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'Used to make invisible ink become visible.'

"Come to my dorm." Lilith said to Nyx and Emmaline who nodded and went with her crashing into other students as everyone was hurrying out of the great hall.

"Somehow I already forgot the password!" Lilith exclaimed. "Lucy! What's the password?"

"Basilisk." Lucy Zabini told her with a smile.

"I like her." Emmaline mumbled.

"Who doesn't?" Nyx said. "I can't believe the Slytherin dorms are nicer than ours!"

"Umm no, Ravenclaw dorms are the best Nyx!" Emmaline exclaimed.

"Your darling Evan would beg to differ." Nyx sniggered and Emmaline rolled her eyes fondly.

"I still can't believe you and Rosier are together." Lilith muttered with a small chuckle.

Evan and Emmaline have been together since year four in secret till they were caught by Nyx and then Emmaline confessed to both of them last year.

"Keep your voice down, if someone heard they'd owl his mother to get him in trouble and I'd literally get killed the next day." Emmaline laughed and they stared at her knowing she's true.

People are nosy and they would owl other pureblood parents to get their heirs in trouble to show the family they are being disgraced and losing their power and if it got known that the Rosier heir is dating a known blood traitor hell would rise.

Nyx hummed remembering the time when she got sorted in Ravenclaw and how everyone went to owl her father to cause her trouble.

"No these filth are not coming in here!" Dolores Umbridge unfortunately one of Lilith's roommates exclaimed.

"The only filth here is you." Lilith stated with a glare and umbridge left angrily.

"No doubt she'll go complain to fudge." Emmaline laughed.

"They suit each other." Nyx chuckled at how Dolores is always running after him.

"How is it with Regulus ?" Lilith asked Nyx curiously as they sat next to each other and Emmaline went to get chocolate.

"Everything is great honestly but sometimes we get worried about what his parents would think." Nyx muttered.

"Where did you get it from?" Lilith asked Emmaline confused knowing that she doesn't have any chocolates.

"Nicked it from Evan's dorm." Emmaline chuckled knowing how angry Evan is going to get when he doesn't find his chocolate.

"Last time you did that he thought Barty stole them and he hexed him." Nyx told her with a raised brow and Emmaline shrugged.

"How did things go at home?" Emmaline asked both of them and the atmosphere turned somber.

"I rented somewhere in the muggle world you know I'm not welcome at home." Nyx muttered.

"You're not 17 yet." Emmaline asked confused.

"Weirdly enough Corban helped." Nyx said surprise still can be seen in her eyes at the thought of the brother who hates her helping.

"That apartment might be cursed." Lilith frowned.

"That's what Regulus said." Nyx laughed. "He said he'll lend me a black family house in Germany with a portkey for this break."

"Perks of having a rich boyfriend I suppose." Lilith laughed, her and Nyx are cut off money from their family for being a 'disgrace.'

Corban sometimes gives Nyx some and Lilith's aunt Euphemia Potter helps her with money whenever she needs but they do sometimes work when they could as they haven't turned seventeen yet.

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