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'Used to open locks.'

"I still can't believe Mcgonagall made me wear my robes, she's not even the head of my house!" Barty grumbled as they walked towards the great hall for the welcome feast.

"Everyone is there at the hall and I don't even like anyone." Regulus whined again not wanting to go to the feast.

"Nyx is there." Evan stated with a chuckle.

"she's at her table not ours." He told him as they all took a glance to the Ravenclaw table where Nyx and Emmaline were chatting.

"Is vance single ?" Barty chuckled.

"Fuck no— I mean I heard she's not." Evan told him with a slight glare that made Barty smirk a little.

"Get up, Fawley!" Rabastan shouted as he walked to the Slytherin table.

"What's wrong now!" Regulus muttered as they went to him.

"No I will not." Lilith said in a dismissive tone as she continued eating.

"I sit here every year." He told her annoyingly.

"The fuck is you problem ,Rab?" Rodolphus asked him in disbelief not understanding why his brother turned childish all of a sudden.

"He just wants to pick a fight with her." Lucius whispered to him bored as he continued to twirl Narcissa's hair.

"Find another place." She told him with a raised brow.

"My name is literally engraved under your ass!" He told her rolling his eyes and Evan burst out laughing from behind, clutching his stomach. "That sounded—

"I don't care, Rabastan go bother someone else today!" She shouted at him suddenly, he looked taken back for a second then composed himself.

"You should let the man sit. Don't you think I'm right cornelius?" Dolores Umbridge a seventh year slytherin said.

"He has other places to sit." Narcissa muttered and Lilith nodded.

"I still want to sit here!" He told her angrily.

Narcissa glanced at Regulus, Barty and Evan who looked like they wanted to smack Rabastan for help as he was screaming near her.

"I'm not fucking moving ,Lestrange." She shouted at him for the last time and he wanted to continue fighting again, fighting with her is the only thing that amused him nowadays and he would've continued with no care, but there's something about the tired look she had that made him stop and silently sit in another place, they both gained surprised looks from a lot of people as it was known that a day won't pass without Lilith Fawley and Rabastan Lestrange arguing with each other and Lilith Always has some snarky comments to say, he will fight her again later the year has just begun.

"That easy ?" Barty asked surprised and Rabastan shot him a glare.

The whole feast he stared at her in confusion she never stays silent, she always has something to say to annoy the shit out of him. He always hated to see her happy but her looking like this makes him feel weird like something is wrong.

"Rab, maybe she's still mad about you burning her dress?" Regulus asked while drinking juice and winking at Nyx Yaxley who chuckled at him,The Black heir was definitely in love with the disowned Yaxley girl but her being disgraced from her family is definitely going to cause problems.

"That was last year,she won't stay mad that long and she already had her revenge." Evan said smirking remembering how horrified Rabastan was when he woke up with his hair bright fiery red.

"Rabastan is not even here." Barty laughed looking at the boy who was lost in his thoughts.

"Fuck no, I'm not listening to dumbles make a speech!" Regulus said rolling his eyes and then stood making his way out of the great hall as Slughorn called for him.


"YES?"Sirius Black shouted back from the Gryffindor table already knowing that he wasn't the one being called.

Poison|Rabastan Lestrange Where stories live. Discover now