Chapter 14: Remington's POV

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"Good morning boys" mom said smiling as she flipped pancakes in the skillet.

"Morning. Why is everyone still here?" I asked completely confused since I had expected everyone to have left already.

"We're all staying home today. We wanna get to know your mate and welcome him into the family" dad said grinning from ear to ear. As I looked around the room, I noticed they were all smiling like they were up to something.

"Okay, what's with all the odd looks?" I asked as I watched them. As we stood there waiting for an answer, King opened our link and said "I get the feeling they know we've marked each other but I'm not sure what else is going on."

"Yeah, I figured that but it's the unknown thing that's bugging me" I said as dad cleared his throat.

"Okay, you're right. There is a little more going on than just that. Though it would depend on how much your mate knows and how much you want said about a sensitive topic" dad said hesitantly. To King and Lucifer, I said "oh no this can't be good" as I tightened my grip on King hand. As King squeezed my hand back, I looked over and he nodded before pulling me to sit at the bar next to dad. Glancing over at Seri then back to dad I asked "how bad is it."

"Not too bad. Someone may have started asking questions which got the councils interest" he said. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I asked "how specific and how far back did the questions go?"

"As far back as your nightmares" dad said prompting Seri to say "wait what? I'm totally lost."

I stiffened at the idea of anyone other than King, Lucifer, and my adoptive parents knowing about me. They must've sensed my discomfort because King said "it's okay baby. No one here will judge you for anything" then through our link he added "Seri loves you. There is no way she will get mad or hate you when she knows the truth. Trust your family." Turning to look at King, I saw his eyes had changed to the violet I knew belonged to Lucifer. Nodding, I turned back and said "alright, let's just lay it all out on the table so to speak but first before this goes any farther. Serenity, sweetie, I'm sorry for everything your about to find out about me. Please just don't hate me for it. Now dad, uncle, what's going on?" Taking a deep breath and gripping Kings' hand as he sent calming feelings of love and acceptance to me through our bond, we waited for dad to speak as Ali looked confused. After a minute where my parents stared at each other, dad turned to Seri and said "firstly, you should know that your brother isn't actually your brother. We adopted him when his parents were killed when you were four. His real parents were King Andre and Queen Marie who sent him to live with us just days before the coup de ta in which his biological uncle took the throne. He's been living here with us in hiding since he was eight." Then turning back to look at me, he continued "someone figured out you are part of the royal family and started asking around about the heir. Since no one outside this room is aware of your lineage, it makes me wonder how they figured out that you are the crown prince." Before I could say anything, Seri said "wait, so you're telling me my brother isn't actually my brother but the crown prince of our race?"

"Yes, that's exactly what we're saying" dad said then mom gently added "do you remember when you saw him crying almost every day until he couldn't anymore and then he wouldn't speak for two years? He was grieving the loss of his parents and it hit him really hard." Squeezing my hand again, Kingston let go and walked over to Seri. Wrapping his arms around her as tears began to fall down her cheeks, he softly said "I know this is a lot to take in but trust me when I tell you that no matter who he may be on a genetic level, he's still the crazy goofball you grew up with and he still loves you more than you know. Trust that they didn't tell you this for your safety as much as his." Turning into him, she hugged him as she cried. While King was taking care of Seri, mom said "we should tell them about what happened at Kings' birthday party." I felt his shock for a few seconds before he relaxed and nodded. Chuckling, I said "babe, we weren't talking about what happened to you. They kind of already know about all that. We were talking about what happened before that. See, after Seri and I got to the party she ran off to talk to her friend Genie. Since I don't like crowds much and didn't know anyone, I went to a semi-secluded spot by a tree to observe the festivities. As I was relaxing and observing, Alpha Carter and Aaron came to talk to me. During the conversation, the Alpha somehow figured out that I am an Elite Alpha which is incredibly rare. So rare in fact that it only runs in one blood line in our entire race, the Harlow family line. I'm pretty sure you were watching me when he mentioned it since I saw you shift in the window just before he said it. I also know you saw me send a text just before you disappeared." With a small chuckle, he said "you're right. I saw them approach you. I also saw how uncomfortable the topic of conversation made you. I wasn't sure what it was but I know you got nervous. Whatever it was, you still looked nervous sending that text before they came to get us for the line up. I also know you were watching me intently as we walked out to the stage but you looked relaxed again when I scanned the crowd."

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