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'Makes birds fly out of the end of your wand.'

Sometimes her father made sure to convince her that she's ugly inside out, which was completely wrong, it was a tragedy honestly.

A part of her craves someone to convince her otherwise, can she even be remotely loved ?

"Class dismissed, move to the library for work." Minerva said as everyone got out of the classroom heading to the library.

"Evil witch, looking shitty like always." Rabastan said as he walked next to her to work on the things they need to finish.

She would've told him he called her beautiful last night when he was drunk but she doesn't want a headache.

"Rabastan do you ever shut this mouth?" Lilith muttered rolling her eyes.

"Looking hot McDonald!" Barty screamed from the end of the hall.

"Isn't she older than him?" Lilith chuckled.

"Age is just a number and it doesn't matter." Rabastan said in mocking tone like Barty.

"Why is the library so quiet?" Rabastan muttered as they entered, his voice echoed and everyone glared at him to shut up.

They went and sat at and empty table by the end of the library next to each other and Lilith went to get reference books.

"Fuck work, let's talk." Rabastan said suddenly and Lilith glanced at him in confusion.

"But Minerva would kill us !"

"She can't do anything." Rabastan chuckled and Lilith rolled her eyes at him knowing that Minerva would kill them if she wanted to.

"Say something, you're boring and not fun at all." Rabastan said.

"I can be very fun." Lilith said with a raised brow.

"Oh, really?" He said with a small smirk, his thigh brushing by hers slightly as he shifted in his seat.


"Well, remind me to ask your boyfriend later about how much fun you are." He taunted.

"Not my boyfriend." Lilith said shaking her head and Rabastan nodded remembering the boy which he weirdly felt like he wanted to snap his neck.

"That's not your wand." Lilith stated in confusion looking at the wand on the table.

"No it's not, it's from knockturn alley." Rabastan nodded. "Dark magic wand."

"That's illegal." Lilith raised her brow.

"So?" Rabastan shrugged. "I'm a Lestrange I could do whatever I want as long as i don't get caught."

Lilith wasn't even looking at him, she was staring at Mariana Brown who was walking with Cain Avery.

"The fuck does he want from her?" Rabastan muttered as he watched Mariana blush at whatever Avery was whispering in her ear as he winked at his friends who laughed at them.

"He's fucking playing her! Disgusting." Lilith said angry watching as they kissed. "Nyx tried to warn her but Mariana defended him stupidly."

"He's lying, she should know better than that how the hell is she believing him." Rabastan said not understanding.

"We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry." Lilith told him glancing sadly at the lovesick looking girl.

"He just wants to fuck her." Rabastan muttered, he despises Cain and always tried to hurt him. At least his brother stabbed him once.

"The lines are blurred between being desired and loved for her, she's just craving affection." Lilith said sadly knowing that she wants to feel wanted too.

"A bit tragic." Rabastan said noticing the sadness in her eyes, he used to like seeing her sad but he felt like changing the subject now as he saw her face.

"You could be an auror." Rabastan said stupidly in attempt to change the subject.

"I'm not sure about that, father calls me stupidly soft." Lilith muttered.

"Brutally soft is more like it." Rabastan said feeling like her knows her more than he father does, already hating the man and softness suits her.

"We haven't worked at all!" Lilith grumbled annoyingly.

"Another time." Rabastan shrugged.

"I'd rather not spend another hour with you."

"You're incredibly frustrating and here I was trying to make conversation with you but you're still a bitch." Rabastan glared regretting even sitting with her.

Poison|Rabastan Lestrange Where stories live. Discover now