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Kenya Capri

"Bruce wants you at the compound?" Loki asked as he drove down the street. I nodded with a shrug.

"He has a surprise, apparently"

"What do you think it is?"

"Gifts for the kids" I say as we turned the corner and began driving towards the compound. Loki is a really good driver- funny considering they ride horses in Asgard.

"How have you all been?" He asked. I knew what he was referring to. Loki purposely didn't ask me about my marriage while we ate breakfast. I'm glad he didn't.

But I knew he wanted to know something.

"I spoke to them today. Never stopped talking to Wanda though"

"That's good" He mumbled, "It's only been two days"

"I guess I couldn't go that long without speaking to them."

"You went at your own pace- and that's good. I bet those fools feel terrible"

"I hope they do"

We pulled up to the compound and I gave him a quick hug before fishing my key card out my purse and rushing in.

Bruce was in the living room with a bunch of gifts piled around him.

He saw me and smiled, "There's she is"

I walked- or waddled over to him and gave him a side hug.

"You're big for 14 weeks" He says, "Side effects of being pregnant with a God?"

"Yeah" I say, "But the doctor says I should be fine. The baby just may be a little big"

"Well that's good to hear."

He helped me sit down and took a seat next to me, "I got gifts for the kids"

"I see" I giggled and pointed to a small box wrapped in baby blue wrapping paper. He gave it to me and I opened it

Inside the box was a little onesie that read "My uncle's the hulk" on it.

"Awwww" I cooed, "This is so cute!"

"I'm glad you like it. I didn't know whether or not to get one that said "the hulk" or "a scientist" on it"

"Either would have been perfect, Bruce."  I smiled

"The twins have matching onesies with little hulk faces on them."

"Are all your gifts hulk themed?" I teased

"May have been his idea" He answered sheepishly.

I opened a few more gifts for the babies and continued to thank him.

Everything was so nice- and I really loved how excited he was.

"You really made my day" I said with a lone tear leaving my eye

He looked at me for a while before rubbing my back in comfort, "You need to talk?"

I sniffed and nodded

Steve Rogers

We shouldn't be doing this" I brought up as Tony parked outside the compound.

"You can't back out now, Capsicle. We're just here to get answers"

"What answers?" I ask, "She's here to see Bruce. What else is there?"

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