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Kenya Capri

"Leave me alone Nat" I spat as I walked away from her. She rolled her eyes and followed me, grabbing my arm and making me look at her.

"Stop being a fucking brat" She whispered so our other partners couldn't hear.

They decided to plan a trip to Asgard- without my knowledge. That part is fine, it's no problem.

The problem is this aunt Loki and Thor have. She was the sister to their mother, and she HATES ME.

She loves everyone else though. She always makes small talk with Sam, giggles with Wanda, just fucking loves Nat...

But hates me.

After our last visit, I swore I was never gonna go back. She called me a fame-seeking slut and said I didn't deserve Thor.

We left and they promised I wouldn't have to go back to see that bitch.

Now, I have to go back.

"Y'all can go. I'm not going" I shrug

"Yes you are. We're not leaving you by yourself- you're pregnant."

"I can stay with Stephen" I suggest

"The hell you are" Tony said, seemingly appearing out of thin air, "We aren't about to go on a family trip and leave you here"

"It's just a couple of days" Said Nat. I shook my head and waved them off

"No. That lady fucking hates me and y'all know it."

"She's changed" Tony smiled unconvincingly and wrapped me in a hug. I tried moving away but he held me tightly

"Thor said she really wants to see you. Maybe she's ready to apologize"

Or maybe she wants to torment me again.

"I don't wanna go. I'll stay here"

"That's not an option" Nat laughed

"Well then I'll stay with someone- or stay at a hotel- because I'm not about to go on this trip"

"Too bad" I heard Sam say as he entered the room with my suitcases, "I packed your stuff. Now we're all ready to go"

"I don't trust you to pack my bags" I say

"But you trusted me when we went on our honeymoon? Don't be that way"

"Oh I'm sorry- am I supposed to be happy about a trip y'all purposely kept from me- KNOWING I WOULDN'T WANNA GO"

"Stop stressing, you're pregnant" Tony says while still having me engulfed in the hug. I pushed him off of me and snatched my suitcases from Sam

"Fuck y'all" I stated while walking away. I found Thor in the living room, looking through his suitcase. He saw me and immediately told me to put the bags down. I did as told and sluggishly walked over to him.

"Fuck you too" I whispered while looking up at him. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, "You're gonna have a great time"

"You said that last time. Remember? When she called me a slut"

"She will apologize"

"How can you be so sure?"

Our other spouses joined us in the living room and Thor made a quick call to Loki- telling him to open a portal. I rolled my eyes, giving in and texting my assistant so she knows she'll have to hold down my business.

She texts back with a thumbs up just as the portal opens.

"I'm not happy about this" I mutter as I looked back to see Sam picking up my luggage.

They all began to walk in the portal as I stayed completely still. Sam walked up next to me and planted a kiss on my lips

"Whenever you feel like it, we can leave. Thor just really wants you and Wanda to be more aquatinted with his friends- and the asgardians. He wants the babies to visit there often"

"Of course they'll visit there. They'll see where we all grew up."

"Yes but he wants you to be more comfortable, baby. You used to love visiting Asgard"

"That was until Thor introduced me to the devil herself"

Bucky peeked his head out the portal and warned it was gonna close soon. Sam and I shared a look before walking in.

I was already not ready when we stepped onto the green grass. It was a bit chilly, and I had on a thin, long-sleeved black shirt and joggers.

My hair sat in a neat puff and I styled my edges earlier.

"Here's a jacket, my love" Steve said as he handed me a jacket. I took it with a "thank you" and quickly put it on.

We were immediately ushered to the castle. Thor had it built. It resembled the old Asgardian castle, he told me.

I sighed in satisfaction when we entered the warm building. Everyone bowed as we walked towards Loki, who sat high upon a dark green throne.

"If it isn't my brother and my in-laws" He smiled devilishly. I've known Loki for years, and I know when he's about to play a silly prank.

I looked to the floor and seen small snakes behind to slither over to us. They were silent, so my spouses didn't even notice them.

It wasn't until they started crawling up Tony's leg that all hell broke loose.

Wanda and I watched as our partners screamed and ran around with snakes all over them.

He avoided Wanda and I, obviously because we're pregnant.

"So mature" I said sarcastically. I walked passed my freaked out spouses and marched up to my brother in law.

"Hello sister" he smiled, "enjoying the show?"

"That's enough Loki. Cut it out"

He rolled his eyes but obliged, making the snakes disappear.

"Why have they gone?" We heard an upset Thor say. He loves snakes, so he was most likely enjoying it.

"Your wife here said to make them disappear"

"GOOD" Bucky yelled, "Why would you do that?"

"James, you've known me for how many years?"

Some butlers came to take away our bags, putting them in the room Loki designated for us.

"Okay, now that you all have arrived, let the celebration begin"


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

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