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Kenya Capri

It had been two days since our little discussion about children. Sam was still giving me side-eyes and Bucky had started looking at cribs and stuff.

I assumed they were gonna start trying with Wanda, which was cool.

A little earlier than what I wanted but I'm confident that I'll be able to be a good parent when the baby gets here.

All of us will be the best parents.

"We're gonna wait" Wanda whispered to me. I jumped and turned around- seeing her leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Im ready if you are, babe. I just don't wanna get pregnant right now."

"I know. And I think I wanna wait a little while too. We just got back from the honeymoon and we have to get back to saving the world and stuff. Children can wait a little while longer. Let's just enjoy our marriage together for a little bit"

I grabbed Wanda and pulled her in for a kiss. She was so understanding, and I loved that about her.

Kids were always something we all wanted- but like she said, it can wait.

"You're not just saying this because I wanna wait- are you? Because of you wanna start trying to get pregnant-" I began before she shushed me

"No. This is a decision I made on my own. I talked to Nat too. After that, I talked to the guys. We're all on the same page"

I scoffed, "Are we? Because Sam's been mugging the fuck outta me and Bucky has been looking at baby stuff"

Bucky looking at baby things is okay, I think. I sometimes do the same. But Sam and this side-eye shit ain't working for me.

"Sam is so damn petty and I don't have time for his bullshit. We just got back from our honeymoon and we're already in conflict" I stressed

"Don't stress. You want me to talk to him?"

"No. I will." She nodded and as if in cue, Sam walked in.

He saw us together and tried hiding a smile but it was to no avail. However- he did roll his eyes when we made eye-contact.

"Okay I'm done" I said, letting go of Wanda. I walked over to Sam and grabbed his ear- walking us to one of the guest bedrooms.

He winced once I let him go and slammed the door

"What was that for?" He groaned

"Stop acting like a fucking child. I don't know why you're mad at me- but you side eying me and shit is not gonna work. You have a problem, we talk about it. That simple"

He huffed and sat down on the bed, "I'm sorry"

I walked over and sat down next to him. We both sat quietly for a few minutes to ensure we were cooled off. Then I spoke, "I'm your wife, Sam. We've been together for three years- we all have. It takes nothing to talk to me if you have a problem."

"Baby I'm sorry." He apologized again, "I just felt some type of way when you were talking about the baby as if it wasn't gonna be yours."

"If it sounded like that, I didn't mean it that way" I truthfully said, "You knew what I meant"

"I did. Look, I was just being petty"

Yes, yes he was.

"Forgive me?" He asked with a fake pout. I giggled and got up to sit on his lap

"Yes, I forgive you"

I leaned in and kissed his lips repeatedly. He then laid up back on the bed and started to rub his hands up and down my sides.

Before anything could go further- the door opened and we both jumped up- seeing Thor standing there.

Damn, why we jump up like we were caught doing illegal shit?

"Scared the hell outta me" I mumbled

"I take it everything is well between you two?" He smirked

"It is. And it was going to be even better if you hadn't bursted in the room" Sam complained

"My apologies. I just wanted to locate my husband and wife"

"Well you've locate us. Now leave" Sam said bluntly. I hit his arm and walked over to Thor.

He picked me up and kissed my lips before setting my back down.

"Dinner's ready" he informed us. I nodded and grabbed his hand while looking back to motion for Sam to follow us out.

He groaned loudly but obliged


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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