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'Turns objects into birds.'

The past two days for Lilith were an absolute bore, dare she say that the only enjoyable times of them were her fights with Rabastan.

Classes were terrible and she thinks that she might fail every single class this year, but the worst class of them all was with no doubt Transfiguration because she had the daft idiot, Rabastan as a partner.

Speaking of Transfiguration, they might've actually made progress with the project, the last time Lilith tried the spell threads came out of the rock so maybe with time she can produce the fabric.

"Fawley, have you seen Narcissa?" Lucius Malfoy asked her and she shook her head, leaning more into the sofa.

She was sitting in the common room in silence, everyone was in their dorms as it was late at night, she watched as Lucius got out of the common room to search for his girlfriend, crashing in Barty who was coming in.

"Umm Rab, are we in the common room yet?" Barty asked loudly as he and Rabastan stumbled in the common room and Lilith knew they were drunk.

"It seems like it Barty." Rabastan exclaimed looking around his eyes landing on Lilith and he gave her a huge mocking smile. "Go sleep Barty I see my bestfriend there!"

Barty stumbled to the dorm singing loudly as some people got out of their own dorms to silence him and Rabastan came to sit next to Lilith with his arms over the sofa.

"You're drunk." Lilith stated with a raised brow.

"Good job on noticing obvious things." Rabastan laughed.

"What do you want then? Go to sleep." Lilith muttered to him closing her book and putting it aside.

He moved his hand from the back of the sofa and pulled on a strand of her hair and laughed again. "You look beautiful."

"I do?" She asked confused with him and his words.

"No, I lied." He laughed again clutching his stomach and Lilith scowled at him.

"Go to sleep Rabastan and don't get drunk again." She told him.

"Are you always that boring? Maybe that's why your parents don't like you anymore." He muttered.


He got up and then swayed in the air landing over her on the sofa as she winced. "Oh, fuck sorry. You look weird from this angle."

She pushed him from over her to the ground and he landed glaring at her.

"You look even uglier from where you're at." She snarled at him.

"You hurt me, evil witch." He told her with a fake sad look.

"Rabastan I'll wake your brother up, leave." She warned him.

"I'm not scared of him, Lilith darling."

"Don't call me that." She warned him slapping his hand away as he tried to tug on her hair again.

"I fucking hate you and your stunning eyes." He muttered softly and she frowned at him waiting for the insult coming.

"Rabastan stop twirling my hair." She ordered and he stopped, and got up again on the sofa next to her.

"You know, we should invent a spell that kills all Mudbloods." Rabastan ranted waving his hands dramatically. "It would be perfect and our world would be clean, it's a pity though I somehow tolerate Evans you wouldn't know she's a mudblood when you see her at first.

"Shut the fuck up." Lilith glared at him. "There isn't any difference."

"Lilith dear there is and don't say that here, the rest of the Slytherins would eat you alive, you made a place for yourself here the hard way you don't want everything to disappear don't you?" He smirked and she glared at him.

She knew what he's talking about, she wasn't accepted here at first, a family full of bloodtraitors and Gryffindors. She gained their respect the hard way, the only difference between here and her family is that she eventually found her place and felt loved and accepted.

"You're a fucking pureblood Lilith, act like it." He muttered and then went back on the floor as she watched in confusion as he touched her maroon heels and looked at them closely.

"These are the ugliest pair of shoes I've ever seen." He grumbled taking them off as she pushed him to stop him.

"Shut up my heels are beautiful and they're definitely bigger than your dick." She said putting on her heels again.

"You don't know that." Rabastan said rolling his eyes.

"Thank Salazar I don't."

"You're so frustrating." Rabastan grumbled standing up and swaying again.

"I have a sobering potion if you want." Lilith offered and he shook his head.

"What's the point of drinking if I'm going to take a potion after it?" He questioned with a raised brow.

"Tell me something I don't know about you." Rabastan said after a while of silence, if he wasn't drunk he wouldn't have asked anything, but he still wanted to know something about her other than how much of a bitch she is, Lilith to him was like the moon, a part of her is always hidden and he found himself curious about her.

"I like smelling books." Lilith said, she didn't even know why she answered him.

"Such a weird thing to do, suits you." He muttered. "My turn."

"Do tell." She motioned with her hand.

"I have a dagger on me right now and I want to stab you with it." He said seriously.

"Sounds great." She said sarcastically.

"I can make you one." He offered as he tugged on her hair again.

"You craft daggers?" She asked surprised.

"No, Rodolphus does but I can ask him to teach me if you want one." He smirked. "Ugh that's drunk me talking I'm not doing any shit for you."

"I didn't even want one." She rolled her eyes.

"Tuck me in?" Rabastan asked and she laughed loudly before noticing that he was serious.

"What am I your mother ?"

"No you're alive, she's dead." He joked and she stared at him.

"Go to sleep Rabastan." She said for the hundredth time that night and he nodded getting up as he swayed and stumbled to his dorm and she heard a crash.

"WHAT THE FUCK RABASTAN!" Regulus screamed at him from their dorm and Lilith laughed loudly again, picking up her stuff and going to her dorm too.

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