Chapter 5: Kingstons' POV

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As I watched the yard fill with people from every race, I saw that vampire guy from this morning enter with a group. After a few minutes, he went off by himself and stood leaning on a tree away from everyone. Before uncle and Aaron approached him and began a conversation. At one point, it looked like he had noticed me watching before getting distracted by the conversation and then suddenly looking uncomfortable. Before long, uncle and Aaron excused themselves and headed towards the stage. I kept watching the vampire and saw him pull out his phone and text someone quickly before returning to his relaxed pose against the tree as he tried to mask his worried expression. As I watched him, I had to admit to myself that he was indeed a very attractive man. It made me wonder if someone like that could love someone like me despite him being a vampire and me being a werewolf.

After a few minutes of thinking about that, my bedroom door opened and I saw Noah standing there.

"Come on buddy, time to face the music" he said with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah, yeah" I said with one last look at the lone vampire hottie then headed towards the door. I scolded myself for thinking he was hot as we walked. After a few minute, I noticed that Noah kept glancing at me.

"What?" I asked after a few minutes of him staring.

"Nothing. It's just I've never seen you display your birth mark like this before" he said rubbing the back of his head.

"Auntie told me to wear my shirt like this. I wondered if she had a reason for it but did as instructed" I shrugged as we reached the bottom of the stairs where the rest of the group was waiting for us.

"Okay you four, line up. I want Kingston in front, Taya, then Marty, and the Samuel" auntie said moving us into position.

"Good luck man. See you out there" Noah said before heading back outside and into the crowd. Auntie approached me after a few seconds and said "deep breaths and try to relax. I know you hate these things but it's tradition."

"I know auntie and I'm trying" I said to her before she turned to leave and head to the stage. After I was sure she was gone I opened my link to Lucifer and said "I really don't wanna go through this. I don't wanna know who our mate is and be rejected."

"I know King, but I have the feeling this will be good for us in the end. Just remember to have them meet us somewhere that isn't in the middle of everyone just in case we lose control" Luci said in a calming voice.

"I remember. I just hope they're willing to go through with that" I said just before I heard uncle say "lets welcome our celebrants. Everyone give them a round of applause" as the doors opened and we stepped out onto the stone path that led to the stage. As we walked, I couldn't help but feel someone watching me closely. Looking up, I noticed Aaron's eyes were locked on me but that wasn't the presence I was feeling. After a minute, I realized it must be the vampire I had been watching before. Once I was on stage, I casually looked around even though I knew where he was to confirm my suspicions. As my eyes passed him, I realized I was right. His eyes were locked on me. I was snapped back to paying attention when uncle began speaking again. After what felt like an hour he finally finished his speech saying "alright everyone, let's enjoy the party and hope these four young wolves find their mates tonight" gesturing to us causing everyone to clap then continued "we'll bring them back up just before midnight and hopefully they'll find them then." Then we were dismissed to go eat and mingle. I didn't much feel like eating or talking so I went into the garden to just breath knowing that before long I would be alone again.

As an hour passed, I could sense that someone was looking for me and a few minutes later I knew who as Aaron rounded the hedge I was standing beside.

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