got my power has been weird and strange. We finally get to the top of the stairs and we see the old house. " Stills looks the same" I said. " This place is creepy" Emily said. "Don't see anything yet" Kevin said. "Let's split up and check around, Mia and Kevin you check the west side and Mike and Emily check the east side, Me and Sara will check the house" Jayden ordered. We all split up and we headed in inside of the house. " Watch yourself this place still can come down on us" Jayden said. " I know" I said. Being in this house brings back memories every time but not good ones. I had a feeling of sadness that hit me. I didn't feel this the last time I was here. We searched the living room but didn't find anything. we walked into my dad's office where I found the books and pictures. I look around didn't see anything other then the old picture frames broken and old pictures that have been ruined over the years. I looked around to see if I can find anything but nothing. " Nothing in here, should we move on to the next room?" Jayden asked. "Ya" I said quietly. "Are you okay?" he asked. " ya it's just I have this feeling" I said. " What kind of feeling?" he asked worried. "Sadness, I never felt that here before, every time I come here I feel something, I don't know why?" I said. "This place has bad memories and bad things have happened here and sometimes that when something happens in a place that is so bad the aura stays after many years" Jayden said walking over to me. "Maybe, come on let's check the other rooms" I said trying to focus. We walk into the hallway and noticed the ceiling had collapsed. There was a small hole through the rubble. "Be careful who knows how long this will hold" Jayden said. I crawled through carefully and Jayden followed me. The first door on the left was mine room and the door on the left was my parents. "which one do we start with first?' Jayden asked. "I don't know you, want to split up, you check one and I'll check one?" I asked. He smirked, "I'm not letting you out of my sight and I never want to leave you ever" he said smiling. I smiled back and evening blushed a little. "Well then I guess we can check mine first" I said, "oh let's definitely check that one out" he said. "oh?" I said. "Ladies first" he said smiling. I smiled and shook my head. I walk forward to the door. A thought came to mind that I haven't been here since that day. I turned the knob and opened the door that was slightly broken and hard to move but also had a creep creaky noise. I walk in with Jayden closely behind me. My room still looked the same as it did but the one wall was cracked and the corner of the roof had fallen so some of the sunlight was coming in the room brightening up the light blue color on my walls. My bed was still there but broke in the middle from the collapsed wall. Some of my collection of horse toys and stuffed animals were still on display. My barn still had the toys in it as I left them that day. I picked up one of my horses...

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