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'Causes a small, locally contained explosion. To make a bigger explosion, one could use "bombarda maxima"'

The common room was filled with the loud laughter of Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch, who looked suspiciously high as Regulus Black glared at them for their loud voice.

"Tell me you're not high." Lilith chuckled.

"Barty got this from the Muggle world, can't even remember what the name is." Evan chuckled.

Her eyes trailed over Rabastan sitting on the leather chair with a glass of fire whiskey in his hand as he stared at her in a way she didn't understand, well he didn't look annoyed ,maybe slightly angry.

"Lover boy was looking for you." Rabastan said and Lilith got confused.

"Blondie boy, my blonde hair is better anyways." Evan said and then started to rant about how he takes good care of his hair.

"Merlin, I don't even know him that much." Lilith said at Rabastan calling Oliver Thorn lover boy.

"He seems to know you quite well." Rabastan grumbled.

"It's not any of your business." Lilith rolled her eyes.


"Ughh! Shut up." Barty muttered at the two of them as Bellatrix and Rodolphus joined them.

"I can't handle Narcissa and Lucius flirting even more." Bellatrix grumbled.

"Eww." Evan laughed imagining Lucius flirting.

"I can't wait to graduate." Rodolphus muttered wanting his days at hogwarts to end already to be free for the dark lords work.

"Heard about the Muggle family slaughter." Rabastan muttered and Lilith shifted awkwardly not wanting to hear about any of this. "Nice work."

Rodolphus glared at his brother because Lilith was sitting, "it's fine Lilith is my new friend." Bellatrix chuckled.

Right, she became Bellatrix's friend.

"There was a baby though." Rodolphus said. "Bella dropped him off at an orphanage."

'Maybe they should've left when they saw a baby at the first place.' Lilith thought.

"Don't feel bad for the baby." Rodolphus who read her mind said with raised brow. "Firstly, they're filthy Muggles and lastly, the father was drunk abusive fucker and the child would have a better life that way."

"Rab, you're joining soon by the way. You too Reggie." Bellatrix said slowly and the boys ignored her.

"Same!" Evan exclaimed, definitely still high.

"Sounds fun, I'll do it to spite dear father." Barty laughed. "Oh the shame!"

"You could join too." Bellatrix told Lilith who stared with wide eyes. "We could vouch for you for the dark lord."

"No." Rabastan said suddenly, he was even shocked that he said so, but Lilith is not someone like this and the dark lord would know she's a bloodtraitor the second he sees her, not to mention her being Euphemia Potters Niece is enough trouble as Euphemia has been locking up people who do the dark lord's bidding.

Bellatrix wanted to say more but Rodolphus shook his head at her, noticing the look in his brother's eyes.

People sometimes fail to notice that Rabastan is even crazier than his older brother.

"My elves moved to Manor by the way." Bellatrix said and Rabastan rolled his eyes, great more elves.

"I'm going to go for a walk." Lilith said smiling at them as she stood, she really doesn't need to hear more Deatheater things, it worries her. A good niece would go inform her aunt , the head of the magical law enforcement about what she heard, but does she really want to betray Bellatrix's trust. No.

Poison|Rabastan Lestrange Where stories live. Discover now