The Fox Inside Part Two

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I woke up on a bed on the floor. I turn over to see him still asleep. He looked so peaceful laying there. I can feel his arm around me to keep close to him. Then I remembered what happened last night..

He had carried me into his room and on his bed. Our kisses were passionate. We slowly undressed ourselves until it was only our skin touching. His hands were so sweet and gentle as they were exploring my body. I was straddling him and hugged him as I kissed him. His arms wrapped me and laid me down on his bed with him on top of me. He was so gentle with me. I was in ultimate bliss.

I remembered it all and it made me so happy. I never felt this happy in so long. I moved his hair from his closed eyes. He then started to wake up. "Good morning beautiful" he said with a smile. I smiled back, " good morning handsome". He rolled on to his back. " What time is it?" I asked. He looked up at his clock, " it's almost 6 o'clock" he said. I got up from his bed and started to get dressed. ,"Where are you going?" He asked. " I need to leave before the others see me in here not to mention Ji" I said chuckling. I got dressed and he did as well. " I got to get back to my room before someone sees me coming out your room" I said. I slowly opened the door and look around cautionly. Then I hear someone opening their door. I hurried back in and closed the door. Jayden was right behind me, " who is it?" He asked putting his hand on the door to open it. " I don't know and didn't look" I said quietly. He smiles and quietly chuckles. He slowly opens the door to crack it and we see Kevin getting ready for his jog. "That was close, that's the last thing I needed" I said. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a kiss, "I gotta go" I said trying to pullaway from him but I couldn't, I wanted to stay in his arms. I broke free from his grasp and I cautiously walked out his room and snuck back to my room. I changed into another training outfit and walked out to the barn to feed Zip.

I walk into the barn and Zipper is already excited. He was neighing and dancing around his stall. " Easy bud, someone is excited for breakfast" I said grabbing a scoop of his feed. I poured it in his feed bowl and I had a feeling I was being watched. I looked around but I didn't see anyone. " What now?" I asked myself. I brushed it off and went to grab him so hay to snack on while I trained. Then the feel grew more intense. I looked around again but I went to the outside of the barn and looked around but I didn't see anything. I head back to house for breakfast with team. Then I see Kevin coming back from his run. " Morning Kevin, how did the run go?" I greeted him with a smile. " Oh hey Sara, it was good, what are you doing up so early?" He asked. " I had to feed Zip" I told him. " Oh right not use to having a horse live here with it being in the modern ages" he said. "Horses are still needed but I get it" I said smiling. " Come on let's get some breakfast, hopefully Mia didn't cook" he said. We both laughed, "hey when you came up did you see anyone around?" I asked him. He had a confused look on his face. " No why?" He asked. "Well while I was feeding Zip and it felt like I was being watch, it's probably nothing" I said. " Well nothing evil can get through the barrier so I wouldn't worry about it" he said. Then Jayden came walking up, " worried about what?". "Morning Jayden" Kevin said. " It's nothing really, no worries, come on let's get some food" I said to the guys. They followed behind me to the kitchen where they others were eating their breakfast. " Morning Sara" Emily said with a smile. " Morning everyone" I said. I sat down and Ji put a plate of eggs and toast in front of me. " Yum, thank you" I said to him. " Your are very welcome" he said with a smile. Jayden sat next to me and we ate our breakfast together and then headed out to train. I trained with Mia, Mike and Emily trained together and Jay and Kevin. Then a man showed up with a letter. Ji walked towards the man accepting the letter. I noticed Jay had a concerned looked on his face. " I wonder who it's from?" Mia whispered to me. I had a feeling Jay might know, I walked over to Jayden who was not with Kevin and Mike but alone behind them. " Hey, are you okay?" I asked him quietly so the others wouldn't hear me. "Ya" he said smiling at me to show me nothing was wrong. "Liar" I whispered to him. His smile grew bigger, " really it's nothing" he said to reassuring me. I stood by him as we watch Ji bring the letter, " what's that?" Mike asked. " A letter" Ji told him. " A letter? To who?" Mike asked. " Not you" Ji says walking by him. The girls laughed at Mike and Kevin just shook his head at him. We both chuckle at him. Ji came walking up to us, "it's a letter for you Sara" Ji said handing me the letter. I was confused and Jayden look relief. " Me, that's weird" I saying looking at the letter. "Uh oh" I say looking at the address. " What is it?" Jayden asked. "It's a letter from my step parents. " What does it say?" Emily asked. " I haven't been talking to them very much since well you know" I say opening. I began reading it. I was in shock..

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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