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Kenya Capri

I was jealous.

Wanda hit her 14th week while I was at 12.

She was enjoying her pregnancy.

The babies were treating her good. She was glowing, hair was growing, and was never in a bad mood.

Me on the other hand, I was fucking miserable.

I woke up with morning sickness and only got moodier as the days went on.

I needed to pee 24/7 and I was always tired.

My breast had started to hurt, and I cried a lot..

But my partners never left my side. Each of them rotated between me and Wanda.

I started sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms some nights (because I hated having to climb over people when I needed to run to the bathroom) and my husbands and wives went so far as to sleep on the floor to make sure I was okay. Usually two would stay with me, one in the bed and one on the floor.

I would usually feel bad and have them both sleep with me though.

Sam started making his blueberry pancakes for me everyday since that was really the only thing I could stomach. Natasha would make me smoothies and Steve held me whenever I needed to cry.

Tony (since he knows the ins and outs of my business) had taken over everything concerning my work for me- just until I'm ready to go back.

Thor brought some nurses to assist Wanda and I-making sure we're both fine. In addition to that, he's gotten into the habit of recording Wanda and I everyday. He say's he's "documenting this joyous time"

"Get that thing of my face Thor" I groan as I slightly pushed the camera.

Wanda walked into the room and smiled brightly as Thor pointed the camera at her.

"Good morning baby" she greeted with a kiss to his lips and a kiss to my cheek

"Good morning darling" I yawned. I laid back on the couch and rubbed my head.

"Sick again? You want me to call the doctors?" Wanda asked as I shook my head. She's further long than me but still takes the time to check up on me.

"No baby. You're pregnant too, take a seat" I laughed. She sat next to me on the couch and made faces at the camera Thor now had pointed at the both of us.

"Enough with the camera, baby." I whined. He rolled his eyes playfully and set the camera down.

"I'll go get you two some food" he said before vanishing to the kitchen.

Wanda and I sat in a comfortable silence before she suddenly grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight.

"How are you?" She asked with genuine concern. I shook my head and gave her a fake smile, "I'm okay darling"

"Don't lie to me Kenn. Talk to me, besides-
we're in this together"

"You don't need to worry about me Wanda. You need to worry about you and our twins"

"I'm completely fine. I feel great" She shrugged, "But you aren't. You're still my wife, Kenn. I vowed to be there for you through everything and that's what I'm gonna do."

She looked into my eyes and I gave her a once over. We were dressed similarly- both with oversized sweats on (that belonged to one of our husbands), her long red hair was tied into a messy bun while my long braids were tied into a neat bun.

We each sported fluffy socks-though hers were pink and mine were blue.

"I'm not doing well Wanda" I whispered once I took my attention away from her clothes, "This pregnancy is already kicking my ass. I still have several months to go! I don't know if I can make it"

"You can" she said quickly, "And you will. We're gonna be there for you every step of the way"

"I don't wanna be a burden" I sighed

"Kenya, hush" I heard Sam say as he entered the room with juice for Wanda and I, "You are not a burden, and you will never be a burden. You're our wife. It's our job to be there for you"

"And to be honest, we love our job" Wanda said as I chuckled.

Sam gave us our drinks and sat down on the other side of me.

"We're gonna be there every step of the way, Kenn. Just know it's okay to not be okay" Sam said with a kiss to my forehead.


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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