Chapter 2: Remingtons' POV

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[At the same time]

"Ugh my head, I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night" I thought as I sat up to the beep, beep, beep of my alarm clock. Reaching, I put my left hand on my temple and shut off my alarm with my right just as a knock sounded on my door. Knock, knock, knock

"Enter" I called loud enough to be heard on the other side of the door.

"Good morning brother. Did you stay up late again?" my little sister, Serenity, asked as she came to stand by my bed.

"Yeah, I had a lot of homework to do last night" I answered moving to sit on the edge of the bed. Moving to stand in front of me, she pulled me into a hug. After a minute had passed, she said "come on, we've got to get ready for school. Oh, and don't forget we've got that party to attend tonight at the Crescent Moon pack house. What do they call it? The Moons Ceremony? Isn't it basically just a birthday party where those who were born that day can possibly find their mates?"

"Yes we do, yes I remember, and yes to the rest of your questions" I said laughing "now out so I can get ready."

"Okay, I'll see you downstairs. Do you want a blood pack or real food for breakfast?" she asked stepping back and moving towards the door.

"I'll just take a breakfast sandwich and coffee. Thanks sweetie" I said standing to head into the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll get it ready for you" she said before leaving my room closing the door behind her.

Heading to the bathroom, I completed my morning routine and then went back into my room and into my closet. Searching, I eventually came out wearing a band t-shirt, black cargo jeans, and my black leather biker boots. Walking towards the mirror that rests above my dresser, I brush my long hair into a half ponytail so you could see the color split of black on top and white on the bottom. I then grabbed my sun pendent which masked my vampire traits and draped it around my neck then put on my leather jacket and grabbed my book bag before leaving my room.

Heading to the kitchen, I saw Serenity putting a plate on the bar next to a coffee mug whose contents were still steaming before she looked at me with her beautiful pink eyes. As she moved, her pale purple bob that framed her face bounced causing the bow she wore to wiggle a little. Smiling, I moved to sit where she had placed the food before saying "thanks sweetie. Did you eat already?"

"Yes brother. I'm gonna go get my stuff, which vehicle should we take today?" she asked as she headed out of the kitchen.

"Lets take my truck today" I said as I moved to take a sip of my coffee. As vampires we have the ability to teleport but since there are humans amongst the students of the schools we attend my family decided it would be safer not to. So, we drive to school every morning like normal students. After a few minutes, Serenity came back and said "okay, I'm ready when you are."

"Did you remember your pendent, Seri?" I asked moving to put my dishes in the sink.

"Oh shoot, let me go grab it" she said before she ran off. I smiled because I figured she'd do that. After a few seconds, I heard a pop before she re-materialized in front of me.

"Ready now?" I asked before grabbing the keys off the hook and heading towards the front door.

"Yeap! By the way mom and dad said to tell you good luck tonight before they left for work this morning. They said they won't be back until late" Seri said following me out to my lifted red pick-up.

"Pff yeah right" I said as I unlocked it and opened the passenger door before helping her up into it.

"What do you mean?" she asked as I closed the door. Walking around the truck, I thought about how best to answer her. As I opened the driver side door and climbed in, I said "Well, it's a very slim chance that one of those wolves will be my mate. Since as you know, vampire mates share a mark, mine being the geometric symbol on my chest just under my collar bone. Unlike us, wolf mates are determined by their wolf souls, the two halves create a whole when they're bonded. Now that's not saying it's impossible, Its just very unlikely." As I started my truck and began to drive, silence descended on the cab.

After a while, Seri spoke again saying "I really hope that whomever your mate is, no matter their genders or species, that they will love you unconditionally because you deserve to be happy after everything you've been through."

"Thank you Seri. I truly hope you're right and I hope that one day, when you find your mate, that they will love you unconditionally as Yeah," I said as I pulled into the middle school parking lot. Stopping in front of the building, Seri unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door before turning back to say "I love you big brother" and then hoped down out of the truck.

"I love you too kiddo, now get going or we'll both be late" I said with a smile before she closed the door and turned to walk inside. As she went through the door, I pulled away from the curb and headed to school thinking about what she said.

"Do I deserve to be happy?" I thought as I pulled into the parking lot ten minutes later. Parking my truck at the end of the lot, I got out and locked it before heading into the building. As I walked I could see all the unmated and human girls watching me as they giggled and whispered amongst themselves. Ignoring them, I headed to my locker and then to class. As I approached the entrance to my first period class, I locked eyes and nodded to the next Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack whose party I'd be attending later. He returned my nod as I went through the door and to my seat in the back corner of the room by the window.

For some unknown reason, my attention kept getting diverted from the lesson to the black and blue haired wolf boy a few seats in front of me. He must've felt my attention on him since he looked back a few times but said nothing. The rest of the school day passed without any major problems. 

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