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I just wanna thank everyone for reading this book! It's gotten so much good feedback and I appreciate it so much.

—AND please make sure to read the author's note at the end of the chapter ❤️

Kenya Capri

"Only 10 more minutes to go" I excitedly said while pulling some wine out the fridge.

It was New Years Eve.

The babies were sleeping and my spouses and I were tiredly waiting on midnight to hit.

"As soon as the clock hits 12:00, I'm going right to bed" Sam yawned

"No baby, we gotta kiss first" I said while taking a seat next to him. He laid his head on my shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Wake up Sam" Tony threw a pillow at him, making him open his eyes.

"I'm so tired. Those kids had me running after them all day. Do y'all know those gremlins got into the cookie jar?" Sam yawned again, but kept him eyes open so he wouldn't fall asleep.

"How? It's up on the counter" Wanda made a confused face (as if she don't know our kids are bad as hell).

"Ezra be climbing up there some how. I blame Thor"

"Why blame me?" Thor asked

"Because it was your Godly sperm." Sam said with a chuckle to himself

"And he jumps off stuff" Steve mumbled

"Our kids are just bad as hell" I laugh

"They aren't bad. They're just energetic" Nat said with a grin

"Piper literally chased Ria around the house with one of your daggers" I reminded her

"The dagger still had the cover on it" she mumbled

"Ever since they've started walking, it's been hell"

"I thought babies couldn't walk until 1 years old" Bucky said, "They're only 11 and 10 months"

"All babies are different. I had a feeling they were gonna start walking before they turned one"

"I knew Ezra was" Tony admitted, "He started crawling early"

"It's all that godliness Thor gave him" Sam joked

"Does that mean he's gonna live for a long time?" I asked, "Like, reach over 1,000 years old?"

"Most likely" Thor shrugs

"That's scary" I sigh, "Him outliving all of us? How will he deal?"

"Don't worry about that honey, at least not now. Asgard has potions that grants longevity- and it also has potions that gives a god the normal life expectancy of a mortal"

"He'll make that choice when he gets older- and that's a long while away" Steve said, giving me a comforting look. I nodded and pushed the anxious feeling away.

"4 more minutes guys" Nat said.

"Should I dye my hair for the new year? Like, do it tomorrow?" I asked the group

"You always dye your hair baby." Bucky pointed out

"Yeah, but maybe a new color. How about blue? Or pink?"

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